Sunday, May 4, 2014


[MarkZ] I need to clarify that the Admiral will not be on our call this week. I was told there was some confusion somewhere. Keep in mind that the admiral is 3 people or so, meaning a number of people are thought to be him. His real identity is a mystery that I am sure for now they want to stay a mystery.

[bandit] MarkZ Have you visited with OKIE lately

[MarkZ] bandit No. He is not on my speed dial although I do have great respect for him. He has a HUGE heart.

[bebba] MarkZ all of our intel providers do... you all only want to help all of us... and we thank you...

[MarkZ] bebba There is so much dis information out there that it is a full time 
job vetting the crap

[dinardiamonds] MarkZ r we expecting the r v before or after your exciting call Wednesday ty
[MarkZ] dinardiamonds I am more than a little hopeful that it could be before.

[BigDog-OH] MarkZ Looks like you gave the pot a good stir

MarkZ] BigDog-OH oh my..... I kicked the pot over. The phones blew up all around the globe. You all being here and then it being moved to recaps got enough eyeballs to shake the foundations

[BigDog-OH] MarkZ IMO It is about time

[lilypad] MarkZ, might we be seeing updated rates on the CBI and or 
Forex on Sunday?

[MarkZ] lilypad If things go very smoothly you could see them.

 [lilypad] Lets all pray 
tonight for smoothly

[MarkZ] We are causing an 

[lilypad] Well maybe this earth needs to shake a little

[FLPatriot59] MarkZ How about instead of an earthquake we cause an RV!

[MarkZ] FLPatriot59 we are doing just that

[slh1812] FLPatriot59 oh yeah!

[goddess] Are we really going to see this come to fruition soon?

[MarkZ] goddess It looks highly likely. But if they stall we will out them every time.We will push until we have it.
[lilypad] Yes "we the people" have waited patiently and calmly long enough. And Enough is Enough!

[Muruga] MarkZ, pleasure to meet you sir. I am aware that talking rates is taboo at this time, but in general, are the contract rates limited only to those participating in private placements, or will the public have an opportunity as well?

[MarkZ] Muruga I am told the general public will be offered something better than the street rate.

[sandytob] MarkZ Hey. I received an email from your site telling me that I cannot win the 20 million dinar because I have not posted 
the link to the site on my fb page (of course I don't have a fb page). This was signed by David Durst.

[MarkZ] sandytob I am talking to the web guys mondaymorning. I think I outed the landing page a few days ahead of schedule. :) Blow it though and give them something to do.

[slh1812] MarkZ Nothing like LIVE testing!

[MarkZ] slh1812 lol true

[SpecialAgentGibbs] MarkZ you seem to be in the stir mode, LOL

[MarkZ] SpecialAgentGibbs I was actually asked to stir it. It is actually a relief after being asked for so long to stay silent while I saw all the junk being fed around. It was killing me.

[SpecialAgentGibbs] MarkZ Yessir, the "gag" did tend to grow old :)

[MarkZ] SpecialAgentGibbs big time

[bebba] MarkZ they chose wisely when they asked you to do that... glad it was you...

[MarkZ] bebba They knew it was dear to me.

[goddess] Mark,wish more could be revealed now.

[MarkZ] goddess I am trying to figure out a place to start the story for you all. I think MC will do it best since he was there and lived it.

[goddess] How does MC have the power to do what he is doing?

SpecialAgentGibbs] MarkZ knowing what keys were passed to MC, and by whom will rock these peeps

 [Lvn42day] SpecialAgentGibbs Then rock us! Please.

[SpecialAgentGibbs] Lvn42day THAT is for MC to tell :)

 [ModelWoman] MarkZ We need some clues here to figure out who MC is.......Is he 

[MarkZ] ModelWoman He was in the Navy but I do not consider him military. I will let him tell his own story this week.

 [MarkZ] The story starts before the Wanta, reagan, Mitterand trust. If I picked one person that really moved it forward I would say Reagan, the Iron Lady helped and Mitterand you all will love getting the whole truth.

[SpecialAgentGibbs] MarkZ YES, Ronnie was THE man

[MarkZ] SpecialAgentGibbs He doesn't have the keys yet. He is guarding the door witing on the keys.

[notsoguru] MarkZ I think it starts back in 1960 with an assassination!

 [SpecialAgentGibbs] Pfffft, try going all the way back to McArthur!

 [downunder] MC = Michael Cottrell

 [MarkZ] notsoguru good point. Kennedy pushed for a true return to asset backed and no fed. He was quickly killed for it.

[SpecialAgentGibbs] Actually, most of it started with the Japanese Imperial 
Army pillaging and pludering

[ChildOfGod] MarkZ Didn't it really all start with the Federal Reserve Act back in 1912?

 [MarkZ] ChildOfGod technically you are right. :)

[notsoguru] MarkZ and our history books all need to be rewrtten!

 [MarkZ] notsoguru We will have to make certain they are re-written truthfully

 [notsoguru] MarkZ when you know what time you are going to spill the beans can you have the castle post it ahead of time please? and thank you!

[justincase] MarkZ - will that be Wed???

 [MarkZ] justincase That is the 
plan now. We have someone setting it up. Our tenative time is 9pm EDT wed

[MarkZ] notsoguru I hope to have the number out latetomorrow or Monday.

 [alohadinar] MarkZ Is the call Wednesday going to precede the RV or be some form of wrap up?

