Saturday, May 24, 2014

Frank26 and KTFA Members Tidbits Thursday Late AM

Frank26 and KTFA Members Tidbits Thursday Late AM


misterdonar44man Hey Frank!!   Here is the 3 day weekend that you were talking about on the last CC that Shabibi said he needed!! You mentioned our 3 day weekend with Memorial day on Monday. Now we have a 3 day weekend on both sides of the pond!!!

Sounds like a "perfect storm" is brewing!!!
I'd say I'm getting very excited but that would be an understatement!!!
See you on the white sandy beaches of HI soom

walkingstick » May 22nd, 2014, 8:29 am • [Post 127]
05/22/2014 14:32 Disable the official working hours on Sunday in Baghdad

BAGHDAD / obelisk: The General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, on Thursday, disabling the official working hours on Sunday in Baghdad, on the occasion of the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Musa al-Kadhim (peace be upon him).
The Secretariat said in a press statement received "obelisk" a copy of it, it was "decided to consider next Sunday, a public holiday in the capital, Baghdad, on the occasion of the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam al-Kazim (peace be upon him), except for the necessary configurations specified by the ministries and departments concerned."

It is said that a number of provinces of the Middle Euphrates and southern provinces declared Sunday a public holiday on the occasion of the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Musa al-Kadhim (peace be upon him). 


Frank26:   Yes ....... True that Cuz.......... This is a significant BREAK in a pattern.
You picked up well on Your CC ............. This combination is impressive.

Especially when I said IMO we need the hoilday on their side more than ours.

I did .............

They have covered all bases to hit something out of the Ball Park.
With my luck it will be a Ball Park ......... Frank !!!

COME ON ....... That's funny !!!   KTFA,  Frank.... Every weekend ....... Hana ho !!!


moneytalks1 :I would love it to see that this weekend is finally the three day holiday that Shabbibi has been looking for-but we have been down this road before. I still think it will happen by Jul1 or before but if it doesn't happen this weekend-don't fret. it will happen
Many long weekends and holidays have gone and nothing to show. So don't build your self up only to be disappointed. Just some word of wisdom.

Pray to God-it happens this weekend!!!!!


Frank26:  Friend .......... I NEVER make an appointment for ........ Disappointment.

What I do is for Knowledge and Sharing.

May we be Strong together ......... " Over the Weekend" in order to be over the Rainbow.

Aloha ............. KTFA,    Frank


the secret :  Good morning everyone,  Just listened to the CCs and read Frank's blue post, amazing! Looks like the dam is ready to bust open! I do however have a question, why would the powers to be (republicans-Bush Sr. &Jr.) allow history to repeat itself? By that I mean,with Kuwait they allowed Clinton to look like a great president, why would they allow Obama to do the same? After all they (Sr. & Jr.) did all the hard work why let the Democrats come out smelling like roses?


Frank26:  History ......... Useful accomplishments ......... A Victorious legacy will be long and far better remembered with respect added to it than what C and O have done in their 16 years of office.

For Your eyes Sr and Jr started to show You a Plan on January 1, 1990. They should it to You for exactly 30 days on TV…..It wasn't until 1999 that we STILL missed their Mission Accomplished.

Post 9/11 kicked in Jr's part.

"IF" ......... YOU ........ Were given an option to choose a side to represent .......... Which would You pick.

The Loud C that bought and sold ........... Cigars? Or O that is more lost in the WH than Carmen is in San Diego?

"IF" ......... Allowed ......... Let's call it a trade off. …Oh BTW .......... This guano is not done yet .......... There is STILL MORE to do in the ME.

Hence why I have ALWAYS TOLD YOU .......... She will be there at the end.

IMO .......... Trade off continues for 10 more years in the WH.  Finally .........

Thank Goodness I have no idea of what I am talking about .......... lol


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