Saturday, May 24, 2014



     Restoration of the original American system to establish industry in America. When the American Revolution began, America had little native industry except illegal alcohol stills. Before the British Parliament outlawed the colonial money of the Thirteen Colonies, nearly all the colonists owned either their own farms or else their own businesses. There were not many available for manual labor in America, so slaves were shipped into America to help supply more common labor for the Thirteen Colonies. Once the colonial money was outlawed to be replaced by English banking controlled money, the Thirteen Colonies were thrown into a massive depression where finally nearly 50% of all Americans were unemployed. In such a devastated economy, the American people in desperation turned to the illegal manufacture of alcohol for export. Such as John Hancock, President of the Continental Congress later fighting the American Revolution, was in a very prestigious field. He was called "The King Of Smuggles" which Americans respected then very much as basically half of the American economy was now based upon smuggling. The British colonial laws to carry out the Mercantile Policy of Great Britain blocked the Thirteen Colonies from building native industries to and make and sell exports and compete against manufactured goods from England such as clothing, etc.  When the American Revolution began, the French royal government supplied through a dummy trading company 10% of the rifles and 90% of the gunpowder to fight the American Revolution with. America did not have the native industry to back the American Revolution without this French secret aid.
     The illegal alcohol production and smuggling out of rum, etc. from America may be found in the history of early alcohol production in America.
     During the American Revolution, the Continental Congress under the leadership of President John Hancock encouraged the founding of new industries in the Thirteen Colonies while fighting the American Revolution. The Continental Congress had printed publications how to set up textile plants in America and other industries practiced in Europe. They when they could gave orders for the Continental Congress or else for the Continental Army under Gen. George Washington to those setting up new industries in America. Also, gave out other governmental orders to other industries being set up in America while fighting the British Army for control of the land of America. The newly formed state governments wanted control of the founding of new industries in America. They were going to tie up the founding of new industries to submit to extensive licensing and regulation by state government which meant that bureaucrats would make it nearly impossible to found new industries in the Thirteen States of America. The Continental Congress intervened and said that it was a God-given right to contract and to property which state governments could not license nor interfere with so long as the contracts and property claims were made according to the standards of the Bible. If fraud was involved in the contracts or acquiring ownership of business, then common law courts based upon legal precedents of the Bible as authority for the common law courts as pointed out by William Blackstone, virtual legal pope of common law for America then, the common law courts could rule in jurisdiction but based upon authority of the Bible, not authority of man claimed through government. Also, the terms of enforcement of contracts could be ruled  upon in common law courts, but based upon Bible standards of law and justice. The legal system of America and free enterprise established in America was based upon the authority of the Bible and as the High Court of Massachusetts declared when the American Revolution was now official in 1776 that no laws in America were valid which were not based upon authority of the Bible. Any laws not based upon Bible authority were invalid meaning not law and could not be legally enforced in America. Anyone trying to enforce non-Biblical standards of law from government would be defined as a tyrant and heading up a tyranny as a government meaning he was substituting himself as the authority for law rather than God who made man on earth. There were profound effects from this God-based concept of law and freedom in America.
      Americans did not need the licensing or authority from state governments in order to set up business offers for sought after finances to start new industries in America and during the time of the American Revoluton! The Continental Congress said to ignore any state governments and establish new industries in America if they saw the opportunity for it in America. The only limitation on this God-given right to contract and to own property without governmental regulation or approval was if you violated the rights of your neighbors such as ruining their living environment or threatening their lives with such as the manufacture of high explosive right next to their homes that they lived in. If you did not violate the rights of your neighbors in setting up new industry in America, then you had the God-given right in America to do this and without the formal approval or licensing of state governments in America. Under such a legal concept of law established for America, when the American Revolution was over, now America had industry in a number of fields and ways that America did not have before the American Revolution began. When the American Revolution was over, America was now emerging as industrial America. As Alexander Hamilton suggested to President George Washington, protect the new industries popping up across America by tariff protections so they would not be destroyed by such as British industry competing against them to try and block them or else destroy them by price warfare. 
      Also, back then many companies were started with common law trusts to finance the beginning of new companies including new industries in America. Also, they were allowed to speak plainly the merits of the new company or industry they wanted to establish in America and unless a common law court could later prove them to have been in willful fraud in what they said to the public, they were allowed to make claims for their business venture until or unless proven wrong in a common law court later on. James Madison, "Father of the U.S. Constitution" wrote in the Federalist Papers explaing what was meant by the U.S. Constitution that allowing governments including federal to regulate the terms of the right to contract and to property would smother the growth of the national economy and potentially sabotage the future of America if tolerated under American law. 
