Friday, November 13, 2015

WARNING!!!! Islamic Plot to Murder America’s Christian Children Revealed

WARNING!!! REVEALED... ISLAMIC PLOT TO MURDER                        AMERICAS CHRISTIAN                           CHILDREN  

The young man in my dreams
looked very much like below...


I spend a lot of time fasting and praying to hear from the Lord. After a week of prayer and fasting in October 2014, I received a series of very disturbing prophetic warnings about an Islamic plot to murder Christian children in churches across America.

On Sunday 12th October 2014, I took my children with me to the church where we attend regularly. When our kids go to the children’s church, we give a slip of paper to the person standing at the entrance. On that Sunday, my boys asked if they could hand the slip to the person. I told them that would be okay, but when they handed the slip over, as soon as the person touched the slip, I heard the audible voice of the Holy Spirit say, “They are going to kill the children.”  My heart dropped. Such grief welled up in my stomach.

For the next three days I was seeking the Lord about this to find out what he wanted me to do. My heart has been so so heavy regarding this, so I contacted some friends and asked them to pray for me. I told them the Holy Spirit had spoken something to me, but I did not reveal to them what it was.

Early Wednesday morning, the 15th of October, I dreamed I was sitting in church and my Pastor came and sat next to me. He knew I wanted to speak with him. I told him the word the Holy Spirit had spoken to me three days earlier. I did not see myself telling him the details but, when we were finished talking, he stood up to leave and I knew I had told him all about it. He then walked away. The thing that I noticed in the dream was that all the pews were facing backwards. That was the end of the dream.

That same day I called my church and asked to speak with the Pastor. I was not allowed to speak with him, so I spoke with the Co-Pastor and told him about what the Holy Spirit said and about the dream.

The next day, Thursday the 16th October, I had another dream. In this dream I was in a church foyer and there were a lot of people there. All of a sudden a man’s face appeared in front of me. I saw his face clearly. He had short, black, wavy hair and was clean shaven. When I looked at him there was no life on his face and he had no expression. He looked like a Middle Eastern man and I knew he was a Muslim. His face then disappeared.

I began asking everyone in the foyer, “Did you see that man?”  Everyone responded with the same answer, “No, what man? We didn’t see anyone.” I was amazed so I asked them again, “How could you not see him? He was just here.”

Then the scene changed and I was standing outside in front of the church. I saw the same man right in front of me. He then began to walk down the road. He was wearing grey trousers, a grey shirt and a black belt. His shirt was not a dress shirt. It was like a tennis shirt, short sleeves  with a collar and buttons at the top. His skin was olive colored, not like someone who has a suntan but a little darker. He was carrying a black case. So I went after him, shouting, “Excuse me!” I was trying to get him to stop. That was the end of the dream.

When I woke up, my first thought was he looked like a business man. I do not know why I thought that, but that is what came to my mind.

For the next three weeks I was in intense prayer and fasting. The Holy Spirit kept bringing these things back to me and it kept getting heavier. In the spirit the Holy Spirit showed me there was a young man in his teens who has been attending our church. I believe he claims that he is saved, but I saw he is actually a Muslim. He is very familiar with the routine in our children’s church. I saw that his intentions are not pure. They are evil. I saw that he has some connection to a planned event that will be done at our church. He does not work at the church, but I believe he volunteers.

As I continued to pray I saw more glimpses of what was happening. I saw the original man whose face had appeared in front of me and who I saw carrying the case. I saw him giving something to this young teen in the foyer of our church. 

I contacted the Co-Pastor again and gave him my account of this new information. I told him I keep seeing glimpses while in prayer and, the more I pray, the heavier this gets. I told him I was certain the enemy has something very bad planned for our church. I asked him to please check and double-check each of the volunteers who are working in children’s church.

All of these things have been documented in my church and the appropriate changes have now been made there, but still the Holy Spirit keeps bringing this back to me again. The danger He is showing me now is not for my church, but for churches all across America.

In February 2015, I was running late for Wednesday evening prayer service. It was still dark in the evening. As I stepped into the church foyer, the Holy Spirit spoke into my spirit, “Someone could come in here and kill everyone”. I immediately stopped still in the foyer and looked around. It was dimly lit and no one was around. There was no security, no attendant, no one in the foyer to the main entrance. The doors were open and unattended. I then proceeded to push the sanctuary doors open and there were about 25 people all standing in worship. Bear in mind this is not a small Church. It seats about 1,000 people.

I believe the man I saw in my dream was dressed in grey, in between black and white, because it showed how he was attempting to blend in unnoticed and not stand out. I believe the church pews were all facing backwards because we have all turned our back on God.

The church in America has become complacent and allowed the enemy to enter our camp. I am sensing...
something is about to happen in the churches of America. An attack is coming on a large scale.

Related Posts:

* NESARA has warned before of these planned Islamic attacks on America's children.  Parents, communities, churches and schools have formed Neighborhood Watch units - armed - patrolling schools, neighborhoods, churches, playgrounds, etc.  If you are not yet involved, then please consider joining one or, if you are not aware of such committees, then FORM ONE.  Contact neighbors, friends, family, schools, city and county meetings, police departments, fire departments.  Organize and plan your communities strategies to divert the attacks.  Use discernment on who you speak with and who you bring in to your groups. Be aware of any and all considered to be involved.  Those who would create division and strife could well be your enemy.  PRAY for direction, discernment, wisdom and protection from above. Most of all, pray for the SALVATION of the muslims AND the Christians.


Anonymous said...

OK Americans, so are you going so are you going to "ALLOW" this to happen to the children??? This IS a WARNING. Do not take it lightly. The Christians should hire some armed guards to stand outside the church and not allow infiltrators into the church. Also if you think there is an infiltrator in your midst, be sure and give them a DAK ham for their thanksgiving dinner and see how they enjoy it. There are things that you can do. Just don't be stupid and do nothing!

Mattien D said...

Everybody needs to keep their eyes and ears open in times like these.
Only by talking, observing and using your mind can you prevent these bad things from happening.
You did a good thing and you listened
More people should do the same.

Holy Cross said...

I recommend discerning your "spirits". How do you know it is the Holy Spirit? How do you know it is not the deceiver? This has nothing to do with the content of your dream. I recommend seeking Truth, for as of yet, if you are protestant you have NOT the entirety of Truth. There are hundreds of Saints before us who have experienced similar things and found they lead one away from Truth. Albert Pike claimed that the protestant revolt was the best revolt that Satan thru freemasonry started/instigated.
The eagles are coming and the One True Holy Catholic and Apostolic Faith will prevail. for more info:!