Friday, May 16, 2014



  [viaAdept1]  They asked Maliki to do some things.  He was grandstanding but did send the last few things to parliament, and it was turned over to CBI yesterday.  We thought the IMF would take over from there and get it going, but they have handed it over to the CBI who is now coordinating how this is getting out.  There have been reports in different countries, and in the US, some banks actually had it live at the teller level.  We know that yesterday it was trading on forex on a whole different level – they were excited at the sheer level of trading that occurred yesterday.
  Just got a text saying it went live in Germany after the banks closed.  We know the new rates.  We know they were at $3.71, then we heard they want to go out at $3.23 and go up from there.  DC’s guy got offered $3.78 at a particular bank in another country, and that was this morning.  The contract rates are still there for us.  They say the VNN Is over two dollars at this point.  We have received that intel from several sources.   I’m going to be positive and say we’re on our way.

  Be ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If all that U said was true, u woudn't be posting post after post of no credability posts..

Cobra said a lot of Dinar gurus aren't genuen, and get info from wrong person..