Friday, July 19, 2013

US Corporate Banksters & Criminal Treasonous Cabalist Being Dealt With

Subject:   US Corporate Banksters & Criminal Treasonous Cabalist Being Dealt With.

We the citizens in the United States Corporation are sleeping as to what and who is running, controlling and planning the destruction of our Country and the planned genocide of the people of our country. It's true, most people did not know that the powers to be, the puppet masters who control the leaders of our government were planning on killing off 85 to 90% of the population in the world starting with the U.S..  

Fortunately for us our army specialist group from the pentagon known as the White Angles was able to nip that in the bud by blowing up the crucial under ground bunkers and highways that run from city to city. This is where the elite the powers to be were going to reside for as long as it took for us on the surface to die from nuclear and biological poisons and toxins as well as starving to death. 

A fair estimated number of our elected officials in our government who are criminals including local, state and federal politicians, I would say is about 70% or higher.

Please don't get me wrong, which many have, when I make an attempt to communicate to wake up my dear friends and relatives how corrupt our elected and appointed officials in governments are here in the U.S.   They see me as crazy, or a government hater. I am neither crazy nor do I hate my country or government, to the contrary I love my country and my government. I just don't like the multitude of corrupt people who pretend to be serving our government but in fact have a planned agenda and a motive to usurping power by offering and passing Marxist communistic laws.  Some don't believe that 60% of the Democratic party house of representatives belong to an in house communist caucus.       

I served in the US Air Force for seven years including my reserve time. However I have done a lot of research since then and have learned a lot.

I belong to or have been a member of the American Legion, the Oathkeepers, Goooh, I have attended the EST Training, the Forum, and courses about the original 1776 Constitution. I have read the book The Federalist Papers and The Ant-Federalist Papers, I am a past member of the Atlanta Patriot Club. Point being that I have learned a lot not only from reading but from men and women around me whom I consider great people who are pro patriotic that love their country, all whom are peaceful and non-violent certainly not crazy nor are they government haters.

When I found out that I was serving the elitist bankers, the Counsel of Foreign Relations (CFR) a shadow government that owns and runs our government and it's main goal is to create and start wars to rape countries of it's natural resources and control it's monetary system as to steal it's peoples wealth anyway possible including income taxes to make them slaves of their system. Our government does not need to collect the e legal and unlawful income tax, as it can go to the Federal Reserve who is neither Federal nor does it have reserves. It is a private corporation just like the United States of America Inc. It prints up money from thin air that is backed by nothing and gives all of the money our government request to use for it's wars or what ever it needs and our government allows the Federal Reserve to collect income taxes through the IRS for the elite Federal Reserve Banksters own personal profits. 

Only if the citizens would do the research for the truth. Are they to lazy or are they afraid of what they may find out or just feel confident that the people in our government are competent, honest and trustworthy with a "just let the government do it's job" attitude... "It's not my job to find out what they are doing and besides, whatever they are doing I can't do anything about it.  That's why and how we got where we are today. There is so much more that the satanic cabalist do to steel and rape our country - do the research.

We as citizens need to be responsible for more than just going to the polls to vote. We need to know the truth and keep informed on what our elected and appointed officials are up to.  

Many of us do have our heads buried in the sand while the corrupt elite steal our lawful and birth rights, our wealth and steal our labor, our children's & grand-children's labor and it's wealth as slaves for their increased super wealth and most of us do not even understand why or how or even that it is happening. The elite and controlled government do their best to keep us stupid. They hide what they do right in plain site.

 Our constitution even though it is the law of the land was written to and for our government officials to protect it's citizens birth given rights. The Constitution can not defend itself . When any government official violates their oath to uphold and protect the constitution they should be immediately be discharged from office and maybe even be charged with treason. Many are violating their oaths and many of we the people don't even know about it because we are sleeping - Wake Up!

I don't dislike or hate my government. I believe we have the best system of government in the world which needs a little tweaking that would prevent the corruption from taking place. What I hate are the elite leaders, the CFR, and the corrupt political officials who are stealing our country away which I dearly love.

