Sunday, November 1, 2015

Dear Mr. Obama: You Will Be Held Accountable for Your Treachery.... /....TREASON


Dear Mr. Obama: You Will Be Held Accountable for Your Treachery.... /....TREASON

Saturday, October 31, 2015 3:20
(Before It's News)
Image result for OBAMA TREASON

The good folks over at Freedom Outpost put up a nice letter today addressed to “Mr. Government,” aka Mr. Obama, about how we the people will NOT forget what has been done to us under his reign of terror, and we WILL come seeking justice.  it’s WELL worth sharing with liberal friends, along with some oomph to go with it (meaning the facts and video before it). God wiling, if the GOP somehow takes  the White House by some miracle, we can only hope and pray the next president goes after him. I say “somehow take the White House,” because I have been saying for over two years, that by election time, Obama hopes to have seen to it that a GOP win will be mathematically impossible. You see, despite MANY attempts to warn people, and get it out in the public dialog, no one ever paid attention, and it’s probably too late now anyway if Obama and Gutierrez have been steadfast in their efforts. You see, for the last few years, almost entirely under the radar, the two of them have been illegally gerrymandering the voting districts, and putting all our new amnesty granted friends in need of welfare smack in the middle of what have always been “red” districts. The idea being, with his Illegal Amnesty stunt, he’d eliminate the GOP from any chance of winning before there is even a candidate. Pray I’m wrong. 
If the GOP does win the White House, and we DO have a President with some stones, Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution awaits. It reads:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.
Since liberals have an uncanny knack for what they call “reading between the lines,” I’ll further elaborate on Treason a bit. At any other time in history, these fools would be locked up in mental wards for hallucinating and seeing things that are not there, but in the @ss backwards country we are living in today, someone being able to see what is not there is not frowned upon. So, let’s move on…
Article 3, section 3, clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution specifies that the giving of aid and comfort to the enemy is an element in the crime of Treason. Aid and comfort may consist of substantial assistance or the mere attempt to provide some support; actual help or the success of the enterprise is not relevant.
Just so there is no confusion, “the mere attempt to provide support” is TREASON. Whether the “equipment fell into the wrong hands on accident,” or he didn’t mean to, or any other lies would not make a bit of difference. Obama has given our enemies MUCH aid, and that can be WELL documented. Perhaps the best post for understanding Obama’s crimes is, Top General Admits That Obama Knowingly Armed ISIS Committing Treason. All the television news pieces are there, and all I did was compile them. You’ll see that an illegal arms deal Obama conducted axtually contained the Stinger missile than eventually shot down and killed 23 members of Seal Team 6 in operation Extortion 17.
If that doesn’t convince you, then listen to the Argentine President below, who also accuses the government and secret services of interfering with the investigation of the 1994 terrorist bombing in Argentina, which the Argentine Gov was complicit in a coverup. She also talks about the murder of the lead prosecutor of the case, and then she Calls out Obama and the west for funding ISIS. 

Finally, for the third strike and he’s out, don’t forget about Retired Admiral James Lyons, former Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, who has been accusing Barack Hussein Obama of treason in public, and on the record more times than I have finger and toes. He also alleges that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the highest levels of the American government and are behind many U.S. policies that have been Implemented by the Obama Administration.

Freedom Outpost writes:
Dear Mr. Government/Obama,
Americans understand that you think you’re clever as you systematically usurp our constitutional form of government. The truth is, most Americans despise you and resent the way you feverishly work to keep us divided as you line your pockets, and attempt to blind us from your crimes against humanity. You try to dumb us down with psychological propaganda because you believe the vast majority of us are too stupid to understand what’s at stake as you go about the work of selling out our country to the highest bidder. It makes perfect sense that you would think we’re stupid; after all, you have been in control of public education for several decades. Rest assured, we are not as stupid as you think we are. For instance, we know that the average Republican was paid a sum of over $17,000 to pass the Trans Pacific Partnership Treaty while the average Democrat received over $9,000. Did you take bribes to pass the Iran nuclear deal as well? Will you completely sell out the U.S. Constitution for a few thousand dollars? Most of us wonder how you live with yourselves despite the fact that you think you’re fooling us.
The debt you have incurred against our children’s future is reckless, and certainly guarantees a future of serfdom, yet, the work you do, paid by the fruits of our labor mind you, ensures that you will not suffer the consequences of your own treachery. You mock us and make us despise one another as you suck this system dry like a fat tick refusing to let go of a dogs hide. You create wealth envy, dropping human kind to the lowest common denominator while you redistribute our hard earned wealth to fund your own political aspirations. In the meantime, your careless policies create real suffering as our standard of living drops. Families weekly pay checks are stretched to the max as you tell us inflation is at three percent but our weekly grocery bill is rapidly increasing. Yet somehow, you have the audacity to tell us increasing the debt ceiling will fix it. Have you no shame?
Today, roughly a million young men and women suffer needlessly from physical and mental injuries incurred from a war that you sent them to fight. These young Americans put their faith in your words, as your lies convinced them they were being sent to fight for freedom and the American way. You sent them to commit murder in your name and now you sell out the country you told them they should be proud to fight for? You told them they needed to go over there and fight so we wouldn’t have to fight them here; yet, they are now demanding we change our culture to suit them because of your lack of a spine. Where is your willingness to stand and fight for something you sent others to die for? You are cowards. You allow a radical president and his administration to label the troops you sent to fight as “right wing extremists.” You allow them to call patriots and Christian’s threats to national security as you fail to call out the actions of real radicals who murder police and incite racial tension. May I remind you that silence is consent? May I remind you that all evil needs to gain a foothold is for good men to do nothing? The biggest problem we face is a lack of good men.
President Obama recently vetoed a defense spending bill and then had the audacity to put troops on the ground in Iraq and Syria. You have remained silent while President Obama has been deliberately arming terrorists in order to topple Bashar al-Asaad in Syria. You sit back while he floods our nation with people who are hostile to our way of life while committing crimes against our citizens. You sit silently as Obama promises to release tens of thousands of criminals into the streets while at the same time seeking to disarm law abiding, taxpaying American citizens. This makes you complicit in the act of treason.
You may think that we are not paying attention. You may believe that we are too stupid to understand the complexities of what happens in Washington D.C. I am here however; to tell you this, there are none so stupid as those who believe they can commit these crimes and get away with it. God will not be mocked, and whether you believe or not, you will be held accountable for your treachery. Your actions are in direct conflict with the promises you made earning you contempt from voters, not loyalty or respect. The consequences of your failure to stand will be yours and yours alone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So? What are we going to do about it? Roll over and play dead? Turn the channel on TV and pretend everything is hunky-dory? Orly Taitz and her followers sent dozens of letters to members of Congress when O was first elected six or more years ago and It didn't even make the news. Well, maybe the last page, if even that. Have we ever heard a member of Congress (other than Allen West) talk about the communists in Washington? Yes, it is TREASON and nothing has been done about it and at this rate, nothing WILL be done about it!!

This nation needs to grow a backbone before we reach the point of No Return, if we haven't already reached that! Where are our leaders? Do we even have any? Have they all been blackmailed or bought off? Or are they just too busy stuffing their pockets with benefits they've voted for themselves to actually do anything? No need to even ask.....