Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2014 5:54:21 AM
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2014 5:54:21 AM
Operation 1776 ~ China & Russia
Put Into Ink ~ Rothschild’s NWO Death Sentence!

China to join Russia for largest ever naval
drills beginning July 12, 2014 Near Japan.
& China Know All To Well Who Rothschild Is And What Its Like Living Through
The Corruption Of Rothschild’s Engineered Communism By Employee Karl Marx. Now
The Tables Have Turned And Those Countries Who Were Once Bamboozled And Controlled
By Rothschild’s Lobbied Propaganda And Bought Off Politicians Have
Said “No More”.
China to join Russia for largest ever naval drills beginning July
12, 2014 Near Japan.
Russia and China
have just signed what is being called “the gas deal of the century”, and the
two countries are discussing moving away from the U.S. dollar and using their
own currencies to trade with one another. This has huge implications for the
future of the U.S. economy, but the mainstream media in the United States is
being strangely quiet about all of this. [This is because they are on
Rothschild's MSM Payroll To Mask Over Corruption Against The U.S.]- China Joins Russia For Largest
Naval Drills July 12, 2014.
- Why Did Billy Clinton
Personally Approve For China The Specialized Radiated Hardened Chips
Necessary For Nuclear War In 2003?
- U.S. Sovereign Militias
Buy More Firearms In 3 Months, Than What It Takes To Outfit The Entire
Chinese And Indian Armies Combined!
July 12, 2014
For example, I
searched CNN’s website to see if I could find something about this gas deal
between Russia and China and I did not find anything. But I did find links to
“top stories” entitled “Celebs who went faux red” and “Adorable kid tugs on
Obama’s ear“. Is it any wonder why the mainstream media is dying? If a
particular story does not fit their agenda, they will simply ignore it. But the
truth is that this new agreement between Russia and China is huge. It could end
up fundamentally changing the global financial system, and not in a way that
would be beneficial for the United States.Russia and China had been negotiating this natural gas deal for ten years, and now it is finally done. Russia is the largest exporter of natural gas on the entire planet, and China is poised to become the world’s largest economy in just a few years. This new $400 billion agreement means that these two superpowers could potentially enjoy a mutually beneficial relationship for the next 30 years…
China Executes Keynesian Bankers aka; Rothschild Henchmen.
- China Begins Eradication Of
Corrupt Police, Judges, Prosecutors, & Bankers.
- China Warns Kerry: Sanctions
Against Russia Will Bring “Retaliatory Action” Which This Time Kerry Will
- Doubling Down Against
Rothschild’s New World Order: Russia, China, Egypt, Iceland, Ireland,
Hungary, Iran, & Crimea.
President Vladimir Putin is turning to China to bolster Russia’s economy as relations sour with the U.S. and European Union because of the crisis in Ukraine. Today’s accord, signed after more than a decade of talks, will allow state-run gas producer OAO Gazprom (GAZP) to invest $55 billion developing giant gas fields in eastern Siberia and building the pipeline, Putin said.
It’s an “epochal event,” Putin said in Shanghai after the contract was signed. Both countries are satisfied with the price, he said.
Of course countries sell oil and natural gas to each other all the time. But what makes this deal such a potential problem for the U.S. is the fact that Russia and China are working on cutting the U.S. dollar out of the entire equation. Just check out the following excerpt from a recent article in a Russian news source…
China-Russia Join Hands In $1.3
Billion Crimea Project.
- China Refuses To
Allow Anti-Russian Sanctions Concocted By Rothschild’s West.
- BRICS ~ Brazil, Russia, India,
China, & South Africa: Block Rothschild’s US and EU Computer Generated
Ponzi Bailout Scheme Money Issuances.
“The sides intend to take new steps to increase the level and expansion of spheres of Russian-Chinese practical cooperation, in particular to establish close cooperation in the financial sphere, including an increase in direct payments in the Russian and Chinese national currencies in trade, investments and loan services,” the statement said.
- Jordan’s Muslim Brotherhood To
Inherit $1 Billion In U.S. Taxpayer Money For NWO Nation State Building!
- 9000 Dead In Iraq’s Deadliest
Year 2013: While Obama’s Iraq President Maliki Pumps Oil To Muslim
Brotherhood Strongholds Of Turkey & Jordan!
- Russia & Iran Send Iranian
Warships To U.S. Maritime Borders: Counter Iraq Sending Oil To Muslim
Brotherhood In Jordan & Turkey For New Front Against Syria.

- Jordan On The Brink — Muslim
Brotherhood Mobilize For King Abdullah’s Overthrow
- Iraq Begins Pumping Oil
Northward Into New Muslim Brotherhood Operations For Turkey & Jordan!

China & Russia Have Been Dumping
U.S. Dollars Since 2010: Takes Several Years For Impact ~ Its Now 2014.
And it isn’t just
the national governments of Russia and China that are discussing moving away
from the U.S. dollar. For example, the second largest bank in Russia just
signed a deal with the Bank of China “to pay each other in domestic
currencies”…VTB, Russia’s second biggest lender, has signed a deal with Bank of China, which includes an agreement to pay each other in domestic currencies.
“Under the agreement, the banks plan to develop their partnership in a number of areas, including cooperation on ruble and renminbi settlements, investment banking, inter-bank lending, trade finance and capital-markets transactions,” says the official VTB statement.
The deal underlines VTB Group’s growing interest in Asian markets and will help grow trade between Russia and China that are already close trading partners, said VTB Bank Management Board Vasily Titov.
You can almost feel the power of the U.S. dollar fading.
A few months ago, when I wrote about how China had announced that it no longer planned to stockpile more U.S. dollars, I speculated that it may be evidence that China planned to start making a big move away from the U.S. dollar.
Billie Clinton
Well, now China’s
intentions have become even more clear.The Chinese do not plan to allow the United States to indefinitely dominate the globe financially. In the long run, the Chinese plan to be the ones calling the shots, and that means that the power of the U.S. dollar must decline.
These days, instead of piling up mountains of U.S. currency, China has started accumulating hard assets instead. In the past, I have written about how China is rapidly stockpiling gold, and it turns out that the Chinese have also been very busy stockpiling oil as well…
China is stockpiling oil for its strategic petroleum reserve at a record pace, intervening on a scale large enough to send a powerful pulse through the world crude market.
VKD. This is one great article which continues at source
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