In the movie The Truman Show, the character who was orchestrating Truman's synthetic life experience offered an insightful quote...
"We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented"...

...and with this quote in mind, I ask you, "What is the reality of the world with which you and I are presented?"
The reality we are shown is one of spiritual warfare between the forces of "light" and "dark." It is a world divided into two polarities which are set in conflict with each other, and we are assaulted with fear by both camps as they demand we choose a side. "Which master will you choose," they ask, "Christ or Anti-Christ? Who is your Lord, 'god' or the devil? Do you serve the light or the dark?" But I think a more accurate way of phrasing these questions would be...
..."Which hand do you choose, the right or the left?"...

...This photograph shows the Masonic art outside of the IRS headquarters building in New Carrollton, Maryland. As you can see, there is a hand on the left that sits upon a dark base, and it is pointing towards an open hand on the right that sits upon a white base. This symbolism reflects the Occulted Powers' method of using the Dark and the fear it generates (the Left Hand) to direct people into the open, receiving hand of the false-Light (the Right Hand).
The interesting thing about this symbolism is that a left hand and a right hand do not represent different entities; they are body parts connected to the same entity. To show you what I mean, here is a rendering of Baphomet, who is wielding both the Left Hand (which is pointing down towards the dark crescent)...

...and the Right Hand (which is pointing up towards the light crescent). On the forehead, you also see an upright pentagram, which represents him/her/it wearing the "god" mask. When this entity presents itself as god, it offers you the religious spirit of conditional love, self-righteousness, judgment and rigidity.
And in this rendering, we see an inverted pentagram...

...which represents him/her/it wearing the devil mask. When this entity presents itself as the devil, it offers you the evil spirit of hatred, degradation, destruction and chaos.
Pondering this, we see that both hands and both masks are aspects of the same entity, whom I call "the god of duality" or the DIC (Devil In Charge). Whether you are a Christian or a Jew or a Satanist (or are of any other mind-controlling religion), this is the entity you serve. And if you look upon the current world situation and perceive a conflict between "dark hats" and "white hats," you are merely observing the coordinated movements of the Left Hand and Right Hand as they build the New Order this entity seeks to create for us.
This being so, if you find yourself rooting for "the light" to win, you'd better be careful what you wish for. When you cheer for either side, you are cheering for the DIC, and...
The spiritual game here on Earth is rigged, just the same as the political game. Will it be light or dark? Republican or Democrat? I say that it's time to choose neither and side with a unified humanity instead.
Love always....
"We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented"...

...and with this quote in mind, I ask you, "What is the reality of the world with which you and I are presented?"
The reality we are shown is one of spiritual warfare between the forces of "light" and "dark." It is a world divided into two polarities which are set in conflict with each other, and we are assaulted with fear by both camps as they demand we choose a side. "Which master will you choose," they ask, "Christ or Anti-Christ? Who is your Lord, 'god' or the devil? Do you serve the light or the dark?" But I think a more accurate way of phrasing these questions would be...
..."Which hand do you choose, the right or the left?"...

...This photograph shows the Masonic art outside of the IRS headquarters building in New Carrollton, Maryland. As you can see, there is a hand on the left that sits upon a dark base, and it is pointing towards an open hand on the right that sits upon a white base. This symbolism reflects the Occulted Powers' method of using the Dark and the fear it generates (the Left Hand) to direct people into the open, receiving hand of the false-Light (the Right Hand).
The interesting thing about this symbolism is that a left hand and a right hand do not represent different entities; they are body parts connected to the same entity. To show you what I mean, here is a rendering of Baphomet, who is wielding both the Left Hand (which is pointing down towards the dark crescent)...

...and the Right Hand (which is pointing up towards the light crescent). On the forehead, you also see an upright pentagram, which represents him/her/it wearing the "god" mask. When this entity presents itself as god, it offers you the religious spirit of conditional love, self-righteousness, judgment and rigidity.
And in this rendering, we see an inverted pentagram...

...which represents him/her/it wearing the devil mask. When this entity presents itself as the devil, it offers you the evil spirit of hatred, degradation, destruction and chaos.
Pondering this, we see that both hands and both masks are aspects of the same entity, whom I call "the god of duality" or the DIC (Devil In Charge). Whether you are a Christian or a Jew or a Satanist (or are of any other mind-controlling religion), this is the entity you serve. And if you look upon the current world situation and perceive a conflict between "dark hats" and "white hats," you are merely observing the coordinated movements of the Left Hand and Right Hand as they build the New Order this entity seeks to create for us.
This being so, if you find yourself rooting for "the light" to win, you'd better be careful what you wish for. When you cheer for either side, you are cheering for the DIC, and...
The spiritual game here on Earth is rigged, just the same as the political game. Will it be light or dark? Republican or Democrat? I say that it's time to choose neither and side with a unified humanity instead.
Love always....
There is no neutrality. All choose, intelligently with their will, or, by default. That is a basic fact about the war on Earth between good and evil, Jesus Christ and Satan.
Satan plays the game of spiritual homogeneity, applied to all humanity. This "unity" is then led by himself, in warfare which pretends to be 'peace', and, 'freedom'.
It is exactly what he did in Heaven with the angels. The tactic will succeed again, on earth. Whether it succeeds with you and I will depend on our individual choices.
"I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death...therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live. That thou mayest love the Lord thy God, and that thou mayest obey His voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto Him: for He is thy life..." -Deuteronomy 30:19,20
Truth can be painful and daunting. Nonetheless, truth is positive, no matter what spin others may put on it. There are those who mislead others with the mistaken doctrines that all is love, all is one, everything is beautiful, there is no evil, the harmonic convergence will make everything wonderful, and one can create one's own reality. Often they insist that only positive things should be discussed. These people are in serious denial of what is happening in the world.
Wow, no neutrality? So, we cant just live and let live? I see. Its not enough that your sick religion has thousands of years of persecution, slaughter, brutality, criminality, and generations of mental illness that stems from the lies you call doctrine(as in indoctrination). You defend something that has caused untold and countless horrors, and its all made up to boot. You can choose to ignore this, and pretend your self-rightousness is how its supposed to be, but you cant see past what you've been programmed. Its sad really. You cant just want to live in peace, you cant just want to throw both sides away because they are all the same. They all seek control of everything, people, resources, they want to have the seat of power. There is no seat of power, dont you get it? There is no good or evil, only mental illness to such extreme levels its not even funny. But, you are still in denial. Wanna know how? If your so unwilling to analyze your beliefs, your thoughts about things, and if your willing to harm others because they wont see things the way you see them, thats exactly what Im talking about right there. These false ideals of light and dark, left and right, and all those made up creatures like demons and devils, you still cant move past the idea that primitive people with no concept of advanced technology, sentient non-human races that have come and gone from this planet. They are all just living beings, just like us. They just know more, its as simple as that. I can accept that, and even consider that there are much more than that out there, can you? I doubt it. You want to stick with your ancient myths and folklore that you are so sure is real, but what proof do you have? And please dont involve your bible in this, its not proof of anything. Its just like the Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien, its a work of fiction made up by people who are long since dead. If you arent able to understand that, well I really feel sorry for you for your narrowmindedness is part and parcel to all the fundamental lies and mind games that are out there, all over the world filling peoples heads with nonsense that is just word of mouth, nothing that has ever happened in any chapter of the bible can be proven with evidence that is around even today. So go ahead, hang onto your false ideals that do more harm than good. Prove to me in writing that any of the religions have made the world safer, peaceful, and a place I would even want to remain on. I dont think you can.
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