 [MarkZ] alohadinar we hope a wrap up.

[lilypad] This may have already been asked, but where will we get the number for the call on Wed?

 [MarkZ] lilypad I will release it here and tweet it

[sandytob] MarkZ Maybe I missed it, but who is Iron Lady.

[MarkZ] sandytob Margaret Thatcher


[Digs] MarkZ question: This "RI" that you claimed is fact.. this time, where is it? you claim this "RI" happened (a week ago today), but NOTHING!!! looks like all you came here to do was pump your site.. NOT BASHING AT ALL.. BUT...

[MarkZ] Digs I am being told by people I trust in Iraq that Maliki did pull that trigger. If I were pumping a site the RV happening now would make it useless for profit. I would rather have an RV.

[slh1812] Digs there is so much going on that supports what MarkZ is saying here tonight...but you have to read many different 
sources to get it

[lilypad] Digs, there are others who have multiple confirmations that Maliki did call the RI.

[Digs] FACT!! There has been no "RI" in iraq!!!!

[superbiz] Digs believe what u believe. time will tell won't it?

[Digs] superbiz yes, time will tell...

[MarkZ] Digs time will tell us soon. What is another day when our lives are another Groundhog day movie

[sandytob] MarkZ Will you still do a call if the RV happens before it?

 [MarkZ] sandytob especially will post rv.

[Robertprofessor] MarkZ Know of any IMF/BIS rule regarding how long a RI can be accomplished before it is revealed?

[MarkZ] Robertprofessor I was told 10 days

[Robertprofessor] MarkZ Let me look at a calendar. I'll count very, very slowly.

 [FLPatriot59] MarkZ Then what was the 72 hours everybody was talking about last week?

MarkZ] FLPatriot59 I have no idea where they came up with 72 hours. I actually made it a point to ask and all I got was dead silence.

 [Digs] MarkZ 72 hours from when?

[MarkZ] Digs so many reasons, this has been stalled for so long and they had to keep giving a bone to Iraq to explain the timeline that they were finally close enough to be able to do something about it.

 [MarkZ] Digs I never said 72 hours

[FLPatriot59] Digs That 72 hours was floating around a lot last week. It didn't originate with MarkZ.

[1974Z28Camaro] MarkZ I heard it was an 
internationallaw after a RI??? US has been breaking alot of laws

[MarkZ] 1974Z28Camaro US 
breaks laws all the time

[highhopes] Soooo 10 days from the 26th puts us aboutMonday the 5th...Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone!!

[1974Z28Camaro] Digs To get real news you have to go underground. Been that way for years and years. But do you see how there is alot of them in the govt hanging them selfs right now just wait it will get really wild in a bit of time.

[MarkZ] 1974Z28Camaro I trick my browser and IP into thinking I am in a different country. It is stunning how edited our news is here.

[goddess] Mark, besides the call you will have on Wednesday, how long before all the truth comes out?

MarkZ] goddess It will be on going. We will do regular calls and webinars until it is out. People can then make their own decisions.

[lilypad] So MarkZ, in your heart of hearts, when do you think the announcement will come?

[MarkZ] lilypad I am afraid to say but I think early this week

[lilypad] Woo Hoo Mark Z--We have the runway cleared and waiting for a smooth landing

[kazorlando] MarkZ Did you hear about the new WHouse criminal attorney???

[MarkZ] kazorlando why would the WHouse need a criminal atty? Makes you wonder..

[kazorlando] MarkZ WHouse has hired new counsel.....big DC criminal attorney.....word is that there are looming investigations and an email regarding Benghazi and the IRS and other matters...if the Dems lose the Senate....well, might be trouble for the WHouse

[MarkZ] kazorlando I want all the crooks fried no matter which side of the floor they sit one.

[kazorlando] MarkZ No doubt it is not limited to any party affiliation

[Bear'sOpenHeart] MarkZ And they are on BOTH sides..

[MarkZ] Bear'sOpenHeart They definitely are on both sides.

[kazorlando] MarkZ Have you heard of hte Million Man March on DC??? What do you think of the Million Man DINAR March on DC??

 [MarkZ] kazorlando That we might actually have a million show up

[1974Z28Camaro] I havent been able to find any new news the last few days.

[MarkZ] 1974Z28Camaro my last news out of Iraq came from a contractor there on Sunday. It all went dead after that for the most part. Spooky quiet.

[Dinarblessed] MarkZ Heard Spooky Quiet is good!

 [MarkZ] Dinarblessed I think it is

[ChildOfGod] MarkZ Silence is golden!

[FLPatriot59] MarkZ So, 10 days from the RI is thisMonday, May 5. After that we're hearing the canaries will start singing. Do you really think that threat will precipitate the public RV or has this been the plan all along (since Maliki RI'd ahead of the game)?

[MarkZ] FLPatriot59 I think he forced it when he did it. He was told before that it would happen on the 25th and when they made another excuse. He forced the issue I believe.

[slh1812] MarkZ A turning point for everybody, for sure.
[MarkZ] I am too tired to make it too last call tonight...... I am hitting the pillow. I can't be intomorrow until late.

[Dinarblessed] MarkZ ty so much for being here tonight! We really appreciate it love :bighug:

[Bear'sOpenHeart] MarkZ Good Night friend..
Posted by FORO DINAR GURUS at 9:36 PM

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