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Holistic Blends Inc. |
Hi John
I’m going to start your day with good news and bad news.
First, the “not-so-rosy” news.
At this moment about 26 million people in the US have diabetes—that’s about 1 in 12 of us!
And those numbers are not going down, my friend.
Now, far and away the more common form of diabetes is Type 2—about 90% of all diabetics have this form.
Type 2 diabetes occurs when your body’s cells resist the insulin that your pancreas makes—it’s like they “ignore” the signal they’re being given. As a result, they don’t absorb glucose out of your blood like they’re supposed to, and instead glucose builds up, up, up in your bloodstream.
Type 2 diabetes is nothing to take lightly or play around with.
Because of the inflammation caused by the excess glucose flowing through your blood vessels, diabetes can cause a wide range of very serious health issues—heart disease, kidney disease and nerve damage (that can result in blindness or amputation of limbs), to name a few.
Now, the good news:
Type 2 diabetes is VERY preventable and even if you DO have it already, it’s VERY easy to help counteract it.
What you need to do is take a look at the possible underlying causes and DO something about them!
Let’s take a closer look at how you can help prevent yourself from becoming one of the grim statistics I quoted above, or if you’ve already been diagnosed, how you can help dramatically improve your state of health.
Primary causes of Type 2 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is very preventable and/or controllable because it is primarily the result of your DIET!
So it only follows that if you address the aspects of your diet that cause diabetes, you can help stop it at its very foundation.
Here are three of the main culprits:
Diabetes-causing diet culprit #1- Stop the glucose tidal wave
If you were to ask me for a glass of water and I poured the water to near the top of the glass, you’d probably have no problem drinking the water, right?
But what if I kept pouring and pouring and pouring and the glass began overflowing all over you? Hopefully, you’d say, “Sher, what are you doing to me?”
Well, many people are eating foods that are causing their pancreas to say exactly the same thing!
You see, the typical modern diet is LOADED with refined carbs and sugars—I’m talking about things like donuts, bagels, soda, snack chips, pasta, hamburger and hot dog rolls, cookies, cakes, pastries, white bread and breakfast cereals.
Foods like these cause a tidal wave of glucose gushing through your bloodstream.
Now, if you just had them every once in a while, that would be one thing.
But many people eat foods like these day in and day out, and are stressing their poor pancreases to the limit…and eventually the pancreas might not be able to keep up with your constant, ever-growing demand for insulin.
At that point, glucose starts to build up in your blood and you become a perfect candidate for Type 2 diabetes.
To help stop the tidal wave and give your poor pancreas a fighting chance, it’s essential to eliminate as many refined carbs from your diet as you can, and concentrate on complex carbs instead—like whole grains, vegetables and legumes.
Not only will you help improve your blood glucose levels, but you’ll also likely see some excess weight drop off without even trying!
Diabetes-causing diet culprit #2- Get the Omega-3 EFAs your body needs
Omega-3 essential fatty acids provide crucial support to your metabolism including maintaining proper insulin levels.
Plus they’re Nature’s anti-inflammatory, and that includes helping to reduce inflammation in your blood vessels caused by excess glucose!
Unfortunately our typical diets are heavy in processed foods, meat from grain-fed animals and vegetable oils--all of which are high in Omega-6 fatty acids but are severely lacking the important Omega-3 EFAs.

That's when a high quality, Omega-3 fish oil supplement like VitalMega-3 can help you satisfy this vital need.
- http://www.bluerockholistics.com/product/vitalmega3.asp
Just 2 capsules a day gives you 2,000 mg of pure, medical grade fish oil that includes 1,000 mg of EPA and DHA (the necessary Omega-3 fatty acids) plus other Omega-3 EFAs.
Diabetes-causing diet culprit #3- Keep acidity low in your body
This is the newest issue to come out of some recent studies!
A study of more than 60,000 women recently published in the journal Diabetologia has concluded that the higher overall acidity of a person’s diet increases the risk of Type 2 diabetes.
The researchers noted that a typical modern diet rich in acid-creating foods (like refined carbs, processed/fast foods and animal products) can induce an “acid overload” in the body.
If the acid foods are not counterbalanced by enough alkaline foods (like fresh vegetables and fruits) it can lead to a state of “chronic metabolic acidosis” (in other words, having an acid pH)—which reduces the ability of insulin to “bind” properly to your cells, making your cells less sensitive to the insulin.
Insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes in the making!
Plus having excess acidity in your body is downright harmful to your pancreas.
You see, more than any other organ in the body, your pancreas is VERY sensitive to pH—it must have an alkaline environment in order to function properly!
In addition, acidity in your bloodstream is harmful to your kidneys too—because they are responsible for filtering acid wastes out of your blood and putting them into your urine. And if they’re already dealing with added stress from excess glucose to boot, you are asking for big time kidney trouble.
But the good news is eating for a more alkaline pH is not only easy, but downright delicious!
The Great Taste No Pain system
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp
will guide you all the way in this crucial step.
First of all, the Great Taste No Pain recipe book is loaded with easy, delicious dishes featuring nourishing REAL foods—which will likely make you not even miss those processed, refined, junk foods you used to eat in the past!
Plus the Great Taste No Pain manuals show you how to put together meals that not only taste spectacular but are more easily digested!
Not only can that help minimize acid wastes in your system and help keep ALL of your organs nourished and healthier, but you'll likely experience fewer digestive problems (like gas, bloating and constipation) as a result!
Plus you’ll even get guides that show you which foods are acid-creating and which are alkaline, so you’ll know exactly which ones you’ll want to incorporate more of into your diet.
Type 2 diabetes is a monster that is growing larger and larger in our society, and it doesn’t look like it’s going away any time soon.
But you are not helpless against it!
Make the appropriate changes in your diet to help keep Type 2 diabetes far away from you, or help turn it around if you’ve already got it!
Start now and see what a difference it can make.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PPS: Maria’s glucose numbers are coming down and she avoided diverticulitis surgery to boot!
First of all I'd like to thank you for your website. I was supposed to be scheduled for surgery for my reoccurring diverticulitis. Before accepting an appointment I did a lot of research on the Internet. I was thrilled when I discovered your website and immediately began to follow your eating regimen. It made a lot of sense to me and had all the foods which I had already been eating but not in the combinations that you recommended.
Was I ever surprised to see the results of only a few changes! No more pain, I began to lose weight without trying and the numbers on my diabetes test kit keep going down. It seemed impossible that just the simple switching of the combinations would do all this. Now I have your books and am trying out more of your delicious recipes. I'm sharing my good news with all my family and friends. Thank you, thank you, and thank you.
Thanks again for the new me.
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- http://www.greattastenopain.com/freereports/ and feel the power of Great Taste No Pain.
Orders: 1-888-724-4366
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- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp
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- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp
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