Friday, May 13, 2016

Pfizer Blocks the Use of Its Drugs in Executions From a nesaranews reader:

Let's see now... there's still the handy-dandy rope or firing squad. Even the French guillotine did a fine job.

What I personally find interesting is that the article also states:

Some states have used straw buyers or tried to import drugs from abroad that are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration, only to see them seized by federal agents.

While I certainly don't hold the FDA as the "gold standard", the FDA has no problem looking the other way when the military is given vaccines like the anthrax series. Federal agents don't show up on the base and block their administering.

Oh yeah - it just hit me. Our "special interest" secret-dealing politicians will work crack-deal government contracts that hurt the troops, yet have a heart to protect the heart stoppers.

What was I thinking.   

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