TNT Call 16-May-2014 Notes
Tony: Good morning,
TNT! Today is Friday, May 16, 2014. Mr. Adonis is here, still
sweating and shining all over the place... <laughter> We’re going to go
through a couple of things quickly. We are recording this…
We’ll have to be quick
because there is another announcement/call at 2pm. DC will explain this.
There is a blog called
#wearethepeople; it is not us, needless to say, it’s someone using our
name for their own agenda. It has nothing to do with TNT, Tony, DC or
Pam. We are not responsible for anything that happens there!
There is also a fake twitter
site. If it’s not OUR twitter site -- @THE_TNT_TEAM – then ignore or
block what they are saying because it’s Baghdad Invest or someone similar. They
are sending out tweets that say the RV has occurred and call these numbers. I
can just program my phone to ignore everyone but the people in my contact
list. It doesn’t harm me but it’s getting people over-excited, so please
report them to Twitter. They are just stupid like that.
Also, I want you to be aware
that there are people advertising on OUR site that they can get you $4 for your
dinar if you send them in, that they have a contract with the UST. I
would stay away from them as far as you can be when this thing happens.
Don’t come on our site and try to get people hooked up with your
shenanigans! Don’t use our site and our influence to try to do something
you cannot do.
DC, let’s tell everyone where
we are, and what happened yesterday, and what they can expect in the next hour…
DC: Bottom line starts
on Wednesday. WE didn’t have the call because things were extremely
sensitive and we were asked by someone highly influential; we were happy
to oblige because of his level. There were some folks telling us to burn
the house down, and because some of the things we confirmed were incendiary, we
went back to them, they asked us to hold on a little longer, and life is good.
The US finally agreed to
accept the rate after a LOT of back and forth. It was put back in Iraq’s
hands. CBI and Maliki wanted to do some last minute announcements, and
they did some grandstanding that took up most of yesterday. Now, today,
live rates have been popping up through the world since yesterday morning, even
down to the teller screens in different parts of the world. They have
been turning on and off all afternoon and evening. Through this morning, we
have had folks checking in many different countries, and some have seen the
rates at the CBI, at the bank level, and occasionally at the teller level.
There have been announcements
in Iraq but there have been too many in the past, and people want them to stop
talking and get it done. They announced in the mosques that they
were opening the banks at 6 to allow folks to do some exchanges and for lower
denominations to get out. That has been successful, although it is
stopped for the date because it’s late there. One friend did exchange himself
in Baghdad, and others have reported currency at a higher rate.
Tony: Basically, yesterday
evening when we did the call, everybody had agreed. The asked Maliki to
do some things. He was grandstanding but did send the last few things to
parliament, and it was turned over to CBI yesterday. We thought the IMF
would take over form there and get it going, but they have handed it over to
the CBI who is now coordinating how this is getting out. There have been
reports in different countries, and in the US, some banks actually had it live
at the teller level. We know that yesterday it was trading on forex on a
whole different level – they were excited at the sheer level of trading that
occurred yesterday. We have verified this in four or five different
levels. We know the new rates. We cannot affect things now because
what’s done is done. We know they were at $3.71, then we heard they want
to go out at $3.23 and go up from there. We don’t’ see how they can
backtrack on that. DC’s guy got offered $3.78 at a particular bank in
another country, and that was this morning. That was a direct connection
there, that he actually walked in and did that.
We heard about all this
trading, although we couldn’t see it at the bottom level of forex. You had to
be at a certain level. They had people come in, buy dinar, offer $4 and
they were to be paid within 30 days. If it is not live in 30 days, they
will pay it out themselves. Also, their people can borrow money on that
contract, as a security blanket. What this did was to prime the market,
so that when the announcement is made, they are getting buyers
interested. We are the sellers. They started out at four dollars,
and yesterday evening it was over seven dollars.
We’ve heard that this is
being stalled because the government doesn’t want us to have all this
money. You might think that they are running it up, and we’ll get it as
it comes down. Another thing we have heard is that the admin recognizes
we have suffered through this, and now they are trying to get us a higher
rate. If they actually push it up to seven dollars or higher, they will
get more than they expected to get. The people will run to the bank because you
are doubling what you would have got, in a shorter period, and everyone is
happy. Both sides work for us, no matter what the original intention.
