Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Come Out of Babylon

by Anna Von Reitz

I have tried and tried and tried to get this point across: there are two governments in America, one British, one American.  There are two populaces in America---- one of British Subjects, one of American State nationals. 
This is the way it is and it is the way it has always been.  For all those who want proof in the founding documents go to www.freesovereignandindependent.com and look at what the Definitive Treaty of Peace (1783) which ended the Revolutionary War reveals: two populations. One population known as the "free, sovereign, and independent people of the United States" and the other known as "inhabitants"---- British Subjects left here to provide "essential government services." 
Look at Article IV of the actual Constitution.  There it is again, the provision of essential government services by federal employees.
The original United States (Trading Company) which provided these nineteen enumerated services was bankrupted by Lincoln in 1863.  That original company operated on the land and under the law of the land, but it was operated by British Subjects called "United States Citizens" even then. 
When the open hostilities of the War of Secession ended on the land jurisdiction, the filthy British Monarchs continued to wage war in the international jurisdiction of the sea against the "rebels" and they continued to use the fanciful excuse that there were still "rebels" to prosecute as a smoke screen to attack and prosecute and fleece and defraud average, law-abiding, peaceful Americans for the next 150 years.
Most people would stare at you as if you were crazy if you suggested that the American Civil War is ongoing even now, but so it is and has been.  We have been at constant "war" since 1863, because these British buggers and their sycophants acting as the "Congress" --- a Board of Directors of the corporations they have fostered as successors to the original constitution's commercial services contract--- have never declared an official peace treaty ending the Civil War. 
You can look all day long for a month of Sundays for a Peace Treaty ending the Civil War and you will find that what I am telling you is true.  The Civil War never officially ended and the British rats have used that as an excuse to attack and plunder innocent American civilians ever since.
After Lincoln bankrupted the United States (Trading Company) the Brits and their supporters in this country spawned a new governmental services corporation called, "The United States of America, Inc." which ran from 1868 to 1907 when it was purchased by a consortium of mostly European banks calling themselves the "Federal Reserve". 
The Federal Reserve acquired "The United States of America, Inc." and bankrupted it in turn, giving rise to the First World War.  They changed the name slightly and booted up another version calling it "the United States of America, Inc." and ran it into the ground and bankrupted it in 1933, causing the Second World War. 
During the Second World War and using it as an excuse, pleading the need to "harness" the vast resources of America and the American People "for the War Effort" the Brits and their Cronies in America ---- all British Subjects, all "United States Citizens" or "citizens of the United States", conspired to set up a system to enslave Americans and use our assets as collateral backing their debts. 
Here are a couple good examples of it. 
During the Second World War, patriotic Americans were urged to donate a portion of their earnings for the "War Effort"---- and millions upon millions dutifully signed up and paid the "Victory Tax"--- a "voluntarily income tax" on their earnings.  This tax was supposed to automatically sunset upon the end of hostilities, but the legislation creating it had no specific ending date. 
As a result, when the war ended in 1945, the tax system kept right on chugging and neither the British King nor his loyal Subjects running the UNITED STATES, INC.  bothered to put an end date on the "Victory Tax" and release all those patriotic Americans from the obligation to keep on paying.  Instead, they renamed it the "Federal Income Tax" and booted up the IRS to become the most ferocious private Bill Collection Agency on earth, deliberately gave people the idea that the IRS was associated with our lawful government, and used it to jail and fine and tax millions of Americans who never owed them a dime.
Worse yet was the means devised to enforce all this rot, including the draft, which was all predicated on the totally false idea that all the Americans knowingly and willingly and voluntarily agreed to be British Subjects---- "United States Citizens" and/or "citizens of the United States". 
They mischaracterized and deliberately, self-interestedly misidentified hundreds of millions of innocent Americans as British Subjects---- a crime of political genocide recognized by the Geneva Conventions as a death penalty war crime.  They used various means of false registrations and disinformation to coerce the victims and especially the victim's Mothers to provide false statements to the effect that all these Americans were "United States Citizens" or "citizens of the United States" instead of being what they are and always were: Americans known as American State nationals---- Ohioans, Virginians, Californians, Texans, Wisconsinites, and so on.
It has been the biggest human trafficking crime in world history, resulting in the press ganging of hundreds of millions of Americans over the course of one hundred and fifty years.  It has been the biggest tax crime, the biggest racketeering and identity theft scheme, the biggest counterfeiting racket, the biggest credit fraud scheme, the biggest unlawful conversion theft, the biggest securities fraud, and the most tortuous copyright infringement ever conceived.
And it was brought to you by the Lords of the Admiralty, the British Monarchs, and the "United States Citizens" responsible for running the "federal government"---- a corporation operated out of the District of Columbia for the purpose of providing the States of America with essential governmental services under commercial services contract.
Now, some people, mainly British Subjects---foreign politicians masquerading as if they "represent" you and Bar Attorneys up to their ears in it----would like to present this circumstance as a political issue, but it isn't.  It's a matter of crime practiced against their employers, benefactors, and allies for 150 years and it is finally coming to an end. 
Now that you have this firmly in mind I want to raise a flag of caution and promote a bit of understanding.  All this harm to us has been allowed under The Constitution----except for the semantic deceits and constructive frauds that have been used as a means to promote and prolong this circumstance.  Under The Constitution, the "Congress" has been allowed to exist and to operate its affairs as plenary oligarchs operating the government of the District of Columbia however they see fit.
It is a foreign corporate government with respect to us.  And instead of operating it as it always should have been, the British Monarchs have instead acted in Breach of Trust and treaty and used it to wage war and practice crime and fraud against us and our lawful government.  The British Government operating a backdoor fraud scheme against us under the pretense of being our friends and Allies has done us more harm than any enemy entering through the front door could ever do and the members of "Congress" misrepresenting themselves as our "representatives" and fiduciary agents have done still more harm to millions of innocent, peaceful, trusting Americans who have fought their wars and paid their debts since 1863.
What you are looking at is a mammoth international crime syndicate, fostered by international banks and European trading companies.  The British Government started it and milked it all the way through the Second World War, but in 1944, the French Government had to get in on the act, too.  They chartered the IMF, and the IMF chartered the UNITED STATES, INC., yet another "assumed successor" to the commercial services contract to provide the nineteen enumerated services required by the original Constitution.
Here is the Take Home Lesson for today: none of this, absolutely none of it, has anything to do with you or with your lawful government owed the land jurisdiction of the United States.  The name of this country is "States of America" and our fifty nations on the land hold the land jurisdiction in trust for the people known variously as Californians and New Yorkers and North Dakotans and so on.  The States of America are alive and well and bringing claim forward as the Priority Creditors of the foreign bankrupt corporations.

Stand up and be counted as members of the free, sovereign, and independent people of the United States, living people not corporations, American State nationals, not "United States Citizens" and not "citizens of the United States".  Send your Acts of Expatriation to the State Secretary of State and the Attorney General making it clear that you do not voluntarily assume any such foreign political status and that you have been mischaracterized and defrauded.
See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com

1 comment:

doug555 said...

The "Coming Out" will be the next BIG EVENT on Earth!