Sent from our Canadian readers.........
Let's hear it for a Quebec mayor... 
A commercial promoting pork says:
Muslim parents demanded the abolition of pork in all the school canteens of a Montreal suburb.
The mayor of the Montreal suburb of Dorval has refused, and the town clerk sent a note to all parents to explain why.
"Muslims must understand that they have to adapt to Canada and Quebec, its customs, its traditions and its way of life, because that's where they chose to immigrate.
"Muslims must understand that they have to integrate and learn to live in Quebec. They must understand that it is for them to change their lifestyle, not the Canadians who, so generously, welcomed them.
"Muslims must understand that Canadians are neither racist nor xenophobic. Canada accepted many immigrants before Muslims showed up (whereas the reverse is not true in that Muslim states do not accept non-Muslim immigrants).
"Just like other nations, Canadians are not willing to give up their identity or their culture.
"And, if Canada is a land of welcome, it's not the Mayor of Dorval who welcomes foreigners, but the Canadian-Quebecois people as a whole.
"Finally, they must understand that in Canada (Quebec) with its Judeo-Christian roots, Christmas trees, churches and religious festivals, religion must remain in the private domain.
" The municipality of Dorval was right to refuse any concessions to Islam and Sharia.
"For Muslims who disagree with secularism and do not feel comfortable in Canada, there are 57 beautiful Muslim countries in the world, most of them under-populated and ready to receive them with open halal arms in accordance with Sharia.
"If you left your country for Canada and not for other Muslim countries, it is because you have considered that life is better in Canada than elsewhere. We will not let you drag Canada down to the level of those 57 countries.
"Ask yourself this question - just once: "Why is it better here in Canada than where you come from?" "A canteen with pork on the menu is part of the answer."
If you came to Canada with the idea that you will displace us with your prolific propagation and eventually take over the country, you should pack up and go back to the country you came from.
There is no room here for Islamic/Sharia ideology.
America echoes Canada's message
You come here - you adopt OUR ways
We will NOT adopt yours
Best to go back home
Why should Americans adopt an even more repressive lifestyle
When we have worked hard and fought hard for over 200 years to be free of tyranny and to help others be free
Americans are still working on our own soil to be freed of the tyrants who continue to control our own land
Muslims will NOT be one of those to manipulate and control America
People worldwide come to America to be free
People worldwide come to America to be free
To live the life that Americans live
America WILL remain free
Take this to heart
Return home where you are welcome to live your lifestyle
Because it is NOT nor will it EVER be OUR lifestyle
The people of North America have spoken!
1 comment:
Bang on. i'm kinda wishing this ideology was pushed in Europe in the begnning of their crisis by their leaders,but I think it is too late for that there. Hats off to the mayor of Dorval.
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