I am not a financial adviser,
but I do hear the rate will go up to a certain level, but that would be too
risky for most. This is a way of guaranteeing a reasonable rate, so I
look at it as a good thing. Again, everyone has signed off, it is in the
CBI’s hands to release it. We have heard of a day, time and minute, but
it’s hard to believe because they have been pushing to get this done. I don’t
see a reason for delay, as in days from now rather than hours from now.
President Obama, VP Biden and
Jack Lew are going on television in 40 minutes to make an press announcement.
DC: Do we believe the
announcement is about the RV? I have no idea. They know that there will
be the gentlemen there, and so we know it will be serious business, but that is
all that we know.
Tony: We don’t know what it’s
about, though we do know where we’re at. Everything has been finalized at this
point and it’s been handed back to the CBI. That’s where we are, and we will be
listening to that announcement and hoping it’s what we want.
520 caller: I’m alive
and grateful! [appreciation] We are the people!
Tony: We appreciate
it. I am glad you addressed the patient people, not the idiots.
520 caller: I am
technically challenged; can you keep my number?
Tony: So long as you
stay on the Twitter list and also the (or .net or .info)
site, we’ll stay in contact.
303 caller: So… if
there is a seven dollar rate, do we still need the 800 numbers?
Tony: This higher rate
was on forex. The bank is making money on every trade, whether you make
money or not, so there was trillions being made with all those trades.
Also, they are creating a pipeline, so that there is someone on the buying side
when we sell our dinar. In order to create confidence in what was going
on, they had to guarantee them those higher rates, which works for them.
That means that they will push out even more when we go into the banks to
sell. It doesn’t do anything directly for us and our rate; we are
not getting guarantees. The contract rates are still there for us.
We already know what the rates are. They only gave those guarantees to
certain people.
Caller: How can they
guarantee that higher rate? Someone has to pay for it!
Tony: Have you ever
heard that the US rate is over 70 dollars? Then you know where they
are coming up with the $8 rate. If they can offer us a rate of $30, they
can certainly offer these others $8. They are establishing a base for us
to do the exchange. I am ready to go, just don’t know when.
313 caller: Hopefully
we’ll be getting those 800 numbers today or this weekend?
Tony: That’s what I’m
hoping, too!
Caller: I didn’t want
to go on Twitter for information because I get all these tweets on my phone,
and there is so much crap on that that I won’t mess with any of that. I
just want to make sure I go on the website so that I can have the vacation of a
lifetime this summer.
Tony: As soon as we put
up a new Twitter account and new websites, we’ll just talk about how to make
money from our money.
415 caller: Are there still
groups of people trying to put a stop to this, even after the US has signed
DC: I think some people
will argue this until the day they die, but most of the bosses have let go of
their ferocity.
Caller: Are the ones
blocking this the same ones pushing for this in early December?
DC: I’m going to step away
from that. I’m not trying to avoid the question, but everyone seems to be
acting great and I’m not going to make anyone mad right now!
404 caller: What time
should we expect your secondary call tonight?
Tony: I don’t
know. I would like nothing better than to do one in 15 minutes. I
just know where we are – everyone says we’re on plate, they opened the bank
this morning, they are handing out the lower denoms again, and it has even been
live on the teller screens in one state in the US. We don’t’ know if it’s
the system, how they are breaking it out.
Caller: How much lead
time can you give us on your meet-and-greet in Atlanta?
Tony: I want this to
get done today and hope to be in Atlanta on Monday, but that is Ray’s birthday,
and he wants to be in Cancun! Also there are 1,200 people in Atlanta, and
we have to find a location and let those people know the details. So it
might take a few days, but Atlanta will be first, okay?
Even so, you guys have to go
in the forum, on Twitter, and tell the mods you want them to be there!
You tell Pam, Ray, and all the Mods that you want them to be there, so you can
meet them.
903 caller: Are you
Tony: What? I’m
ready for this to happen; let’s hope it does!
503 caller: I’m waiting
here in PA for the RV, with my brother; the sun is shining…
Tony: It would be a
great day for an RV, eh?
