FRI MAY 16, 2014 AT 02:01 PM PDT
30 Million Patriots on the Mall
attribution: None Specified
attribution: None Specified
The first picture is of the demonstration at the White House. There were 12 people there.
The second picture is of a crowd marching from the Washington Monument to an area on the Mall in front of the American History Museum.
The organizers were allocated approximately 1 block to accommodate their 30 Million. Also, they would have had to take out a permit. This size of space would have required a permit for only 5k - 10K people.
I used the counting tool in Photoshop to sample the size of the march in the photo. I have the crowd at about 300 people.
If you do the math, you will find that only 1 in 100K of the people expected actually showed up. That is one ten thousandth of one percent of the number the organizers were claiming.
Certainly a few more will show up - maybe as many as a thousand! But it is unlikely to be enough to arrest Obama and overthrow the government in an act of "patriotism". Such an assault on the government would seem to be more of an act of treason, which is pretty much the opposite of patriotism. But never fear - It was all just another teabagger wet dream wildly divergent from reality, rooted in ignorance, and based on a staggering level of innumeracy.
The second picture is of a crowd marching from the Washington Monument to an area on the Mall in front of the American History Museum.
The organizers were allocated approximately 1 block to accommodate their 30 Million. Also, they would have had to take out a permit. This size of space would have required a permit for only 5k - 10K people.
I used the counting tool in Photoshop to sample the size of the march in the photo. I have the crowd at about 300 people.
If you do the math, you will find that only 1 in 100K of the people expected actually showed up. That is one ten thousandth of one percent of the number the organizers were claiming.
Certainly a few more will show up - maybe as many as a thousand! But it is unlikely to be enough to arrest Obama and overthrow the government in an act of "patriotism". Such an assault on the government would seem to be more of an act of treason, which is pretty much the opposite of patriotism. But never fear - It was all just another teabagger wet dream wildly divergent from reality, rooted in ignorance, and based on a staggering level of innumeracy.
I still haven't seen a picture of the man who supposedly organized this, so called, American Spring operation even being there himself. What's up with that? A leader that doesn't even lead by being there himself. Where is he leading from? I haven't seen one picture or video of Col. Riley, there, in person. Of course, the pictures and few videos that I have seen don't amount to much either, maybe a couple of thousand people; nowhere near 30 million or even 10 million or 1 million. Believe me, if even one million people showed up there, the main stream media would look pretty silly if they ignored that. They would have to cover it or just go out of business because the people would know, for sure, that they are totally controlled in what they cover and few would watch them anymore. Anyway one would think that the leader of an operation would be, front and center in it but not a sign, so far of Col. Riley. So, in regard to American Spring maybe the ground hog didn't see his shadow.
When fighting a war, SINCE WHEN DO YOU NOTIFY YOUR ENEMY THAT YOU ARE COMING TO GET THEM AND PROVIDE THEM WITH THE DAY AND THE TIME????? SINCE WHEN do you spread the word all over the internet so that the enemy can prepare for your arrival and to take you out????? IF COL RILEY WAS 'FOR REAL,' THEN HE WOULD HAVE QUIETLY ORGANIZED BEHIND THE SCENES, INSURING ALL ARRANGEMENTS AND MANPOWER WERE READY FOR THE 'BUST,' AND CARRIED IT OUT SUCCESSFULLY. This 'event' was nothing more than a cabal setup. thank God most all were discerning enough to STAY AWAY - but it sure exposes Riley and makes him and this nation once again THE LAUGHING STOCK OF THE ENTIRE WORLD AT THE EXPENSE OF THE TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOTS.
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