The Nazis in The White House Story
Part 8
1900 Census Kills Fake Bush Genealogy
The Nazis in The White House Story
Part 8
1900 Census Kills Fake Bush Genealogy
"If they knew what we are doing they would string us up from the nearest lampposts."--- GHW Bush (quoted by White House reporter Sarah McClendon.)
George W. Bush (German name George Scherf III):
"I don't know if you know this or not, but my great-grandfather built a home right here in Columbus, on Roxbury Road," Bush told the National Association of Home Builders in Columbus on Oct. 2, 2004. My grandfather was born in this city back in 1895, so I hope a month from now the Ohio voters will send a homeboy back to Washington." (source)George HW Bush (German name George Scherf, Jr.) (His father Prescott Bush German name: George Scherf):
"... my grandfather was raised here. I don't know if you know that, but Prescott S. Bush was raised in Columbus, Ohio, and the last time I came to Ohio, I said I was proud of the fact that my paternal grandfather was raised here. And my mother got me on the phone. She said, "You forgot about your maternal grandfather, Marvin; he grew up in Dayton. I'm proud to be in Ohio, because my two grandfathers grew up in Ohio." October 30, 2003 (source)
These exclusive photos of Samuel Prescott Bush tells another story, however. Hollywood Handsome Samuel clearly did not foist the evil Nazi Bushes on America - not a handsome one in the bunch.

This 1991 photo of George Scherf, Jr. (with ears cropped from the photo!) and Barbara Scherf (German Jewish maiden name unknown) pins the tail on the 'Bush' donkey. Both claim birthdates circa 1925 making them age 66 here. Many people ask why Barbara Bush looks so old. Answer: Both were actually born circa 1915 in Nazi Germany. A woman with a flock of kids not using birth control usually is in the early forties when the last child was born. That date was 1959 for Barbara Scherf. Her claimed birthdate of 1925 put her out to pasture at age 34.

In October Scherf, Jr. called in the Nazi puppet, The Unknown President, for a photo opportunity in Texas:

COLLEGE STATION, Texas — President Barack Obama offered a powerful homage this afternoon to George Bush at a forum on public service, crediting his GOP predecessor with inspiring legions of Americans to improve their communities. He called Bush's words, works and entire life an inspiration – an example of the "extraordinary ripple effect that one life lived humbly, with love for one's country and in service to one's fellow citizens, can have." (source)After destroying the GOP, the Nazis are using THE UNKNOWN PRESIDENT, the Nazis' Communist, to destroy the Democratic Party further wrecking America making 'Obama' look worse than Bush II (Scherf III) BRINGING ON JEB BUSH (German name Jeb Scherf) IN 2012.
9/11 And Hawaii Lies Made A President
Obama Birth Announcement Forged
9/11 Ringleaders Execute Brilliant
German Spy Plot: ALIEN OBAMA
9/11 Ringleaders Execute Brilliant
German Spy Plot: Trick OBAMA
German-born George Scherf infiltrated the SAMUEL BUSH FAMILY genealogy with the name PRESCOTT SHELDON BUSH, claiming to be the youngest son of Samuel Prescott Bush and Flora Sheldon. That would be the origin of the Bush and Prescott names.
The Samuel Prescott Bush and Flora Sheldon offspring:
(Dates Unofficial)
MARRIAGE DATE: 20 June 1894 (Official date)Robert S. Bush b. 20 Nov 1896
(Appears to be a Nazi inspired date as the WWI draft card for Robert Samuel Bush lists 21 Nov 1895. The birth of Mary only 13 months later calls into question the 1896 birth date of Robert. The Bushes were married 20 Jun 1894, Columbus, Ohio, so the 1895 birthdate of Robert fits in better biologically speaking.)Mary Eleanor Bush b. 20 Dec 1897
Margaret Livingston Bush 1899-1993 b. 19 Jul 1899
James Smith Bush 1901-1978 b. 11 Apr 1901
The following photo of the Samuel Bush family gravesite in Columbus, Ohio memoralizes Samuel and his wives, Flora and Martha. Especially notice the absence of baby Robert.