I want my Children, Grand Children and Great Grand-Children to be able to live in a free country and have their unalienable rights to be secure and protected by the constitution and that they have the freedom of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Thank you, to those of you who have done the research and who are standing up and found out what you can do for your country and are doing it.

I often remember what John Kennedy said in one of his famous speeches. "Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what can you do for your country."

America is waking up slowly but surely, you can help to the waking by forwarding this email to all your friends and relatives. (one way you can help.)

Do the research, defend the constitution, it will only die if we the people don't defend it. A lot of people do not even know that it is being usurped.

Please read below what Benjamin Fulford is saying about the take-down of the corrupt satanic cabal worldwide, US to be next soon.

Good things are coming our way soon!   

Respectfully yours,
God Bless,

          Larry Mac     

The U.S. Corporate Banksters and the criminal cabalist political leaders will be dealt with soon also.

The takedown of the satanic cabal is proceeding smoothly.

Posted by benjamin Fulford
February 7, 2012
Despite widespread pessimism on the part of many truth seekers about the situation in the G5 terrorist states, behind the scenes the satanic cabalists in control of the Western central banks are in a state of extreme fear. One reason is that US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told a White Dragon Society representative last week that the Pentagon and the US agencies were in no mood to let off the cabalists with a truth and reconciliation committee.
“We have been watching these guys for a long time” he said and the conclusion reached was that Federal Reserve Board needs to be dismantled and the cabalists jailed. 
The 65% drop in the Baltic Dry Index (the price of shipping) this year is one visible sign of the dismantling. This is related to a growing global boycott of the G5 terrorist states as seen in the growing number of countries refusing to use US dollars or Euros for trade. 
Another sign was the stoppage on February 3rd of the Federal Reserve Board owned Clearing House Interbank Payments System. Under the surface much more radical events are being planned.
The complete revamping of all the institutions set up after World War 2, including the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF, the International Court of Justice and the UN will mean the wholesale removal of agents for the Satan-worshipping Zionists criminal who have been in control of these institutions from behind the scenes.
The hysterical efforts by the Satanists to start World War 3 by via a war between Israel and Iran, and the offering up of millions of Israeli lives in a holocaust or sacrifice to Lucifer, is going to be stopped. 
Once again, this writer, who is of Jewish descent, wishes to warn all Jews that the symbol on the Israeli flag is the star of Lucifer and that Israeli citizens were earmarked for mass sacrifice by Nazis (National Socialist Zionism) in honor of their New World Order. 
The Ayatollahs in Iran are working with Benjamin Netanhayu and his fellow Nazis to trigger this artificial holocaust and fake Armageddon. This is a radical claim but one that is factual. The symbol of the Jews is the Menorah, they worship Yahweh the creator.
In any case, the Israeli government has received clear warnings from the Pentagon, the Chinese and the Russians that their fanatical attempts to artificially trigger end-times will not be allowed to proceed. None of the world’s armed forces, with the possible exception of those in Iran and Israel, are going to allow World War 3 to be set off by these religious fanatics.
Despite the ongoing war-mongering, the dismantling of the Satanist (Zionist) financial control grid is becoming impossible to hide. Another example of this was seen last week when Germany, France, Italy and Greece begged Iran not to stop selling oil to them.
The Satanist controlled corporate propaganda media made itself look ridiculous by trying to describe this as a “boycott of Iran.”
Another example of the increasingly hysterical lies being put out by the Satanists and their brain-washed slaves was the attempt to pretend the latest US unemployment rate had improved from 8.5% to 8.3% when in fact the amount of unemployed people rose by 1.2 million bringing the real unemployment rate to depression levels of 23%.
The banking system failures are also multiplying. In Japan Monday SMBC Nikko Securities announced their systems had failed and they were now resorting to paper transactions. Similar events will proliferate so that only the part of the financial system backed by paper receipts and genuine physical assets will remain after the electronic fraud perpetrated by the Satanists is dismantled.
In the US, meanwhile a takedown of cabal candidate Mitt Romney is being readied. Preparations are also being made to place many of the Satanists into the FEMA camps they had prepared for US Christians and other civilians guilty of knowing truth.
In Europe as well, the Greeks have told the bankers to take their debt and put it where the sun never shines. German Chancellor Angela Merkel returned empty-handed from a begging mission in China last week. She immediately called a summit meeting between Germany, Finland, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, the only European states with AAA ratings. France was not invited so the best bet is that the rump of the Euro will become a four-nation super Deutschemark. 
The other nations will issue their own devalued currencies meaning a one-time only European bargain hunting opportunity for international investors.
In Asia, meanwhile, top secret negotiations continue. One key element is the proposed merger of North and South Korea with Japan. A dragon family representative will be flying to South Korea next week to discuss this with Korean President Lee Myung-bak.
The South Koreans will meet the Dragon family representative at the airport with a water powered car and will also later drive him around in an electric car to show how advanced the preparations to use previously suppressed technology have become.
It is also interesting to note that the head of the Nazi Odessa group, Fuhrer George Bush Sr. will also arrive in South Korea at the same time. North Korea and Northern Japan have been controlled by remnants of the Japanese imperial army allied with Odessa since the end of WW2. So, it is a pretty good guess that Bush Senior is trying to accomplish what Nazi foreign minister Henry (Heinz) Kissinger failed to do in his recent visit and get Asian support for the New World Order.
In Japan, meanwhile, many right-wing groups expressed opposition to placing the capital of a planned merger between the Korean peninsula and Japan South of Osaka. There is simply too much vested interest in keeping Tokyo as the capital, according to these groups.
The White Dragon Society view is that the new economic planning agency or LIFE (Long-term Investments for Everybody) be set up South of Osaka and that existing power centers in the Korean peninsula and Japan can remain as they are. 
The reason for choosing the area around Nara and Tenri city is simply because there is a lot of undeveloped flat land near the ocean there and because the rest of Japan feels that over-concentration of economic and political power in Tokyo is not good for development.
Once the Khazarian Satanic cabal is removed from power there will be so much money and so many investment opportunities that all areas will experience a boom.
For example, the old plan to turn the Philippines into a fully modern nation with large nature preserves is being dusted off. There will be similar development projects taking place all over the world so no area is going to feel left out or left behind. The U.S. Corporate Banksters and the criminal cabalist political leaders will be dealt with soon also.  

