Sunday, May 18, 2014



I just received an email from a woman with four sons. She tried to order from our website our packages of Tree of Life seeds (100 seeds per pack). Instead of getting the order placed through a PayPal button, she was suddenly transfered to a poro website which she forwarded to me the website address for. And our website suddenly disappeared and she could not get back to it. This happened at least once more a little while back and when I checked that time a complaint of another supporter, I and someone with me both saw the porno website  I was involuntarily redirected to from my website when trying to test out our order buttons. I just checked out our website and it is now back on line and operating normally with the pay buttons, etc. But I had witnessed myself in an earlier incident where they pulled this before on my website.  
     This is definitely Obama and his dirty trick federal cesspool operatives who pulled this. I did not want to do this, but the legal damage action will now be up to $400 trillion and Rothscilds, Rockefellers, etc. to be hit with same legal damage suits unless they can legally prove that Obama is not working for them now. I suggest they tell Congress to remove him promptly from the White House or else they will be hit with the same financial damage suits as Obama and criminal crew in Wash., D.C. By the way, for our secret cabel, I know where a lot of your secret money and wealth is hidden at, and we will collect to the last penny if you don't pull back your rabies dog in the White House called Obama.
      While our U.S. Justice Dept. knows what is going on and does nothing to stop "Dirty Trick" operations of Obama pulled against my national drive to pass the Omni Law and in 2014, if they don't stop these "dirty trick" operations by federal cesspool operatives and fast, when the Omni Law is passed, 50% of all the none F.B.I. personnel are to be fired from government, their federal pension plans cancelled, and they will be civilly sued for $400 trillion each in legal financial damages and also grand juries will be invited to investigate them for how many criminal charges that they can be criminally indicted for. It is very stupid to pick a "dirty tricks" fight with me. I have engineered legal upsets before and I know how to carry out all this to the full terms stated here. As for Eric Holder, king of criminal corruption in the U.S. Justice Dept., your head is going to legally roll by so many legal actions against you as you will think that you just settled into hell on earth unless you get the word out fast to C.I.A., N.S.A., etc. to stop all thes dirty trick operations now or every agency involved will have guaranteed at least half of their officials and employees fired from the federal government, all personnel sued for $400 trillion each for damages, and grand juries will sharpen their knives to criminally investigate them down to their boxer shorts! I don't even want this lawsuit settlement money squeezed out of sued federal officials and personnel, so any money collected will go to worthy charitable causes, etc. But the legal example has to be established that we will not tolerate massive criminal activity from federal personnel and officials. If they try it, we will totally ruin their lives by so much legal action against them as they will wish that they were already dead on earth! Do I make myself clear? !!! And since Obama is the darling of the Democratic Party which has been protecting him from criminal investigation and prosecution for the many criminal acts he has committed from the White House and the Democrats in lockstep are protecting him by stonewalling for him, I call upon all Americans to mass vote against the Democratic candidates running in this national election this year. I pick no favorites in this issue. If the Republicans do not do anything to help get rid of Obama from the White House this time, then I suggest the next election everyone votes for independents, libertarians, etc. to teach all the politicians to start running the federal government with integrity again or else lose all elections thereafter!
     When you tolerate and allow personnel of the national government to pull criminal tactics like this, then they think they can set up a national dictatorship and get away with it! I am a very intolerant person when it comes to criminal violation of my legal rights and that of the rest of the American people by extremely criminal elements in the federal government of Wash., D.C. I make a stand now and invite all Americans to join in standing with me! Obama has created a much worse scandal now than the Watergate Plumbers under Richard Nixon and Nixon was forced out of the White House for lesser criminal activities than this. Why is Obama being handled with kids' gloves in this matter which is a collection of criminal acts by his side including threatening my life with murder if I continued campaigning to pass the Omni Law in America? My Omni Law is shown on my national website and might as well pass it now as Obama has shown you that he is so criminal in nature, he infects the whole government with a criminal nature if not stopped in time! My Omni Law will stop all this federal corruption and restore honest government to America and control of the federal government finally restored to the American people who have lost control of Wash., D.C. to very evil elements both in the official government and evil elements hidden from you who consider themselves to be the secret government of America controlling the federal government as their front as one of the Rothschilds once boasted to me when asking me to join the secret government of America which I never did join!
     Thomas Jefferson is once reported to have said, "When the people fear the government, then you have tyranny! When the government fears the people, then you have freedom!" If Thomas Jefferson were alive today, he would tell you the American people to back my proposed Omni Law into national law and this year. It stands for what he once said, "The entire art of government consists in being honest!" The Washington response to Thomas Jefferson today would be, "Thomas Jefferson, you are stupid! The entire art of government consists in being dishonest, not honest!" Well folks, you are not going to get your national government back until you pass the Omni Law. The other side would not pull these assinine dirty tricks if they were not very afraid that it force the government to be honest with you the American people once more and represent you as a government should instead of secret interests which this Rothschild indicated to me controlled both parties, not just one, to make sure that they never lost control of the federal government and the American people regained control of their own prior national government.
      Pass this report around to all Americans and let us put intense heat under the leadership of Wash., D.C. to stop these highly criminal dirty trick acts now and no excuses why not!
      My website is The email is Our mailing address for those not placing orders and financial support through our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for from you whether our products or else our Omni Law Loan Program all of which helps finance our Omni Law National Drive in America for 2014. And okay Congress, why are you not already gathering a Congressional Investigation to locate what federal officials and personnel under Obama have been behind all these criminal dirty trick operations going on ordered by Obama and order their criminal arrests once located by your Congressional inhvestigation starting now? !!! We are standing for passage of a Constitutional Amendment called the Omni Law (full name Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America) and in a free, democratic society you do not have police state tactics pulled trying to stop the passage of a national constitutional amendment if the people want to back it into law!
      People pass this report to everyone in America and ask your elected officials when the manure stops from Wash., D.C. and the legal investigation by Congress starts of Obama and those under him carrying out his dirty trick operations for him!
     Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American descending from some of the best family lines that fought in the American Revolution of 1776 to found America as a free and independent nation which they labeled among other things as "One Nation Under God!"They had no plans to have it later become  one nation under Obama and his crew from hell he has placed into the federal government to take it over and run it instead of the American people!)     

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a joke.