Thursday, July 11, 2013

Whistleblower Comments - Keith Alexander: NSA'S Prince of Darkness - Connection to Neil Keenan Pt2

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Whistleblower Comments - Keith Alexander: NSA'S Prince of Darkness - Connection to Neil Keenan Pt2
Posted By: igots2no [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 11-Jul-2013 13:19:08

I have to admit that the following was written and researched by me, but Whistleblower did give me permission.
Mr. Keenan and team, perhaps you should watch this video, which I will comment further below?
Thanks to TheInternaut for this find?

Readers may note the Gen. Keith Alexander was a Bush/Cheney appointee to the NSA as Director and kept in place by President Obama? According to wikipedia he assumed office August 1, 2005, as is shown here:
Furthermore, in a older post on RMN, a critical piece of the puzzle was posted in regards to the "Dragon Family'. At the same time Keenan was supposedly in control with signatory Yamaguchi. The interesting connection is that Keenan/Yamaguchi sent a 'package' to then President George W Bush and VP Dick Cheney as seen here:

This is official "Dragon Family" stamps sent to Bush/Cheney. They received bonds and notes, illegally taken from the collateral accounts.
Picture of Keenan and Yamaguchi sitting at a table holding the bonds:



Anonymous said...

A picture of Keenan and Yamaguchi Huh ? Who do you think you are fooling ?

Anonymous said...

Too bad all this is a fabrication, better known as a LIE.
All those who believe such trash is in for a rude awakening.
As you all shall soon see...

Anonymous said...

ye huh, er are not all fools,

Anonymous said...

Gibberish! That's what this is! No evidence! No proof! Sounds like You and the Elite want to discredit Keenan. Keenan's story stays the same! Crayford is another disinfo moron! Again no proof! Get off here you slave to the cabal!You are a big JOKE!