> Subject: Re: Jacob McCandle has sent you a
> On 5/18/14, GoFundMe <invites@gofundme.com> wrote:
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>> Hello,
>> Jacob would like you to support "Justice
Died On The Cross"
>> Will you show your support?
>> Yes! Take me to this page >>
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>> Jacob says...
>> I am David C. Coley and for three years now I
have been going through
>> troubling times. Since 2010, like so many
Americans I found myself
>> unemployed. Thereafter, my wife of 21 years
walked out and abandoned
>> me; we are now going through a divorce. We have
two houses together.
>> Through her attorney, she has sold our joint
property (first house)
>> by having my name remove from the deed and sold
the house without my
>> permission (I got nothing). How does that
happen? She has access to
>> millions of dollars through her son (that I
raised since the age of
>> 5yrs) who played professional football (Leigh
Bodden). I was living
>> in our 2nd property. My wife and her attorney
have been trying to get
>> me out of there since our divorce proceeding
started so she could
>> sell that property, too. On May
>> 1,2014 she came to my house with a “court order”
to have me evicted
>> (we are still married). To make a long story
short, the police came
>> and tried to remove me from my home…the house
ended up on fire and
>> they have charged me with arson. I did not burn
my home. I believe
>> the tear gas that the police used to tried and
force me out of my
>> home caused the fire. In the Fire Marshall’s
report, he stated that
>> he could not determine what ignited the fire. I
need to find a good
>> attorney and am asking for help.
>> Continue Reading >>
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>> What is GoFundMe?
>> GoFundMe is a personal fundraising website that
has helped thousands
>> of people raise millions of dollars for the
things that matter to
>> them most.
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1 comment:
I would suggest he contact marc stevens https://www.facebook.com/nostateproject & at marcstevens.net
marc has written several books and has vast experience in court and may be able to help.
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