Tuesday, July 23, 2013



     PROVERBS 19:2:  "Also, that the soul be without knowledge, it is not good;..."

     I was writing comments back to those posting comments after release of my report "THE END OF THE HUMAN RACE ON EARTH" FROM ERASMUS OF AMERICA - JULY 21, 2013 and noticed my second comment expanded into a report, so here it is below.
     First Christianity commented two ways to get yourself damned as a prior Christian. One was To worship idols instead of God. Two was to introduce heresies into Christianity in order to try and corrupt and undermine Christianity on earth. Both ways would bring the Judgment and Wrath of God upon you. Both were labelled as "contempts" towards God and God did not think this funny or should be tolerated.
     One of the comments trying to criticize my report is the old standard line of those quoting Mark 7:7 "teaching for commandments the commandments of men." They try to use this line to argue that the early Christian writers of official Christianity were in mass heresy and did not know what they were talking about. This quote shows a favorite tactic of heretics to try and twist the words of Jesus into something that Jesus never said. Now quoting out of context the words of Jesus Christ is only used by those scholars who lack integrity or else so poor of scholars that they don't know what serious, sound scholarship is. Now let's quote Jesus in context. Matthew 15:1-4: Then came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees, which were of Jerusalem, saying, "Why do the (your) disciples transgress the traditions of the elders? for they wash not their hands when they eat bread."  But He (Jesus) answered and said unto them, "Why do you also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition? For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother:..." Jesus was referring to man created traditions trying to cancel the Commandment of God to honor your father and your mother. In 2 Thessalonians it is a commandment of the Apostles of Jesus Christ to the Christians in 2:15: "Therefore, brethren stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle."  This is not the situation where corrupt man creates religious traditions and tries to get the religious to follow what the corruption of man has created. Instead, the Apostles of Jesus Christ left to the Christians and their first churches traditions by oral word or by epistle meaning a written letter such as the epistles written by the Apostle Paul in the New Testament. The Apostles acting by authority of Jesus Christ left oral explanations of teachings of Jesus not recorded in the Epistles of the New Testament. Also, explanations for teachings of Jesus Christ recorded in the New Testament, but need further explanation from Apostolic Traditions giving the correct explanation to verses hard to understand correctly otherwise. And the Apostles also left traditions in the form of epistles written and placed in the canon of the New Testament meaning The New Covenant of Jesus Christ to replace the Old Testament Covenant established by Moses for the Children of Israel.
     In military intelligence, you set up codes to decode hidden messages at times. One of these systems is to give the number or numbers showing what written passage in an understood book to look up and it will show you the hidden message of the hidden code. There is only one verse in the New Testament that is 666 and that is John 6:66. It identifies as 666 Christians those who deny the supernatural in Christianity. This is the same John who wrote the number 666 in Revelation to identify who the rebels against Christ are in the Last Days who follow the Antichrist whose number symbolizing what he stands for is 666. In the passage ending in John 6:66, some Christians were offended when Jesus said to eat His flesh and drink His blood and walked away from Him and followed Him no more after He said that. Early Christiantity as shown by their writings taught that the bread and wine in Holy Communion became the actual flesh and blood of Jesus after the invocation and this happened by the Latin word "transmutation" meaning changing one substance into another. Early Christianity wrote that Holy Communion helped strengthen Christians as Christians and also made them one blood and flesh with Jesus Christ so they would resurrect with a glorified body for eternity in the General Resurrection when it occurred.
     And it is a definite incorrect statement to say that the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great changed the main Christian worship service from Saturday to Sunday. He merely honored what the Christians were already committed to doing centuries before he came along to legalize Christianity in the Roman Empire and stop the three centuries of persecutions of the Christians under the Roman Empire. St. John Martyr was attacked by the Jewish scholar Typhro around 160 A.D. in a famous debate in the Roman Empire whether Christianity or else Judaism is the true religion of God on earth. The Jewish scholar charged that the Christians were "heretics" because their main worship day was Sunday which they called the Lord's Day and also the 8th Day because they said that Jesus resurrected from the dead on that day. St. John Martryr who was the most prominant Christian orator in the Roman Empire at that time replied that Jesus Christ had created a New