Friday, May 16, 2014

78 successful, natural, alternative cancer treatments in use worldwide

To: All my Alternative doctor friends, and those people that want to know more than what the drug-um, dope-um, radiate-um, and cut-um idiots want you to know....

Date: Fri, May 16, 2014 at 11:22 AM
Subject: 78 successful, natural, alternative cancer treatments in use worldwide....

78 successful, natural, alternative
 cancer treatments in use worldwide
~  Presented Free in the Public Interest  ~

"Ridding the world of cancer once and for all."

     The treatments and therapies below are presented for general information only and not considered medical advice. Nor are they recommendations for or against any other treatments or therapies. They are simply the most commonly used worldwide and are offered here as a free public service. Some of these therapies go back to the 1920s and remain ignored by mainstream medicine in favor of drugs, surgery and radiation. Others are newer.

Be prepared for much negativity from conventional cancer treatment centers and conventional doctors (MD oncologists) about the value of alternative therapies. Keep in mind that although MDs have your best interests at heart, successful natural, low-cost, non-toxic, cancer therapies are unknown to them and represent serious competition to everything they stand for. This is human nature at work - the way of the world.

Order the inexpensive 45 page report for a complete guide to using natural and alternative cancer therapies, and finding practitioners nearest you familiar with them.

Always work with a qualified health care provider in making decisions about therapies or personal health conditions. 

It's time all these successful, little-known, non-toxic therapies are made public knowledge for patients and doctors alike. In fact there are far more than shown here. None are taught in conventional medical schools
(MD degree). 

Besides therapies presented here, in order to achieve and maintain a cancer free life it's necessary to modify certain lifestyle habits. Strong contributing factors to any disease include an unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle. 


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