I read recently that the Philadelphia police are unhappy about two separate incidents in which police officers were badly beaten while performing their job. People watched the assault from a safe distance but no one called 911. One lady at least filmed the attack.
Excuse me people, but what exactly did you expect? You can’t have it both ways. You people created this climate. When did the boys in blue become the thugs in black? How often do we hear of excessive force being used on someone who isn’t even fighting you? What is that all about? Does putting on a badge and uniform jack up your testosterone level to such a degree that you can’t control yourself while doing your job?
I’ve seen videos of 4-6 policemen severely beating and kicking a subject already on the ground and semi conscious. Is that your idea of serving and protecting? Of course, if you are truly under attack you have every right to defend yourself. But so do we. If the officer in Philadelphia had been able to get to his gun and shoot his assailant, I’d have been cheering him. No one deserves to be treated like that. But you see, that includes us, and many law enforcement want our guns, even though they know that the police usually only arrive to work the crime scene long after the assailant has fled.
For a long time now, UN Agenda 21 proponents and the fascist elements of our government have been trying to drive a wedge between law enforcement and the people they have sworn to serve. The police station in my town is locked down, reduced from an open area where you could speak to a dispatcher and sometimes an officer who was doing paperwork, to an area where you have to pick up a phone and request to speak to an officer. When you try to call, you will find out that all law enforcement is now a Joint Task Force Unit and you will be directed to state who you wish to talk to.
They also share the dispatcher now with the County Sheriff’s office. And the overworked dispatcher has royally screwed up some calls coming in. This is by no means an accident that law enforcement is so far removed from the citizens. If the elite can make law enforcement and the citizens distrustful and suspicious of each other, they can control what happens, especially in that area, and especially in the wake of another false flag event and its aftermath.
I believe that Katrina was a false flag trial run. People were caught unaware. Already knocked off of their feet by the hurricane and subsequent flooding, they weren’t prepared for thugs in NOPD or National Guard uniforms to be kicking their doors in and confiscating guns, or in the case of the NOPD, raping and looting. Be very careful of repeating that behavior in the future. We have had our warning and we will not be so docile and compliant again.
Also, more and more state, county and local police use bogus reasons to pull someone over so they can arrest and then confiscate their money and property. Even if the people win in court and get some of it back, it costs them a lot of money to do so. It’s how law enforcement supplements their salaries evidently. When I was growing up that kind of behavior was called theft. But I guess you consider theft by someone in a uniform as okay. We don’t look at it that way. Look for more officers to fall while conducting their criminal mafia road stops. We will fight Gestapo tactics in this country as you found out in Nevada.
If you want our help and you should, then you had better be learning to treat others as you would like to be treated, because that is exactly what you can expect. I don’t know what you’re fighting for but we Freedom Fighters are fighting for a freer country. So, decide now where you stand. This applies to all law enforcement, military and alphabet agencies. Think about it. First off, not every one of your co-workers will think the same way as you do, so will you be able to count on them to have your back? Secondly, we outnumber you so badly, it should turn your stomach to jelly. Remember how badly the Viet Cong kicked our butts with all of our superior fire power during the Viet Nam War?
Third, we believe we are fighting for a just cause. That will give us a psychological advantage. And fourth, we have all those veterans the government elite has treated like so much garbage to be thrown away now that they are done doing the bidding of the Cabal. Take their guns and ammo away. We have plenty to share with them. They are pissed and they are well trained. Not a good combination.
One more thing you might want to consider. After Stalin used the police to round up and control the civilians when he came to power, he then had all of them killed. Next he went after the military and purged it. There is still time to decide if you will honor your oath and protect the people you serve from an out of control Federal government. Read the Declaration of Independence. It is our right, it is our duty to overthrow an out of control, tyrannical government and replace it with a more just one. So, choose wisely. Time is short.
1 comment:
The Philadelphia Police and Politicians are totally corrupted by the MOB. I've seen it first hand.
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