Subject: Dinar Update
5-16-2014 Intel Guru DC [via Adept1] The US finally agreed to accept the rate after a LOT of
back and forth. It was put back in Iraq’s hands. CBI and Maliki wanted to do some last minute
announcements, and they did some grandstanding that took up most of yesterday. Now,
today, live rates have been popping up through the world since yesterday
morning, even down to the teller screens in different parts of the
world. They have been turning on and off all afternoon and
evening. Through this morning, we have had
folks checking in many different countries, and some have seen the rates at the
CBI, at the bank level, and occasionally at the teller level.
5-16-2014 Intel Guru DC There have been announcements in Iraq but there have been
too many in the past, and people want them to stop talking and get it
done. They announced in the mosques that they were
opening the banks at 6 to allow folks to do some exchanges and for lower
denominations to get out. That has been successful, although it is
stopped for the date because it’s late there. One friend did exchange himself
in Baghdad, and others have reported currency at a higher rate. I
think things look phenomenally good. They have so much that points
to the fact that this thing is right upon us and expected to go down
now. [Are all the
currencies we’ve been hearing about in the first basket?] I
understand all the currencies are back in the first basket now. [post 2 of
More lies and deceit. My son is a Forex trader and no rates were popping up on their computers today or ever. This is an outright lie about Guru DC having a friend in Bagdad that exchanged. When are you going to stop posting these guru lies, John?
Dc. stating that some countries had a live rates, like germany I have a friend living there and been calling to confirm if that is true, of course his told me that is another lie of a mental disorders gurus tnt and dc liers since they 're pumpers niewbis in purchase dinars/dongs they inventing lies one after other. and people still believing on this crap intels..b...s
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