Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Imminent Mass Arrests of Globalists, Bankers and Political Elite

Imminent Mass Arrests of Globalists,  Bankers and Political Elite
Last updated on March 31, 2012 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News
* Visit in5D Connection where you can find your soul mate or join one of our amazing groups. EVERYONE is welcome!
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

In a recent interview with David Wilcock, Insider ‘Drake’ stated a comprehensive plan to arrest all corrupt globalist, banksters and the political elite within a 72 hour period involving the closing down of U.S. borders and satellite communications to prevent and out of country money transfers.  Drake added that a transition plan is already in place to convert the U.S. dollar to one that is not based on fiat currency.  Additionally, we can expect to see the release of many suppressed technologies that will make our modern life seem like the Stone Age.
Drake mentioned that other countries and non-aligned nations have already stepped outside of the financial control of the G5 and G20 in a new financial system that was implemented on Monday. 
The insider also stated that JP Morgan, Bank of America and Citibank are on the verge of collapse adding that the Euro is set to collapse, which in turn, would collapse the dollar.  To finance this changeover in currency, Drake stated that there are old funds held by patriotic entities that have enough money and valued assets to pay for our national debt 4x over, adding, “This is not collateral accounts, this is private accounting.  The end result will be the end of taxation, the release of suppressed technology and prosperity for all. 
Continuity of goods and services should still remain in tact, and while there may be a few short discontinuations of services, they should occur for any long periods of time.  It may be a good idea to have a small stockpile of basic necessities, such as water, canned food, toilet paper, etc…
In recent alternative news, as seen here on in5d, we have shown numerous articles on the plethora of bankster resignations in the past several months.  According to Drake, many of these people gathered their families and a large quantity of money and moved overseas.  Drake added that these people will be hunted down no matter where they are on this planet. In regard to the elite, Drake stated that “There’s gonna be some hangings.  There’s gonna be some people jumping out of windows” but added that he does not want to see the riotous lynch mobs emanating from our society. 
“The idea of the police state will not exist as it does now,” stated Drake. According to this insider, the FEMA camps will not be used for the general population, but for the corrupt politicians, banksters and global elite.
Drake stated that “there's gonna be a 72 hour shutdown. no one will be able to fly or use any satellite technology to prevent the crooks from leaving the United States and from pilfering money electronically.”  While shutting down the satellites may affect cell phone service, internet connectivity and even possibly the use of automobiles, this will be done as a preventative measure to ensure that the elite do not pilfer any money to offshore accounts.
At this point in time, there is no specific date of when this event will occur but rest assured as soon as it happens, it will be covered by in5d Alternative News.
Drake stated there will be a specific education channel will be televised for the educating and reeducating of people to our new society, adding  there will be county, state and national positions created due to the number of people getting ousted from office as these politicians will be temporarily replaced with interim officials appointed on a temporary basis.
At this point in time, it is unclear who will be appointed to any specific position along with who will be the people making these decisions.
The ramifications of this event will lead other countries to follow suit in a global revolution.

What can you do?

Once we begin this transition phase, there will be a great need for the reeducation of people.  As part of the in5d family, your knowledge in many of these spiritual and metaphysical areas will be a great asset to those who have been brainwashed their entire lives.
Imagine being blind your entire life, then by some miracle, your eyesight was restored.  This is what it will be like for those people who have been blinded by a reality that was constructed to keep us subservient, controlled and conformed.
On in5d Connection, we have a ton of groups that can be used in the reeducation of society.  In addition, we are going to be adding some software that will enable us to use the "Broadcast" function as our own online in5d Station!  For example, we can schedule broadcasts for Groups or we can do live interviews with people such as George Kavassilas, Jordan Maxwell, Michael Tsarion etc... or we can use it to schedule reeducation classes.  It'll be an awesome alternative to television while being much more informative. Additionally, we can set up schedules for members to air their own broadcasts at in5d Connection on a daily and weekly basis.

I'll need to upgrade the software but this will not affect its functionality at all.  I'll also need to upgrade the server to something that will be able to handle this type of software in large numbers.  As soon as I'm able to save enough to get this going, it'll come to reality, so start thinking about what stations you'd like to have or see and we can talk about it in my Miscellaneous in5d Group, in5d Suggestions and Ideas.

Our in5d family will be playing a huge role in educating society in many areas of life and we will be looking for leaders and innovators to help us usher in the Golden Age!
On a local level, you can talk to your neighbors and hold small assemblies to share your knowledge.
As I stated in the past, "Once the bottom of the pyramid unites, the rest will collapse."
Get your seat belts on, folks!

About the Author:
Gregg Prescott, M.S. is the founder and editor of In5D and BodyMindSoulSpirit.  He hosts a weekly spiritual show on In5D Radio and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents. Gregg is currently working in collaboration with Michelle Walling, CHLC, in opening a holistic walk-in clinic called Alternative Holistic Healthcare (AHH) in Sarasota, FL with subsequent subsidiaries around the world based upon this model.
Copyright Information: Copyright in5d and Gregg Prescott, M.S.. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in any form.



Anonymous said...

You may want to take a look at the date of this article. It's been over 2 years people and not one high level globalist, banker or politician has been arrested.

Anonymous said...

"On in5d Connection, we have a ton of groups that can be used in the reeducation of society."
Huh? A "Golden Age" where someone wants to brainwash us with their own brand of brainwashing? Like the books of Revelation and Daniel predict for the end times...a world wide "religious" leader forcing us to think the way they want us to think? This does NOT sound good, although it is whitewashed and made to sound like it is for our benefit. It sounds much like Bill Ayers' (domestic terrorist turned presidential adviser/friend) plan
to re-educate millions of people who don't think like the newly self-appointed leaders want them to think. That's what those FEMA camps were built for...re-educating those who don't want to be re-educated. And to be "spiritually" re-educated, no less??? With the 5D false New Age thingy? Of course they will not be given a fair trial based on the numbers thrown out. Are we going from bad to worse with a false religion crammed down our throats??? This is NOT good news by any means....

Anonymous said...

This is 2 years old.