     Showing that the Continental Congress considered the Bible to be the authority for the law and legal system to be set up in newly founded America, they ordered 20,000 copies of the Christian Bible to be given to the soldiers fighting the American Revolution in the Continental Army under Gen. George Wash., D.C. and called the Christian Bible "The political textbook" of the American Revolution. In his first major dispatch to the soldiers fighting under him, Gen. George Washington called them "Christian soldiers" fighting for their Lord Jesus Christ who was King of America. The Committees of Correspondence which organized the American Revolution organized the American Revolution with the national cry of, "We will have no King but Jesus!"
      Professor George Tucker of the University of Virginia in 1844 or close to that wrote his law textbook "A Treatise On Natural Law" and explained that all American law was based upon in authority from the Christian Bible. This law textbook should be reprinted and used as a textbook to show the actual concept of law America was founded upon in 1776. The Tucker family had promised Thomas Jefferson that later on they would write the legal concept of the American Revolution that founded America as a nation and established the legal system independent America would now live under. The Tucker family was the prestigious legal family of America that wrote the main law reference books for America after the American Revolution.
     The Colonial Script system of money the Thirteen Colonies used until outlawed by the British Parliament which led to the American Revolution when London-imposed depression in the Thirteen Colonies maybe reached 50% of all American adults now unemployed and the Thirteen Colonies thrown into massive poverty very fast due this to London policy. The Thirteen Colonies were using the monetary system of Jesus Christ taught in the New Testament and made the Thirteen Colonies the most prosperous land to move to in the world which is why so many colonists moved to the Thirteen Colonies as word of their prosperity spread across Europe. When Jesus Money was outlawed in America, then America went from being the most prosperous land in the world to the poorest land in the world among civilized nations. This created the American Revolution. The conservatives only know part of how Colonial Script worked as a monetary system. Know all the parts how it worked and suddenly this is the Jesus Money preached in the New Testament by Jesus Christ! Used four times in history, it always skyrockets an economy until the people naively allow corrupt banking interests to overthrow it again and claiming this done by authority of (bank seized control of) law.
      Pass this report around. This history of America is heavily censored from the public schools of America. This same history shows how to create massive new industry in America, a booming national economy, and much more!
     When our proposed Omni Law is passed, then we return to the correct principles that gave America great prosperity and much freedom in the land! Full name of the Omni Law is Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America and shown on our national website Our email is . Our mailing address for those ordering by mail instead of through our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for. Everything whether product order or else backing our loan program for passage of the Omni Law all helps to finance the drive to pass the Omni Law and we think can even be done in 2014. The 2014 election is our national ambush if we can set up correctly in time with your heavy support.
     We are already lining up giant aces to skyrocket the American econoy once the Omni Law is passed. We have the Vatican endorsed food process Pope Pius XII endorsed as potentially the greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it could potentially solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition in the world. This is a trade secret industrial process and can give America world domination in the food industry. We have lined up a mass pool of technology as can give America enough new industries for maybe up to 2,000 different products sold worldwide to maybe help give America new national income of maybe $1 trillion to $3 trillion annual income. We also have lined up technology that apparently can give fuel injected cars up to two to three times more mileage for the auto fuel used. Also, if the bad guys cartel try to derail the American dollar, we have a new fuel that could potentially totally replace Middle East oil and America becomes the main fuel provider for the entire world which could bankrupt the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc. if they want to play games with the future of America. We know where the technology is that can give America world leadership in industry and finance.
     Join this rising national movement now and help us to win even as early as 2014. Once the Omni Law is passed, we have won and America will now skyrocket economically, in freedom, etc.
     God likes to bless the side that is not His enemy on earth such as Wash., D.C. is the enemy of God today. That is probably why we have the powerful answers in technology and monetary policy that Wash., D.C. does not have at this time! God probably is rigging this so we will end up winning in America. Obama offers America no future but economic ruin and collapse. We offer America the brightest future it has ever seen!
     Pass this report around everywhere now!
     Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that economist who studied under six of the most brilliant economists in the world including a German economist endorsed by Albert Einstein as teaching the only true economic science in the world in the 20th Century! Want to bet on Obama or me for the right economic answers for America! Also, I am honest and cannot be bought off. Obama was totally bought off long ago and works for secret interests you do not know about!) In our product listing on our website, we have many outstanding products you will not find elsewhere. Everything helps to finance our Omni Law Drive to make the Omni Law national law before 2014 is over if you back us and now!

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