Thursday, September 4, 2014


T – Good morning TNT – we’re only ten minutes late… We’re gonna run thru something real quick. good news/info. updated. We might have new peeps on our site; asking questions out of our norm. We gave you guys some really good info last time cause DC got chewed out about it. They thought we gave too much detail - will try to do it again today. right DC?

DC - Indeed!

T - People want to know why we don't challenge the other guru's or counter to what we say. That is not why we came here. don't care if they make comments about me. everyone has their own opinion. own perspective. own resources.

T - Our call is based on information – others base their calls on us and our calls. We won't make comments on what someone else said or did. I wouldn't go on a site every day and comment about what someone else is saying - if I didn't have enough resources of my own - we don't solicit peeps to listen to our calls or for a group - we don't ask for money - or ask to sign up as a group. Everyone knows who I am without a doubt. don't have to hide behind a fake internet name or pretend I'm a woman when I'm a guy or change my name 3, 4 X's on the internet. We are not trying to hide anything. You know who Pam and Ray are.

T - If we were going by the announced in newspapers we'd be done today - we should have been done today - they said Thursday. We do know they have something scheduled for tomorrow. .

DC - I don’t believe this is a competition.. Because all we are here for is what is the info we have.. Anyone who says they have the definitive information is full of cr*p. Tony and I talk to over 40 sources a day. all over Iraq, UN, banks, US government and everywhere else. Back to specifics: take 40+ info feeds - extremely rarely do they line up. So yes, I do repeat what I'm being told. why else listen to them. we put the pieces together and we are wrong sometimes. this thing has changed so frequently, so often. They constantly change this - they have attempted this over 100 times since April.

DC If they think they know everything, don't listen to them. We are not saying that we know all of it - maybe 60%. I need to change some specific points because of chewing out I got. We are saying that we know 3 diff people on 3 continents use funds - on heavy equip. ,order goods etc - it is not all over the world. 3 totally independent peeps on 3 diff't continents – clearly being accepted in some cases and not universally.

DC - I was not saying that there was an NSA blackout of calls into Iraq - just people having problems getting thru - friends were having issues getting thru - no big evil USA plan to block communication.

T - There have been days we know there were communication black outs due to plans that were made for events to occur.

DC - Absolutely - on Sunday specifically they were upset about saying that - we are here to educate and get eveyone thru the game.

DC - Everybody cued up in Iraq; fancy dignitaries there - not for the heat. it's 120 now. 3 weeks ago government in Iraq announced gov’t was complete - planned to vote and reveal 3 weeks ago. The government announced it was complete and said they would reveal it on a Thurs/Fri. morning.   This was 3 weeks ago. Some voted on, so then int'l diplomacy asked them to delay that.   In the grand scheme of things some not as important as others. Important positions; health and utility ministers but unrelated to int'l - very important positions.. but not related to the RV.

T - Sorry - but realize big picture - the holdup they are talking about is to seat ministers - just reading news that you must know that cannot be what holds it up - but real agenda is in background to hold it up - the real agenda is in the background. GOI seating of ministers is just being used for the public for Iraq citizen - when other guru's say look at what's in the paper - it's for peeps who believe in what they publish for the public in Iraq.

DC - There are 2 times set one for morning and evening - RV is supposed to be done same time.

T - Lets say this - if all say man, this is supposed to be done by Tues - can you live with that?

T - If you could get ONE country to change constitution - but what if several to change theirs?

DC - Not likely.

DC  Turki .. because he was appointed by Maliki.. there are some issues with it and he is tired. So they decided to get this done so he can retire.. there is a process but it fine for the RV.

DC - Security in Iraq - US lending support to coalition to push ISIS back. good job on that front. The kurdish and Iraqi forces are having success with ISIS - pushing them back in a wonderful way..

T- Not in your opinion but in the opinion of those we talk to would they have let go of Turki before this was completed ? - would they have let Turki go before this in complete?

DC - No not in any way

DC - My logic says everyone feel better with more money in their pocket - they are trying to put together plans to deal with ISIS and Ukraine - many who have joined ISIS will leave just as fast.

DC - UN SC pushing, pushing, pushing to get this donePleased with progress in Iraq and frustrated final things have not gone thruFolks in Admin. have seen the light - much more supportive they have seen the light. Aggressively pushing to finish.

T- Informed this morning they thought they would have this complete by Sat. morning.

DC - When it goes BOOM - will be 2 min throughout the world.-technically, procedurally ready and 2 min will be throughout the entire world.

T – I don’t care what idiots tell you we talked to 4 different banks and got the same rate.. won't give out time - but tonight or tomorrow there will be major announcement. Tonight or tomorrow announcement.

DC – I will go back to my normal life after this. I was asked to do this by friends who thought I could help the situation. I'm a family guy and because of crazies I'm not risking my wife and children because I have not given my name. very glad to help, just going back to private life after this.

T - I can't go into his background in DC's depth. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know from what he says that he was involved in this in the background at some time. the diff' between him and other Guru's out there, changing their names, etc. DC has sec. clearance and they have never been involved in the process or in government.

T- Even if you don't get it all you know we are this close - if it's a whole new ballgame if they don't get it done now

Q&A begins…

C – I saw report on FX and CNN that GOI announced next week?

DC - Chuck Hagel interview said it had to be done next week. that's where that came from. He came back and said it will be done on Tues. They would have to go thru most of the process again .. would be a disaster .. only person who would like that is M.

C - New bank laws settled by Sat.?

T - not regarding the CE but the responsibility they assume afterwards. Certain banks can only take in so much, new limits to their reserves, etc.

DC - more Dodd Frank regulations.

C – Hypothetically, what if they announce GOI today, would the RV go hand and hand or tomorrow?

DC - Hand in hand or before, at the same time or within minutes. Just my opinion - from the intel I've gathered.

C - Suggestion .. maybe they should shine the light on those people responsible for holding this up…

DC - Good point. I think enough light has been brought on this to ID person who has been the issuebasically Iraq is the only people who can change time lines without an int'l committee getting together. Only Iraq can push this through.

C - on tues. call you said 4 windows of opportunity, 1 had passed. where are others?

DC - There are more than 4 .. there are 5

C – Is watching the CBI site? waste of time?

DC - It's a good site - tech process .. loading period and time .. then checks east to west .. has occurred many times .. has been stopped in the loading part .. changed the process. It is populated throughout the world thru BIS and - the hold will be removed and the rate will be live in 2 min.

DC - They changed the whole procedure which is a good thing, it helps us doesn't hurt us

T - It helps us .. doesn't hurt us

C- If we monitor the CBI site that is preferable over forex yes?

DC – Yes.

C - I have read that they sent things back because of the minister of defense is that right?

DC - He is a sunni .. lower seat .. I think he is the man for the job. The one they keep sending back is the Health minister

C - All these changes are they for our benefit or the banks ?

DC - Those restrictions and laws have been public for a few years, most are related like that they are continually publishing and putting them out this is no different just the next round of rules and regulationsregarding Dodd Frank requirements.

C – Can we mix dong with other currencies?

T- The only one I've heard that is being tracked is the Dinar by the treasury

DC - I hope everyone is well, everyone is in Iraq to get things donethe whole world is qued up all over the world ! Good Luck, pray to God this is the last one !!

Pam - If we don't get back to talk to you, please remember what you've learned, take your time, set up your professionals and USE YOUR HEAD !!

T- Ok we will see what happens today, either later today or tomorrowsome KIND of announcementbut it will be before our next scheduled call 

DC agreeing… Until then -- I'll tweet our if there is something. We will talk to you tomorrow…. END OF CALL

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