Caller: Earlier DC was
explaining how Iraq is going paper-free; is that why there are fewer
lower denominations?
DC: They have threatened
people who are taking pictures because they don’t want the Americans to
know. We do know they exist, but are respecting their wish for them not
to go public. They are going to a more electronic system; they have
great technology, and will have a lot less credit card fraud and such because
of these new systems. They are trying to get out of paper currency
because electronic funds are easier to track and harder to counterfeit.
Caller: have you
received your invitation to the Bilderburg meeting in Copenhagen, to rub
shoulders with the Rothschilds?
Tony: Only if that invitation
doesn’t have a target on the back…
Caller: My informants
tell me this is a super-fantastic day…
Tony: Just got a text
saying it went live in Germany after the banks closed. If anyone is on
the call from Germany, can you confirm that, please? Send it to Pam real
505 caller: Did they
make accommodation for the reserves?
Tony: I believe they do
have something in line for reserves.
Caller: Will they allow
some time for us to exchange those reserves?
Tony: I understand you
make your appointment with the 800 number, tell them your reserves, and you
will then have a second appointment.
Caller: Are there
limits on the amounts?
Tony: Not that I have
heard. Whether they’re funning the rate out high or it’s just coming out high,
either way it stops them from double and triple dipping. I don’t see any
reason for us not being at the bank right now, unless I find out something.
Caller: My wife and
daughter go to sleep listening to your voice on the recorded call. Can
you give a shout out for Stacie? We say, “If it ain’t from Tony, you know
it’s phony!”
DC: If she has
nightmares because of us, I’ll feel real guilty! <laughter>
617 caller: That speech
you’re expecting, do you know what channel it’s on?
Tony: We’re not even
supposed to know about that announcement, so I have no idea what channel.
They may not have it now we’ve announced it!
830 caller: You were
talking about them expecting this in a few days; can you clarify that?
Tony: We heard one part of
the info… it’s past Monday, but it doesn’t make sense to me after all the
pressure to get this done. Now they’re going to wait another week?
DC: It doesn’t make a
lot of sense to me, especially with the propensity to screw things up with
time. That was just from one source, uncorroborated. Everything else
points to this being done NOW, as in Germany and the other countries.
Caller: Do they expect
the dong to go with this, too?
DC: It was on and off
for a long time, but now it’s back on.
Caller: You’re anticipating a
strong rate on the dinar, right?
Tony: That is what we
are anticipating. We don’t’ have all the answers, all we’re doing is
putting the info together, presenting it to you and saying why it makes sense
to us. It all works out for us. DC and I will keep doing the calls
if they want us to, and until I have to sign my NDA. If they are not right
on it, DC and I will do our own call. If I have to sign an NDA, I will
tell you what they think.
281 caller: Can I buy
275 Ugandan widows new clothes and shoes next month? And the same for the
360 orphans we support year-round?
Tony: We cannot guarantee you
anything, but what we are hearing says “Yes, you will”.
Caller: We are going on a
cruise tomorrow. Should I upgrade and bring my mother-in-law along?
Tony: Does taking your
mother-in-law feel like an upgrade?
Caller: No, I meant
bring my MONEY. <laughter>
Tony: Just do what you
think it safe. WE are in a good situation.
DC: I think things look
phenomenally good. Even the US has signed off now, and everyone wants
this to get done. They have so much that points to the fact that this thing
is right upon us and expected to go down now. Whether that’s enough for
you to buy a ticket for your mother-in-law…
Caller: We need to get
away by ourselves. We are supporting four churches whose buildings have been
destroyed in the Philippines, and I’m gnawing at the bone to get it done. All
we’re waiting on is the fulfillment of this blessing.
Tony: There are many
countries that could use our help, and many have humanitarian projects. There
are trillions of dollars going overseas to people who need it. AND there
are people on the streets in this country who also need our help, even people
here in CA whose houses are burning as we speak. We will help many
overseas, just remember that we also need to spend time and money here, helping
some of our own who need a blessing also.