Archivists at the Ohio Historical Society in Columbus, Ohio are unable to find any vital documents pertaining to Robert Bush, thus it can be ruled out that Robert Bush was born or buried in Columbus
The Nazis claim that is because the Bushes lived in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1900 AND Robert was cremated AND buried by himself in a Milwaukee cemetery. Even today cremation is commonly condemned as burning up a body. Back then it was unheard of and certainly for a loved child.
They have even inserted a death certificate into the record to prove Robert died just in time to insert Prescott Bush in the coming 1900 Census. The death certificate of young Robert is a clear forgery. By law Wisconsin required a doctor's signature on all death certificates and there was none. Similarly all legal documents required the maker to be named. Missing. Circa 1900 all writing was done with primitive writing instuments. Although the fountain pen was invented in 1885, even in the 1960's it was a messy affair and writing clear copy was difficult. A cardboard 'blotter' had to be used often to keep the wet ink from blurring. Clearly the handwriting was done by a modern fountain pen and an expert pen writer and forger. It is unusual to have a vital document without a single smudge or crossout. Apparently the writer didn't have the birth certificate at hand and thus simply wrote in Robert S. Bush. Color is given as W when Caucasian was in order and M as sex when Male was in order. Writing in the maiden name of the mother is curious. The Form has lines running upward on the left side and downward on the right side.
At that time birth certificates were typed as the life of pen ink was short and faded out with storage. Probably the death certificates were typed, also. Not in this instance. It was common to have signatures with the typed name below as official procedure. All missing in this forged death certificate. Finally, the penmanship is very good and no doctor has good penmanship!

A Robert Samuel Bush is listed on the World War I draft list stored at the National Archives in Atlanta. The birthdate fits in with the Samual Bushes marriage in 1894. His description of dark brown hair, brown eyes, medium height, slender build, and not bald fits in with Samuel Bush. Commonly the first son is named after the father. Samuel is written with an E. Notice the inconsistent writing of the 1917 fountain pen as compared to the above 'Robert S. Bush' death certificate.
Genealogy personnel in Sparta, IL are unable to locate his birth certificate, so this is probably Samuel Bush's son at age 21. CIA operatives stole the birth certificate to hide the parents and their residence at the time of Robert's birth. It didn't fit the Bush Story.
Just like with the Obama missing birth certificate, the parents are listed and the place of birth with important information about the parents. Obama born in Thailand has assumed the OBAMA IDENTITY and BIRTH CERTIFICATE deposited in Hawaii. Apparently the person whose identity has been stolen by Obama lived in Hawaii and attended schools there to age 18. It is unknown where he is today. OBAMA probably wasn't the original name on the assumed Hawaii birth certificate but a fake adoption procedure document is all that is required to change the name.
The NAZI CIA websites have pushed alleged Obama birth announcements in Hawaii newspapers circa alleged birthdate August 4, 1961 as the end all and be all of the Obama's natural born US citizenship status. The NAZIS have the few Obama documents released lined up on the August 4, 1961 birthdate. We have given the rule that if a document has August 4, 1961 it is just another Nazi CIA document. The birth announcements were stored on microfilm in the Honolulu Library open to one and all, a easy target for the Nazis to get in and alter the microfilm record. View our analysis of the forged birth announcement:
Obama's assumed mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, who died of breast cancer at age 52 in the Obama Story, is still alive according to a May 2010 Intelius Search:

The Nazis are trying to delete any vital documents that kill the Bush Story. They missed the WWI draft registration card, or it was so secure that they couldn't get to it. Easy for them to alter computer data bases but physical alteration or removal of vital documents in secured areas is another matter. The forged Robert Bush death certificate is archived in an unsecure storage area at the Wisconsin Historical Society in Madison, WI.

The 1900 United States Census shows how George Scherf, alias Prescott Bush, was made 'official' United States citizen but first view a normal looking 1920 Census 'schedule' with the Samuel Bush family listed:

Normally in a genealogy study of a family each US Census serves as a snapshot every 10 years. Family members that leave home are counted elsewhere. The claimed 'Prescott S' would be age 15 in the 1910 Census.
The Samuel Bush family lived on Central Avenue (Roxbury Rd on this map) in Marble Cliff, Ohio. The 1910 United States Census has ONLY two schedules or pages for Marble Cliff. The very left column lists the street names that have been surveyed. Those streets have been highlighted in this map.
ALL OF THE Central Avenue (Roxbury Rd.) FAMILIES ARE MISSING. Other streets similarly are missing. The Nazi CIA has literally removed WHOLE schedules from the Mable Cliff count INCLUDING THE SAMUEL BUSH FAMILY.

These are the two existing schedules for Marble Cliff in the 1910 Census.