Covenant to replace the Old Covenant of Moses and Christians now free of Jewish ordinances and laws now preferred Sunday as their main day of worship rather than Saturday in order to honor Jesus and the Resurrection by using that day for their main day of worship. The Christians also worshipped God other days of the week, but the heavyweight service with Holy Communion served was on Sunday's, the Lord's Day. Historical note. This policy was already the policy in practice while the Apostles of Jesus Christ were still alive. The Apostle Paul in the New Testament in an epistle of toleration in Christianity for non-essential, none binding religious beliefs says to allow those who feel eating meat sacrificed at temples wrong for Christians to eat could practice this belief and those who feel that God had given us meat to eat could eat meat without it being wrong. He also refers to those honoring holy days for worship to worhip then so their conscience is not offended and those who feel that they can worship God on other days of the week are free to do so.
     And I will say also having heavily studied the early Christian writings that while marriage should remain permanent when possible, when one partner to a marriage is a hardened drunkard or other thing making a peaceful marriage impossible for the innocent party, the innocent party could divorce without sin and if so wanted, so remarry later, but conditioned by "marrying only in the Lord." The Apostle Paul referred to this in the New Testament is why the Catholic scholars called this "the Pauline Privilege."
     Martin Luther had two points that were justified and one which was in religious error. He was correct to condemn the sale of indulgences as the doctrine was not invalid, but the sale of mercy of God instead of repentance of sins was contrary to Apostolic policy of first Christianity and had been done even when condemned by one or more Popes before the time of Martin Luther. And early Christianity had committees of copyists in their churches so the church members could read the New Testament and Old Testament even long before the invention of the printing press. Early Christianity strongly encouraged the reading of the Scriptures by all Christians. When the Catholic Church forbid for awhile ordinary Christians to read the Bible as they reasoned the people were not qualified to read the Scriptures, they violated the Apostolic policy to encourage all Christains to read the Bible and so justly got slapped down by Martin Luther on that issue as he revived the reading of the Bible for all Christians in Christianity. Martin Luther went too far on one key point. We are saved by Jesus and not by ourselves. Correct! However, as Jesus taught, we had to be born again in spirit to follow Him. This means if you are really saved, then you will out of your good heart do good for your fellow man on earth and with a loving heart make God the center of your life on earth. It was the mark of  good Christians is that they bore good fruit meaning good works in life. If they bore no good fruit as Christians, then they were likely not real Christians in heart. Martin Luther made Christianity a blank check where all you did was swear alliegiance to Jesus and then could ignore Jesus in your daily life for the rest of your life and think this made you a real Christian. Early Christianity did not think Christianity quite that easy. A talking Christian is a practicing Christian also as the tree is known by the fruit it bore. Martin Luther removed the obligation of Christians to lead a Christian life on earth and that turned salvation from Jesus from a gift from God into a license to live a life of sin without getting punished by God, etc. so long as you gave lip service but not your heart to Jesus.
      Sometimes all sides need a little scolding at least for when they slip and are not serving Jesus correctly.
      Until I publicized it from a mainline writing of Christianity 300 years after Christ, the Christian scholars themselves both Protestants and Catholics never noticed that Eusebius reported on the statue made of the likeness of Christ anyone could see in the Roman Empire then and made when Jesus was still alive or shortly afterwards. Also, paintings from the time of Jesus still existed 300 years later showing what Peter and Paul and of course Jesus looked like when alive. As the first Church of Christ on earth saw nothing wrong in having a statute of Jesus still around 300 years later and having paintings of Jesus still around 300 years afterwards, this was not contrary to the policy of Apostolic Christianity to have for Christians. Also, catacombs unde Rome were used for Christian worship services and some had religious paintings in them and carved out small statues in them of Christian figures and Peter and his successors in Rome saw nothing wrong in this. I don't think that Peter and his first succeessors were heretics as they were the standards of leadership raised up by Jesus to show Christians what true first Apostolic Christianity was. Also, Christians liked to make their churches look beautiful in the early days and many had flower arrangements in them among other things to make their place of worship cheerful for Christians to go to. Also, paintings could be there. Also, shortly after 200 A.D., the Christians in defiance of being outlawed in Rome built a beautiful large church in Rome and when the Roman Emperor tried to confiscate it to add to his palaces and government buildings, Roman military officers defiantly sat in the church and would not leave it when ordered to by Roman authorities. Finally the Roman Emperor lost his nerve and let the Christians keep the beautiful large church in Rome that the Christiana had built.