Caller: Yes, we do, and
yet our primary function and calling is to the nations of the world. “The
light that shines brightly at home shines brightest abroad.” I definitely do a
lot of good here, too. We do need to be mindful of the people here; there
are many in need here, and we need to help them physically and
spiritually. I just want to make sure I can upgrade this trip on my
cruise. Blessings to everybody on the team. Let’s go Jesus and let’s go
Tony: They say this is
a closed press meeting, that Jack Lew is doing a live press conference right
now on Pam says it is time for an announcement – oh, you
meant what Jack Lew as doing? Also, she is saying that 15,000 children
need homes in Michigan alone.
Caller: We have a lot
of people in Michigan, so let me know what city that is…
443 caller: [thanks and
appreciation] About two weeks ago, someone asked what you and DC will do
as far as the rates are concerned. You answered then. Has anything
changed the direction you are going?
DC: I’m going to take
the highest rate I can get, then I’m out!
407 caller: Are all the
currencies we’ve been hearing about in the first basket?
DC: I understand all
the currencies are back in the first basket now.
716 caller: It’s a
beautiful day for an RV! NY isn’t quite as warm as California.
About the IQN and VNN – are those phrases still to be used when you go to the
bank for exchange?
Tony: So far as we
know, they are. If they are not the rates you think they should be, then
ask for the other ones!
There is some confusion on
this news conference by Jack Lew or press secretary Jay Carney, but you can go
to the site and see it there.
313 caller: Is there
anything you can say without creating uproar that we can hang our hats on, to
know that everything is alright. The last few times you cancelled the
call, and you explained the scenario today, but…
Tony: We were being
asked to tell you some things that people thought would make you angry and that
would make a difference. On the other side, they said they were trying to work
it out, and it would be okay. We just needed to have faith in that
person. We were told to do that, and asked to stand down, and I’m sure
they were familiar with who was asking us to do that. And it worked
out! Everyone is happy, everyone is doing the right thing, and it all
worked out.
Caller: I’m not asking
for your advice, but I have banking sources in Dubai, and I was planning to go
there is things kept being delayed. Based on what you know today, am I better
off staying here to make my exchange, or continue with my plans?
Tony: I cannot advise
you what to do. This is how to phrase a question that I can answer:
“If this were you, Tony, what would you do?” That is a question I can
DC: What I would to
would be to stay in-country; everything will work itself out alright.
Caller: Do you think that
would be before the 30 days Tony mentioned earlier?
DC: That was in reference to
the forex loading it up so there is a lot of demand in the market. That
is not about US waiting 30 days to exchange.
Tony: No, I said that
IF it doesn’t go within 30 days, they would PAY that higher rate anyway, within
30 days.
Caller: DC, you should
be on Dancing with the Stars, because you know how to dance around the
question, and give the impression that you said something but didn’t actually
say anything. I appreciate that sometimes you cannot give information as
blatantly as you would like. However, perhaps you could slow down a
little, and walk us through it rather than doing the cha-cha. That would
give us at least something! I’ve been on this ride for eight years;
people need to take a leaf out of our book. Patience is a virtue, and if
you don’t have patience on this journey then you won’t have patience for
dealing with it after the RV. This is a once-in-a-lifetime windfall, and if you
don’t treat it like this, it could be your down-fall. You need to treat
it right.
DC: Of all my wealthy
friends, those are the wealthiest that have the most patience.
Pam: And DC looks
really good in a tutu!
954 caller: [thanks and
appreciation to the team and the Mods] We have to keep the positive
attitude. I’ve been in this a long time, and if it weren’t for you… look
forward to having THE call to bless all of us.
Tony: The Mods take
care of the forum, spend all that time; Pam will tell you to be kind to
them, and she is absolutely right, and also to the members who keep things calm
and in perspective. DC has great contacts but doesn’t know every
detail. I can’t make the decision, despite what people think. We
try to provide intel and understanding for you, and that part you can count on.
585 caller: DC, you say
this has now been turned over to the CBI; didn’t they have to have
already released this if it is turning up in Germany?
DC: Our understanding
is that the UST has already signed off, and life is good. We are watching
this process as we speak.
Tony: It is different
from what we expected two weeks ago.
DC: It appears that
it’s being coordinated throughout the world through the central banking system.
How long it’s taking and what is being switched on and off… we only found out
about that this morning.
Caller: Is this the
central bank of Iraq, or all the central banks?
