Monday, September 12, 2016

Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead

Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead


Anonymous said...

If Hillary dies, congress could suspend the election. How long? Good question. Obama 3rd term.

Jackie Blue

Anonymous said...

Where does it say in the Constitution that an election may be suspended if one of the political parties is not represented? Besides, the Dems had their chance to nominate and they chose someone with health problems. If it backfires on them, tough. Trump still has opposition in third party candidates.

Anonymous said...

no that party should just lose, you dont get a pinch hitter, if she dies and they didnt listen to all the "conspiracy theorists" who are seemingly correct more often than not they should lose for putting such a sick sack of lying shit there in the first place, they dont get more time to prepare another candidate, the election should be held on said date no matter what. aww poo poo they wanted a sick candidate to run, they should live with their mistake!

Freewill said...

Just like any other election.. Trump will no longer be challenged by Hillary. There are others on the ballot that challenge for the office of the CEO of the bankrupt defunct corporation and none of them are a Democratic nominee. Remember there are those running independent too. As long as there is at least one name on the ballot, the election is valid and proceeds. If there were no candidates, then congress "board of directors" would have to appoint the CEO "President". It's all in the 1854 Jefferson Manual.

Anonymous said...

We the people are entitled to a "General Election" as opposed to an "Electoral Vote"
The problem is that the ptb don't respect the constitution and believe they can do anything they desire as they believe that they are the new God. If these bozo's delay the election they will buy enough time to make whatever invalid changes they need to make. Forget the phrased question "Where does it say that in our constitution". Our constitution has been thrown out the window since Bush gave us The Patriot Act. Obama and his administration adhere to another constitution' one that favors the U.S. Corporation, that's the one he swore to uphold when he became dictator. Congress has sold us out to the nwo, for they were bought and paid bokoo denairo to snub the American people. Our senators are in the mix as they pretend to want to get to the truth by having dog and pony show hearings to keep up appearances. Our Supreme Court Justices believe that they are God as they had no problem changing the definition of marriage, and by doing so they will bring God's judgment to America.
Think a minute, does anyone actually believe that Obama cares about the Lesbian, Gay movement in this country, his unconstitutional executive orders effect every living person in America designed to harm us all. He's a muslim, and how do they treat these people in the Middle Eastern countries? They kill them, right.
So why then did Obama ensure the supreme court vote concerning the new marriage law? To invite God's judgment on America because he can't destroy us quick enough. This Is only my opinion. If you know the Scriptures you'll understand that the devil knows scripture as well. We can rule out that Obama is an angel of mercy, so the opposite would apply here. In any case, we live in a fallen world and the only real change won't come by Trump winning the presidency, it will come if we the people seek God's face by inviting Christ into our hearts and lives, trusting Him in every aspect of our lives and doing good and not evil.

This is the only way our country will change for the better. If we want God to bless America, we have to do things God's way, our way doesn't work, just look around you at all of the lawlessness and corruption our elected and selected officials have portrayed. Look at all of the aborted babies America is responsible for murdering and tell me you think we should continue on this course of doing things our way.

Don't think for a minute God will bless America for its deplorable actions. It won't happen unless we take a knee and repent from our sins.

Jackie Blue