Saturday, May 24, 2014

No Conviction, No Trial, but FBI Lock Up Woman for Five Days for Being Suspected of Non-Violent Crime

A Mission, TX woman's home is invaded by the Feds.  Huh?  Is law enforcement now the Gestapo?  I witnessed first hand the corruption of law enforcement years ago when a young boy was arrested under false pretenses by a McAllen "law enforcement" officer! It
is apparently now more widespread while they become bolder and bolder....
I hope the video showing her being interviewed goes through OK.  If not, use the link below.

No Conviction, No Trial, but FBI Lock Up Woman for Five Days for Being Suspected of Non-Violent Crime

Why do we continue to let this happen to our neighbors?
Worse: How do our neighbors who are FBI agents and police officers justify inflicting this kind of evil upon others?
From the Daily Sheeple: “Woman Suspected of Non-Violent Crime Wakes Up to a Home Invasion, FBI-Style.

Gracie was still in bed that morning when her home was raided by armed Federal law enforcement officials. They jumped the six-foot fence around her house, pounded on the front door, and demanded to be let in.
The Escamillas live in a region that is rife with home invasions. Residents even have reason to fear the police: the Hidalgo County sheriff’s federally funded Panama Unit has participated in illegal home invasions, which have resulted in convictions and long federal prison sentences for some officers.
With this in mind, Joel considered grabbing his gun but realized it wouldn’t do much good against the armed men. He let them in.
The Escamillas said the men were FBI agents, Gracie was not read her rights before being taken away, and she was not told to hire an attorney
Gracie was suspected of involvement in a Medicare/Medicaid fraud conspiracy.
Yet, not one bit of possible evidence was taken from her home during that raid.
Gracie was held for five days without being allowed to communicate with anyone on the outside.
Was it worth risking the lives of these innocent citizens, and the officers, in order to come for a person accused of a completely non-violent crime?
Gracie had been interviewed by authorities twice before. When they left a business card at her gate with a request that she call them, she complied. When investigators asked her to come in for interviews, she did. The raid followed five months of no contact from officials.
Gracie claims to be innocent of all charges, but her guilt or lack thereof is beside the point: was it really necessary to inflict such a violent, humiliating, and invasive raid on someone who is suspected of a non-violent crime?
Mr. Officer, Mr. Agent, let me make it plain: When you do things like this, you are not heroes—you are criminal thugs. America has a long tradition of calling our police officers heroes, but you are jeopardizing that respect by your heavy-handed goonery.
In addition, this woman's life and business have now been destroyed—a woman who is still innocent, according to our legal system. Words fail to describe just how wicked this is.
One more note, if you watch the 15-minute video, there is a very important exchange near the end with which I really, really resonated. I share these men's angst over what is happening through our police. I want to respect and honor them. I want to see them as heroes and good guys (and many still are) but this kind of action is jeopardizing EVERYTHING. It is creating an Us vs. Them mentality with law enforcement. This must stop. It must.


1 comment:

Dan said...

Maybe it is time to go after the FBI Director as he Superseded his Authority and used the NDAA to get Gracie.
The Treason charges by Rod Class is the way to go after this and Stop it before there are more.
Looking at the video it appears that the Escamillas have a nice income and live in a nice home with a good security fence.
Yes, Gracie is Hispanic, and therefore should NOT be living in these conditions and therefore DID commit Medicare FRAUD, as she failed to be on it in poverty.
Obama is Pushing the Button on Racism yet many don't see it like some and myself do.
The way I see it is that Gracie can be hauled off next time and Disappear for Good under the NDAA, but Obama would still be involved as ONLY the President can give the Order for Arrest and Detention NOT 10,000 of his cohorts!