Except there is no
"viable" constitution; it's a paper tiger that is NOT adhered
to, much less enforced. These "constitutionalists" have
eyes to see, but they see NOT.
From: v.k.durham
Subj: THEY STEPPED IN "IT?" : portland imc - 2013.07.21 - VIDEO. ‘US Constitution overtaken by military: Alfred Lambremont Webre
Subj: THEY STEPPED IN "IT?" : portland imc - 2013.07.21 - VIDEO. ‘US Constitution overtaken by military: Alfred Lambremont Webre
VIDEO. ‘US Constitution overtaken by military: Alfred Lambremont
author: Interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre
The Constitution [Law of the Land] is a Seven Article CONTRACT/COMPACT between We the People and the ones the Contract authorized to Act on behalf of the People in International Trade and Commerce. Under Ex Ord. 12803, G.H.W. Bush sold the military off to Private Corporations. These Corporations thought they could take over anything owned by the People of the Global Community of Mankind. They used the Texas Joe Hunt's principles.. they set up bank accounts around the world.. off shore accounts for themselves.. in their lust for power.. they forgot those accounts could not be opened without the KEYS of the Account Holder being his VOICE, FINGERPRINTS and PROPER NUMBERS. These greedy staunches murdered the Account Holder.. that eliminated the first two.. now they need the NUMBERS. Now ain't that cute?! WONDER IF HELL WILL FREEZE OVER?! [VKD] ==================================================== |
'US Constitution overtaken by military: Alfred Lambremont Webre Interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH INTERVIEW: link to www.presstv.ir The US is now a lawless and rogue state, where the military has overtaken the Constitution and it is entirely transparent, in my judgment, both as an attorney and as a war crimes judge." Press TV has conducted an interview with Alfred Lambrement Webre, international lawyer from Vancouver, about the Bradley Manning trial in a US military court. The following is an approximate transcript of the interview. Press TV: Do you think this was an open and shut case, in terms of the point of view of the judge, that Manning was going to be guilty no matter what, because the US is so after protecting its national security? And, of course, anybody who leaks any files is going to be found guilty because, well, they don't want to send out the wrong message? Webre: This is a military court martial and you have Colonel Lind as the judge. And the ruling of the judge defies belief. What the judge said is that because the documents, that Bradley Manning leaked went out over the internet, they could possibly have been seen by al-Qaeda, therefore they could have possibly aided and abetted the enemy - which is a chain of information that defies belief. There was no evidence introduced at the trial that any of the documents aided and abetted the enemy. However, this has two grave implications: number one, it is clear that from the military point of view, the prosecutors who represent the defense establishment, they consider Wikileaks to be in the same shoes as any of the media, such as The New York Times, or any of the mainstream media, such that if any source gives information to The New York Times, which it then prints, or prints on its website, then a military prosecutor could argue, 'oh, you've just aided and abetted the enemy with that information'. So, it is entirely self-serving and it's a total constitutional violation of the protection of the media, under the First Amendment to the US Constitution. Secondly, this shows how the United States is becoming increasingly a police state because, in this case, what you have is an execution of the US Department of Defense, which has engaged in wars of aggression, such as the war in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq, that have been found to be illegal wars of aggression - war crimes. Each of which were started by a false flag, mainly September 11, 2001, in the case of the war in Afghanistan; and in the case of Iraq, the false statements of the US Ambassador to the United Nations in the United Nations that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, which was another false flag. So those wars of aggression were started and here you have individuals acting under the First Amendment, acting under the UN Declaration of Human Rights - such as Bradley Manning, such as Edward Snowden who are trying to protect humanity from a global military dictatorship and that military dictatorship is now, through the rulings of the Bradley Manning trial, trying to protect itself. So, this is entirely transparent and it's transparent to anybody who looks at it. The US is now a lawless and rogue state, where the military has overtaken the Constitution and it is entirely transparent, in my judgment, both as an attorney and as a war crimes judge. BUT! What about the MILITARY'S RETIREMENT, HEALTH INSURANCE BENEFITS etc., etc. etc.?
Pentagon chief
can't offer hope in budget cuts
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