Thursday, May 26, 2016

Texas Suspends Over A MILLION Drivers Licenses


Anonymous said...

People sing the praises of Texas wanting to open a gold vault.
Texas allowing open carry.
Texas fighting illegal immigration
Texas wants to secede from the U.S. corporation
Texas this and Texas that.
The Gov. Perry indicted
The AG Paxton indicted
Texas has the dirty thirty and the Texas triangle - two speed trap scams
and the Texas Debtor's Prison
Just search those terms and you'll see
Gold vault and secession makes it seem like a nice place
But their visitors catch phrase is.
Texas - It's like a whole 'nother country.
It sure is.
It's a corrupt run by corrupt people who have a lot of land and a lot of people to steal land and money and property, and children, and everything from.

If Texas owned a gold vault, they'd probably not be trusted with it's contents, it'll probably be like another Fort Knox, heavily guarded and never audited.

People read a thing or two about Texas and never pay attention that there is always, always, always two sides to every story.
Taking a side means you only have half the comprehension of the entire thing.

Also, the Republic will always be a carrot and stick away for many, because they refuse to be like the 12 disciples.
Those were entrusted with the secrets of the way.
Unconditional love.
Not many people can give it, and not many people want to.
Those that cross that threshold, finally see, why, they can't just tell the rest of the people the secret, because spiritual growth is necessary for true freedom.
How can one man be free when he hates and would enslave, or intimidate, or demean, or judge another man who wants that same freedom.

Won't happen.
Some people hold their self back and blame everyone else.
Texas needs some fixing.

Freewill said...

Of course! That's where George Bush came from!

Anonymous said...

Every state 'needs fixing'!! And here's that trite statement about 'love' again. Love all you want but to get things done, to clean up messes, you have to at times get down and dirty. Does the garbage in your yard pick itself up and throw itself away? Does the dirty dishes wash themselves in your sink? Does 'loving' the design of those dishes clean them up? How about the dogs and cats? You can 'love' them, but DO THEY clean up after their messes? Or do YOU have to do that for them to get the mess cleaned up? C'mon on - let's get realistic about this 'love' nonsense and get the real job done.

Anonymous said...

I'll answer, I am the one this is posted for.
My yard, my responsibility, even if a neighborhood kid is walking their dog and the dog dumps internal leftovers on my lawn, I have to pick it up or let it sit.
My yard my responsibility, my dishes my responsibility, my cat, I clean the litter, if the Creator wanted the cat to clean the litter, then paws would have an expanded purpose.

Love is nonsense to the slaved mind.
You see no way out except to 'do something'?
Really? When I see your post, I think to myself.
I think.
If there is a Creator, and he created me.
Why is it that I would think the Creator is so incompetent that I have to clean up the mess he created.

Just like the comment about the trashy lawn, dirty dishes, and complains about dogs and cats being able to clean up behind their selves.

I can see, the Creator is incompetent to even create the worthless thing called love, and in the Creator's incompetence are the creation of all the imperfect people, including me, and including you.

Now that all this is equal, from the incompetence of the Creator, and I'm imperfect and you are imperfect and everyone is imperfect, who's going to decide when things are cleaned up?

The imperfect me?
The imperfect you?
One of those other imperfect creations?

Or the Creator, the master of all imperfection, to have created the useless thing called 'Love'.

Well without Love, and anyone using it, if he pulled it away from this planet, and left us with every emotion except for love.

How would hospital patients be cared for? Oh no. not possible, cause to care is to have the capacity to love.

It's worthless, and let everyone that follows your thinking feel what it's like to not have this thing called love.

You can't find the way without it.
You can't be free without it.
No one who loves will help you hurt someone who loves, so they aren't going to show you the place where all the loving people are, happy, and free, and not sick.
You won't find it. Who would do that to loving people, open that door and let you in?

Freewill said...

All licenses are fraud by their very nature. That is why I revoked that fraudulent contract.
Even the most sacred contract is void if fraud is involved.