The alleged Prescott Bush Story:

A collection of Prescott Bush's papers HAS NOTHING BEFORE 1952! (source)

Prescott Bush bank papers released from the National Archives, however, prove his role in financing the Nazis during WWII:
To aid his sons in their shell game, August Thyssen had established three different banks during the 1920's -- The August Thyssen Bank in Berlin, the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart in Rotterdam, and the Union Banking Corporation in New York City. To protect their corporate holdings, all the brothers had to do was move the corporate paperwork from one bank to the other. This they did with some regularity. When Fritz Thyssen "sold" the Holland-American Trading Company for a tax loss, the Union Banking Corporation in New York bought the stock. Similarly, the Bush family invested the disguised Nazi profits in American steel and manufacturing corporations that became part of the secret Thyssen empire.
George H. Scherff, Jr., became the 41st President of the United States as GHW Bush and George H. Scherff, Sr., was Nicola Tesla’s “trusted assistant.” According to Skorzeny, Adolph Hitler was alive and well in the U.S. in 1997! (George H. Scherff Sr. worked for Nikola Tesla and George H. Scherff Sr. was adopted by Prescott Sheldon Bush as his son)
Skorzeny did not stop there. He produced a photo of a young Skorzeny, Mengele, Bormann, and the family of George H. Scherff, Sr.. Seated in the midst of those in the photo was a young George H. Scherff, Jr., who, Skorzeny explained, was trained as a spy and sent to America to work for Adolph Hitler. “He was given false identification and adopted by Prescott Sheldon Bush as his “son,” George Herbert Walker Bush,” Skorzeny went on. “He forged a birth certificate in order to enter the military before he turned 18. He was 16 at the time.”
In the family photo, a young Scherff and Bormann both sported a German Navy uniform. Scherff later enlisted in the U.S. Navy as “George H.W. Bush.”
In even greater detail, Otto Skorzeny described how (“contrary to the CIA-written history books”) he helped Hitler escape to Austria in a plane flown by a female pilot, Hanna Reitsch. “Hitler did not commit suicide,” Skorzeny recounted. “His double was shot between the eyes, and the dental records proved he was not Hitler. The Americans kept it a secret, worried the truth might anger the Russians.”
On the 6th July 2008, George Bush Jnr celebrated his 62nd birthday. News that he was the illegitimate son of John F Kennedy and Barbara Bush was emerging.
John F Kennedy and George Herbert Walker Bush (Bush Snr) served in the US Military during World War II and knew each other. JFK was the Commanding Officer of Motor Torpedo Boat-109. On the 2nd August 1943, in the Solomon Islands, PT-109 was rammed by a Japanese destroyer and sunk, and JFK was seriously injured. JFK was released on disability from the military in March 1945 and did not marry Jacqueline Bouvier until the 12th September 1953. Bush Snr served in the US Military through the war and was discharged in September 1945. Earlier that year he married Barbara Pierce on the 6th January 1945.
In October 1945, JFK and Barbara Bush had an affair. Barbara Bush became pregnant by JFK and the love child of the liaison was born on the 6th July 1946. This child was George Bush Jnr, the current US President. Because of this, George Bush Snr became an arch-enemy of JFK, and assisted in arranging certain details of JFK's assassination. He was in Dallas that day.
Indeed, George Bush Snr was determined to wipe out the entire Kennedy family and was involved in the assassination of JFK's brother, Robert Kennedy on the 6th June 1968.
JFK's son, JFK Jnr (John-John), was later the editor of the magazine "George". The August 1999 issue of "George", which was never published, carried the truth about Bush Snr's involvement in the assassination of his father, and JFK Jnr's plans to run for US president against Bush Snr's son, George Bush Jnr in 2000. This could not be allowed, so Bush Snr and Bush Jnr, together, were both involved in arranging the assassination/airplane crash of a third member of the Kennedy family, JFK Jnr, on the 16th July 1999, as he and his wife and sister-in-law were on their way to Martha's Vineyard.
Info - mis-info - dis-info
someday we may get all of the real truth.
Another theory was Joe Lieberman was 'W's daddy...
they 'look' more alike.
Then there's the one about Barbara the 'bookeeper'
daddy being Aleister Crowley. they look alike.
But who could William Jefferson Clinton's daddy be ?
Churchill or Rockefeller ? even heard JFK.
Only 'The Shadow' knows for sure...
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