DC: The CBI is talking
to the other central banks, and to the Fed, IMF, etc. The CBI is talking
to 4-5 systems as well as the CIX. This weekend looks really phenomenal to me.
407 caller: Are the
bank personnel sequestered yet?
Tony: Depends on which
ones you’re talking about. Bank in February when all the banks were bringing
their people in every day, certain banks said that was enough. In April,
they brought their people back in. They did tell their people it wouldn’t
happen until April, and then they brought their people in again. Then they sent
them home until it has officially happened. There are some people at
(possibly) one bank, but the rest are not playing any more.
Caller: DC said we
should expect a 2% spread fee; is this in addition to the 1.4% fee
from the Fed, or is this inclusive?
Tony: I don’t know that
the UST has a spread fee in there.
DC: I’ve only heard of
the 2%; I don’t know about any UST spread fee. It could be
something we don’t know about, but I think we would have found out about that
by now.
Caller: If you had any
accounts in the big four, would you be hesitant to put your exchange in those
Tony: I don’t’ think it
would make any difference. When I say I’m using multiple banks, it’s about
competition, and what the best deal they can offer. Different banks offer
different deals depending on their special areas of interest.
Caller: Will we be able
to exchange one 25K dinar note before the appointment? Will the person
need an appointment for the international rate?
Tony: So far as we
know, that is still possible, but if we are getting appointments within a day
or so, then it makes much more sense to wait and get the higher contract
rates. If they just want the international rate, then they can just go to
the bank.
[chitchat and joking;
Pam called DC a ‘sissy’ instead of an idiot.]
Caller: Remember what
Roosevelt used to say about diplomacy? “Walk softly and carry a big
stick.” That what you did, and we appreciate it.
770 caller: It sounds
like we should be super-fantastic today. You guys believe that this is
imminent, correct? What does it mean that the UST is signed off?
Does that mean they are out of it, and now we are waiting for the CBI to pull
the trigger?
DC: The UST is now in a
support role rather than a blocking way. They finally said, “Okay, we
agree with the latest round of negotiations” and that they will not attempt to
stop it again.
Caller: One of these
days they’ve got to let it go. I have concern about putting my money in
the US banking system because of the government’s ability to go into my account
and take money from it.
Tony: I’m going to cash
out and put my money in the bank because I don’t think we as dinarians will
feel the effect of the dollar going down and I don’t’ think the banks will take
it. Where else can you put your money? If you put it in stocks and
such, the money is still in the bank. Unless you stuff your mattress or
bury it in the back yard, your money will be at risk.
DC: I think there is a
concern in having it in only one bank, so I’ll spread mine throughout the
banking system including international banks. It’s good to have metals as
well, but in the grand scheme of things, you have to put your money in a
bank. You can open accounts in many international banks here in the
US. Walk into any international bank, look at the ratings, get to know
the ones you like… Banking is personal, and you need to get along with your
banker. If you don’t, change your bank or your banker!
319 caller: [thanks and
321 caller: Went
through the books and the other great information…what are you thoughts about
becoming ‘patriotic hitmen’ through our electoral system in November? I’m
talking about using the system, not about violence, of course.
Tony: You’re the guy
they are scared of, and why they are having conflict letting us in on this
blessing. We might discuss this after this happens, not before.
504 caller: Is there
anything else that could push this back a couple or three months?
DC: I think it’s going
to be the next few days, 95-99% chance this will get done, maybe 4% of it
getting delayed again. Yes, it could get screwed up, but there has been
so much effort gone into this, so really it’s 99% there. I have to go –
hope this is the last call before the RV, so have a great day!
602 caller: It’s 105
degrees in sunny Phoenix! Just wanted to say thanks.
214 caller: So
basically to clarify when this RI is out and back to an RV, is that correct?
Tony: Part of the discussion
since the RI, was that no one believed Maliki would do it, then they didn’t
want that rate, and especially they didn’t’ want people to exchange their dinar
and then buy lots more of the other currencies. That is what they wanted
to wait so that the RI and RV can go through together. Otherwise we would
all be trillionaires rather than billionaires. You can’t hand out
billions and trillions of dollars to everyone and keep society the way it’s
supposed to be. Everything had to be recalculated, and that’s why people
were holding back. The numbers have been changed again, some as a gift and some
as a fine, so things are done and we are just sitting here waiting.