     The following below was what was going to be posted as comment to answer a person disagreeing with my positions on early Apostolic Christianity for my report on the end of the human race on earth and early Apostolic Christianity. I repeated a little material on the Sabbath question, but this question was settled in early Christianity and then reinvented from scratch many centuries later to try and divide Christianity with among other issues. In early Christianity, Sunday was the preferred day for the day of Holy Communion, but you could also have general worship services all 6 other days if you wanted to. And I noticed that the Catholic Church likes to also have Saturday worship services for those wanting it, so why does Christianity have to be so divided against itself and so many Christians hating other Christians? The Apostle Paul in the New Testament taught enough toleration for differences of religious opinions on non-fundamental subjects that under his policy, I could even see Seventh Day Adventists worshipping in the same church weekly as the Roman Catholics, Greek Orthodox Catholics, etc.    
Dear Anonymous 10:18 , The reason why I mentioned the statue of Jesus made while Jesus was still alive or shortly afterwards and one or more paintings made of Jesus and also the Apostles Peter and Paul while they were still alive or else shortly afterards means that first Christianity dominated in leadership by the living Apostles of Jesus Christ saw no violations of the commandments under the New Covenant established by Jesus Christ on earth by His death as they were not condemned by Christianity when made and had not been condemned for three hundred years after Christ and the Apostles. The theory of the instant collapse of Apostolic Christianity in authority and teaching the moment Jesus died is the theory of heretics, not those loyal to Christ and the first Apostolic Christianity taught in the Roman Empire. Also, too many statements are made without ever reading the pronouncements of the Apostles and their first successors they had appointed to succeed them. St. Ignatius of Antioch made a bishop by one of the Apostles of Jesus Christ mentions that the Christians now worship on the 8th day, the Lord's Day also called Sunday as the Christians are under a new covenant under Jesus Christ and no longer the Old Covenant. They also worshipped on other days as they liked to worship God as much as they could, but Sunday was the equivalent of the prior Sabbath of the Jews. Acts 15:5: Peter says that the Gentiles are no longer bound by the Law of Moses. That is the Bible, not outside reference friend.
     The arguments raised today to try and argue against the first teachings of historical Christianity today are the identical arguments raised in the 1st Century, 2nd Century, 3rd Century A.D., and orthodox, Apostolic Christianity from the start delivered consistent answers to these arguments of what they called heretics meaning those in religious error. I side with the first Apostolic Christian writers evaluating that they were not tricked out of what the Apostles of Jesus Christ had taught them. You side with those who from the start like wolves moving into the Christian circles tried to turn them away from the teachings left them by the successors to the Apostles. And Satan can sometimes mimic what looks like a Miracle of God, but when people like St. Padre Pio of San Foggia,Italy had constant Miracles of God with him with endless miraculous healings, etc. for 50 years without stop while bearing the wounds of Christ on his body for 50 years at the same time, I think this saint of the 20th Century was manifesting Miracles of God, not Miracles of Satan as you suggest. I don't think Satan backs the priest-monk St. Padre Pio who was teaching everyone to love and follow Jesus, not Satan, in their daily lives. He died in the late 20th Century - a modern saint of our times.
     Also, Eusebius writing in the era of the reign of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great wrote the famous book length history of Christianity from the time of Christ until Constantine and then the Nicene Council. Among other things he shows that Christianity practiced Sunday as their main day of worship from the first days on and Constantine the Great had nothing to do with this. He merely backed the practice the Christians already had and which a Greek Jewish scholar condemned as "heresy" in a debate with the great Christian scholar Justin Martyr around 160 A.D. He said that it was "heresy" to worship God on Sunday instead of Saturday and Justin Martyr replied in a lengthy rebuttal why the Christians since shortly after the beginning made Sunday their main day of worship instead of Saturday since the Christians were not living under the Old Covenant established by Moses but the New Covenant established by Jesus Christ since as stated by Peter in the New Testament the Gentiles could not bear the burden of all the ordinances, etc. of the Old Testament including circumcision for the Jews. The Gentiles were not to be treated as Jews in religious practices. Their burdens as Gentiles would be easier as the Jews could not live under the old standards without sinning before God nearly all the time making necessary the mission of Jesus as Savior of all mankind, not just the Jews. I read that in the New Testament.