Are You Willing To Be Responsible For A New Honest, High Quality Congress That Will Be Responsive To: "We The People"?
Not The Self Interest and Corporate Lobbyist!  
An Opportunity To Change Our 
Government Reasonably Fast.
GOOOH is a system that will:
1) Take the money out of politics  2) Break the stranglehold the two   
parties have on our system   3) Fire the career politicians  4) Hold our representatives accountable. 
Do you know that you personally have the opportunity to be able to absolutely make a difference in creating the possibility of our Congress to be 99.9% honest and effective to the well being of our country and to the well being of you, your families financial,  physical, and governments health.  Are you willing to make a huge difference to us "We The People"? 
Look at this,   In my opinion, this is the best plan for correcting what we & our parents let go to pot.  This plan is designed to save you, your family and our country!
I have joined and I invite you to do the same.  Please, read this if you want to truly make a difference and  please call or e-mail me give me some feed back.
                          Larry Mac 

Take The Food freedom Tour 
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 How to Win in The De Facto Court ... Step-by-Step!
 Fight Foreclosure  - Do It Yourself

Rags make paper,
Paper makes money,
Money makes banks,
Banks make loans,
Loans make poverty,
Poverty makes rags.


Anonymous said...

I like you . Time is running out, this is a true message.


Anonymous said...

Actions speak louder than words. Now that we know let's all act to restore real life to our planet. There is a lot we can do as individuals and as groups. The enemy wants you to rely on its government and associated systems to provide jobs, peace, security, justice, etc. Whether we want to know it or not we are all at war and that makes us all soldiers, unwittingly so, better give it our best shot or succumb to criminal cowards.