Saturday, May 24, 2014

Privacy World's May 2014 Newsletter Issue 4May

Sent: Friday, May 23, 2014 9:17 PM
Subject: Privacy World's May 2014 Newsletter Issue 4May

> U.S. Special Forces, Foreign Troops Practice Invading Tampa
> News groups promise invasion is not "Russians" or "New World Order."
> U.S. Special Forces and commandos from 16 foreign nations practiced
> "invading" Tampa, Fl. this week during an unprecedented international
> training exercise.
> Conducted outside the Tampa Convention Center Wednesday, residents
> looked on as service members from every branch of the U.S. military
> ran drills alongside commandos from Belgium, Canada, Colombia,
> Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland,
> Jordan, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Poland and Thailand.
> Local newspapers worked to relieve worried residents prior to the
> exercise, assuring them that the sound of gunshots and low-flying
> military helicopters was only part of a drill.
> "If you see military helicopters flying over downtown Tampa next
> Tuesday, it's not a sign that we are under attack by the Russians,
> the North Koreans or the New World Order," said The Tampa Tribune.
> According to the training scenario, commandos were tasked with
> rescuing Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn from an "insurgent village" held by
> "violent extremists." Helicopters, boats, ground mobility vehicles,
> and commandos unloaded blank rounds as a 14-man team worked to
> locate the mayor.
> "This was different," one participant said. "This was a first for
> me. Usually no one sees what we do."
> Loud pyrotechnics were used as four snipers on the roof of Tampa
> General Hospital surveyed the mayor's rescue.
> "It was fun," Buckhorn told reporters. "I love doing this. I love
> supporting Socom and the men and women that serve there."
> The demonstration was held in conjunction with the fourth
> International Special Operations Forces conference, where delegates
> from 84 nations met to strengthen "the Global SOF Network."
> High-ranking members including Army Lt. Gen. Joe Votel discussed
> several topics including the "nightmare scenario" of "Sunni
> extremists or extremist organizations" obtaining biological,
> chemical, radiologic or nuclear weapons.
> "I think we have to be concerned about them falling into the hands
> of people who would have less difficulty employing those and for me
> that's why I think this is hugely important," Votel said while also
> mentioning the situation in Syria. "I do think we have to be very,
> very concerned."
> A noticeable increase in domestic urban warfare exercises, like
> the unannounced 2012 military helicopter drill over Miami that
> used simulated gunfire, has made many uncomfortable given recent
> revelations about military training aimed at mainline Americans.
> Army troops at Mississippi's Camp Shelby blew the whistle last
> October after being told that the American Family Association,
> a mainline Christian ministry, was a domestic hate group similar
> to the Ku Klux Klan.
> Soldiers at Fort Hood were recently warned that anyone supporting
> anti-abortion, Christians or Tea Party groups could face disciplinary
> action under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Soldiers were
> told that such groups presented a major domestic terror threat to
> the country.
> In August 2013, a Department of Defense training manual uncovered
> by conservative watchdog Judicial Watch labeled supporters of
> "individual liberties" and "states' rights" as "extremist." The
> manual also warned military personnel against "active participation"
> with such organizations.
> The U.S. Army's new 300-acre "fake city" in Virginia, where
> troops allegedly train for foreign combat scenarios, more closely
> resembles an American city than a foreign one. Complete with a
> replica Washington D.C. subway and a Baptist church, the training
> center seems to mirror the shift in training material.
> Leaked Marine Corps' documents provided to Infowars this month
> showed how a seperate military urban training center in North
> Carolina was updated to include a Baptist church and farmhouses,
> transforming it from its original foreign appearance.
> Given the fact that a large portion of U.S. troops align themselves
> with conservative values, the federal government's actions towards
> the military is unsurprising. In 2009, former Homeland Security
> Secretary Janet Napolitano stood by a report that labeled returning
> military veterans as the main terror threat.
> Also troublesome is the erosion of the Posse Comitatus Act, which
> prohibits the federal government from using the military as domestic
> law enforcement. In 2008, the Army Times reported on how U.S. troops
> returning from Iraq were tasked with carrying out "homeland patrols"
> for "civil unrest and crowd control" support. The article hinted
> that "Brigade Homeland" may become a permanent fixture on American
> streets.
> That same year, citizens in California were shocked to find troops
> from the Marine Corps Air and Ground Combat Center in California
> working at a sobriety checkpoint with the California Highway Patrol.
> Attendees of a Kentucky Derby race in 2009 were also stunned when
> military police working at the event were witnessed detaining a
> man who ran on the track.
> In 2011 it was reported that military police in Florida were
> detaining criminal suspects off of military bases, in one specific
> case a man at a Circle K convenience store.
> Troops from the Texas State Guard were dispatched for crowd control
> at the 2012 and 2013 Zilker Kite Festival and were used to usher
> children onto school buses at the end of the event.
> The most troublesome aspect lies in President Obama's passage of
> the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act, which granted the
> military the ability to indefinitely detain any American without
> charge or trial for the first time in U.S. history. Under the law,
> any American purportedly connected to terrorism can be held until
> the "end of the war on terror."
> The above by Mikael Thalen
> Until our next issue stay cool and remain low profile!
> Privacy World
> PS - Require an easy to obtain and use debit card with a US$10,000
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