      Paul wrote on this Sabbath subject in the New Testament in his preaching of allowing differences in Christianity such as overscious knowledge of anything once their bodies died and Jesus taught that they knew what happened to themselves after they were dead and before any Resurrection of mankind on earth. I trust the teachings of Jesus Christ far more than yours which indicate you think yourself a far greater religious authority than Jesus Christ in the New Testament.
    By the way, the most simple d thing you think wrong not to do. The Apostle Paul said to allow differences of religious stands in non-essential positions which do not threaten the priority teachings of Christianity under Jesus Christ. The two greatest sins separate from blasphemy early Christianity taught that could be done in Christianity were to create schism meaning division in Christianity and to introduce heresies which deny the basic teachings of Christianity as laid down by Christ and the Apostles. Both schism and heresy risk the salvation of your soul according to early Christian writings.By the way, blasphemy is calling the works of God including miracles "Works of the devil." 
     And you call Jesus liar when Jesus said in the New Testament that the poor man was delivered to Abraham's Bosom meaning Paradise and he could look over and see the rich man suffering in Hades and the rich man could see him in Abraham's Bosom. You say that those who have died in their bodies have no conscious knowledge of anything once their bodies died and Jesus taught that they knew what happened to themselves after they were dead and before any Resurrection of mankind on earth. I trust the teachings of Jesus Christ far more than yours which indicate you think yourself a far greater religious authority than Jesus Christ in the New Testament.
    By the way, the most simple definition of a church was given by Jesus Christ. Where two or three are gathered in His name and He is in the midst of them, that is a church in itself already. The New Testament mentions one church that was located in a private home and as churches got larger, we could have religious positions arising such as bishops to help keep Christianity united as it grew in size.
     My position is that I believe in the integrity and quality scholarship of first Christianity for three hundred years after Christ to maintain Apostolic Christianity in it as taught them by Christ and the Apostles. You do not believe in this position. My position has produced stunning Christian saints for nearly 2,000 years and with non-stop Miracles of God seen in this version of Christianity since started by Jesus Christ and the Apostles. Your version produces no saints, only those who hate their brethren in Christ and I see no Miracles of God in your version of Christianity.
     Jesus gave a parable about both wheat and tares would be in His Church until He returns. The tares would be thrown into the fire and the wheat would be gathered together as the Christians considered the loyal followers of Jesus Christ on earth.
     I quote the earliest Christian writings. That enrages you. As Bishop Irenaeus wrote around 180 A.D., all the debates of Christianity could be solved in later Christianity by referring to the first writings of the Christian Church Fathers right after Christ and the Apostles which faced these issues and ruled upon them in very learned, sound scholarship massively using the Bible by the way. The purpose of Apostolic Christianity was to teach us by scholarship of the best scholars arising under the leadership of first Christianity just what was real Christianity when founded by Jesus Christ and shows us the examples in teachings so we understand correctly what these Bible verses mean. We are not like heretics trying to explain away the teachings of the Bible meaning pride of man is more important than what the Apostles taught and was recorded explaining all the Christian teachings in the Bible for the Christians then and for future generations of Christians on earth. And I do not buy arguments that aliens or other maybe appearances of demons not identifying themselves are going to give mankind peace on earth rather than by the plan and covenant offered mankind by Jesus Christ. The Illuminati have indicated they think that they can talk to Lucifer and get instructions from Lucifer how to take over the world. Don't listen to Jesus Christ and I guess you end up with Wash., D.C. run by secret followers of Lucifer (Satan) who also help get into government their allies who will carry out their evil, corrupt plans, for them. I think the Christians are supposed to oppose evil, not surrender to evil in this world.
     Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America
     www.fastboomamericaneconomy.com      fastboomamericaneconomy.com@gmail.com  If orders are not placed through the website, feel free to use our mailing address of NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Of course send in any checks, etc. to NIFI and tell us what any payments are for.

