Saturday, July 27, 2013

World Watches

World Watches

Who wants to believe that they're not really free at all
Since the WAR of 1812, all independence gone
Next time you gush over "the Royals" think about that
Grips of the Queen's Oligarchy spread across the pond
Around the necks of every American since birth
Their pompous ways still exist as more poor children born.

Windsor Castle, the epi center of cabal crime
Calling dirty shots behind the big wall not afraid
Benevolence and grace, two words with no actions found
Hoarding trillions of money while millions starve each day
Visiting with the sick, shaking hands a P.R. stunt
They ride back to their castle, have fine wine and pate.

Queen fancies herself while looking sideways at the world
King of the castle in-charge of heroine drug trade
As the entire family lives in decadence
Filling the coffers with filthy money for decades
With a long list of crimes found guilty by the world court
International criminals who can hide away.

Blinded by the myth that "royalty" exists for good
Millions rush out to learn all about the next prince born
Yet forget that they don't have an extra dime to spare
Because these "Royals" hike taxes and steal every morn
From UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand
Along with their USA, the most badly scorned.

By being on this planet, we are all connected
Blue-blood, black-blood, and red-blood runs through all of our veins
When will the castles around the world open their gates
Admitting their crimes throughout history and their pains
As every day passes, their lies begin to surface
The world watches "guilty Royals" living without shame.

Awakened American For Freedom


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