Caller: that earlier
caller needs to book his mother-in-law on a trip, just on a different boat!
Everyone, remember to pay it forward; remember there are other people out
there and it’s really about them as well.
936: Has anything
changed in the banking process?
Tony: We haven’t gotten
the package yet, but as far as I know it’s the same and the banks are ready to
Caller: If the
announcement today is about the RV, how long will that take to filter down?
Tony: I don’t know,
because I don’t know that it has been announced. I don’t’ even know if it
is required, what with it coming up in Germany after the banks closed.
That was the plan for last Friday here. I hope they would give us the
information a few hours in advance so that I would at least know what we are
talking about before making the announcement, but they may release it all at
the same time. We’ll give you the information as soon as we know.
Tony: I have a text… A
few minutes ago, Karney congratulated Iraq for moving forward – maybe that is
it. I hope so.
Caller: If you get the
package and take a couple of hours to review it, will you put out a tweet to
let us know a few hours in advance.
Tony: If allowed, I
will tweet the 800 numbers, and when to expect the information call. Those
ready to jump can then call immediately. We will post the numbers on all
the sites and the forum as well as Twitter. We have heard they want
people in the bank within two hours, so…
301 caller: There will
be multiple rates for the contracts… for the noncontract rates, too?
Tony: There are three
rates: China rate, US rate and international rate.
Caller: You only get a
contract for signing an NDA?
Tony: Yes, if that is
the rate you take…
281 caller: If we
prepare a gift letter for every person we give dinar; does that apply to
cash as well as dinar?
Tony: That’s for if
they are going to exchange. If you give them the cash, they can just
exchange it themselves. You can give a gift of up to $14,000 per person
per year, and you can just right them a check. The gift letter is for the
foreign currencies so that YOU don’t have to pay tax on the PRE-exchange value
of that currency.
Yes, we will have meetings in
various places, and you can sign up on the new sites.
409 caller: Earlier you
said about IQN, and how the forex is using the numbers going back and
forth. Has forex said anything about the VNN rates?
Tony: They say the VNN
Is over two dollars at this point. We have received that intel from
several sources. I don’t know if those rates are staying there or not.
Caller: I’m lifting Pam
from under the bus… everyone have a good day!
425 caller:
Breathe. Breathe. In and out, nice and calm. I am truly excited as
the call goes on. I’m sure others on the calls have kids who were
initially excited, then they lost faith because it’s been taking so long.
I’ve had to make adjustments in how they live, and buying bit by bit, and with
reserves as well. The only thing I haven’t decided is whether to hire a
private plane or to show up in a limo with a fur coat and cigarette holder,
just to show my kids this wasn’t a joke!
Tony: They laugh now,
but we get to laugh forever, unlike those who sold their dinar back when they
lost faith. My kids don’t want to talk about it either. Mind you,
they have their own dinar, they just don’t want to discuss it. My wife is
the same, and some of my friends, too. They think I’m crazy! But
soon it will be that I’m crazy like a fox. I could have gone in a lot of
different directions, but I sacrificed so that I could enjoy the rest of my
life, and so that the next five generations of my family can enjoy life.
They will look at the whole situation and learn a lesson they can apply when
they take this gift you are giving them, and make it multiply. They will
see that they need to look longer term, like those of us who believed in this.
We are teaching them a life lesson, that’s how I look at it.
Caller: [thanks and
appreciation] I hope we never have to get on a conference call again!
Tony: Me, too!
Pam is telling me TIME. Thank you, transcribers; to our mods, thank you
for being there for the people and keeping control of the room. Ray,
thanks for doing Open Mike; Pam, you can crawl out from under the short
bus now.
Pam: Thank you, Renfrow
brothers, for throwing me under the bus, and thanks everyone else for getting
me out.
Ray: I truly believe
this is the end; I’ll miss a lot of you.
Tony: I didn’t get to
hear the conference but he did congratulate Iraq and maybe that’s what we are
waiting for. I’m going to be positive and say we’re on our way. Be
ready! I would like to cancel the rest of my day to do these phone
calls. Enjoy the rest of your day!
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