     I liked Bishop Fulton J. Sheen very much as a Catholic scholar. I liked Grant Jeffrey very much as a Protestant scholar. When intelligent Christian scholars get together, we can frankly discuss the issues, examine the strong or weak points of any side, and with honest scholarship, we can iron out nonsense divisions of Christianity and get all sides firmly back on the track to Apostolic Christianity. But I am the fulfillment of Martin Luther's declared drive to restore Christianity back to first Apostolic Christianity and Catholic claims where they wanted to restore the spirit and teachings of first Apostolic Christianity to their churches today. Okay, then let's do it in the Name of Jesus Christ! And no excuses! Pass this report around and let's find out who the Christians are who are loyal to Apostolic Christianity founded by Jesus Christ and His Apostles.


Anonymous said...

We are told to LIVE BY EVERY WORD of God, not the word of the Apostolic fathers and to also keep His commandments. No where is man given the authorization to change anything for any reason!

One of the commandments clearly says to keep the SABBATH Day holy. We are cautioned and warned all throughout the Bible (both Old and New Testaments)to keep His Commandments, statutes and ordinances. The day of worship was changed from the Sabbath to the Sun's day by the Council of Nicea for reasons of tradition, habit and convenience for people who did not want to give up their pagan traditions and holy days. In Mark 7:7-9 it says:
" Howbeit in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups and many other such like things you do. And He said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God that ye may keep your own tradition."

He was not just referring to the washing of pots but ALL commandments as he even went on to give the example of honoring their father and mother (verses 10-13)that was "changed" because of their traditions and not by God.
The "law" was not nailed to the cross, only the sacrificial laws were no longer necessary.

The last few verses in Revelation even warn about what will happen if anything is "changed" in The Book.

Man has done to the Church what modern Americans have done to The Constitution...twisted and distorted the truth for their own purpose without authorization.

Anonymous said...

--" The Apostles..left oral explanations of teachings of Jesus not recorded in the..New Testament."--

"Explanations" are fine--until they contradict God' Word.

--"Early Christiantity..taught that the bread and wine in Holy Communion became the actual flesh and blood of Jesus..."--

A blasphemous concept that entered later, and had no part in Biblical Apostolic Christianity. New wine and bread were symbols only. The Bible is clear on the symbolism. Luke 22:19, 1 Corinthians 11:26

--"..it is..incorrect..to say that..Constantine the Great changed the main Christian worship service from Saturday to Sunday. He merely honored what the Christians were already committed to doing centuries before..."--

True. Apostasy in the Apostolic Christian church was established prior to Constantine. The church had forgotten.."If ye love me, keep my commandments." -John 14:15

--"..Christians also worshipped God other days of the week, but the heavyweight service..was on Sunday's..already the policy..while the Apostles of Jesus Christ were still alive."--

False. The Apostles knew no other Holy Sabbath than the Creator's seventh day--which isn't "jewish", or "mosaic". It's Moral law, just as much as the other 9 Commandments.

--"..Paul..refers to those honoring holy days..to worhip..so their conscience is not offended and those who feel that they can worship God on other days of the week are free to..."--

Study of the context and the issues Paul was addressing (Judaizers) would make it clear that these references are addressing Christians about Jewish feast days, and man-made observances. The 4rth Commandment wasn't in question.

--"The theory of the instant collapse of Apostolic Christianity..the moment Jesus died is..of heretics..statements are made without..reading..the Apostles and their first successors..."--

True Apostolic Christianity didn't collapse 'instantly'. It eroded, as Paul describes, until the "man of sin" was revealed. 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4

The words of the Apostles are in the NT. All can read them. Their successors must be checked-out with God's Word.

--"..Christians are under a new covenant..no longer the Old Covenant."--

The difference between "old" and "new" covenant has nothing to do with abrogating Moral Law. Is theft morally acceptable under the "New Covenant"? No. Neither is attempting to replace the Holy Day Divinely chosen at Creation.

--"Acts 15:5: Peter says..Gentiles are no longer bound by the Law of Moses. That is the Bible, not outside reference friend."--

You have ignored the context. The "law of Moses" refers to ceremonies--not Moral Law.

"..certain..of the Pharisees which believed, saying, That it was needful to circumcise them..to keep the law of Moses." -Acts 15:5

Circumcision. Ritual law. Not Moral law.

--"I side with the first Apostolic Christian writers evaluating that they were not tricked out of what the Apostles of Jesus Christ had taught them."--

Believing in doctrines which contradict God's Word has never constituted true 'Apostolic Christianity'.

--"..schism and heresy risk the salvation of your soul..By the way, blasphemy is calling the works of God including miracles "Works of the devil."--

The warfare between Christ and Satan hasn't yet concluded. Division must come as people choose between truth and error. What would calling the works of the devil "the works of God" be termed?

The parable of 'Abraham's Bosom' is just that--a parable. If literal, do all the saved go and reside upon Abraham's chest? No. It's a metaphor.

--"I quote the earliest Christian writings. That enrages you."--

It doesn't. Want to know what Jesus and the Apostles taught? Read the Bible.

Anonymous said...