Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Kansas City - 20% turnout for Hillary

Hillary  Campaign  Tries  To  Hide  Rally  Photos  From  The  Public

... about a 20 percent turnout ...

by Charles Campbell September 9, 2016 at 12:05pm

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton had some embarrassing photos leaked Thursday which showed abysmally poor attendance at one of her campaign stops.

Clinton was slated to be the keynote speaker during the National Baptist Convention in Kansas City. Organizers were getting ready for a big turnout, and while previous days of the convention were full, almost nobody turned up to hear the former secretary of state’s speech.

WDAF-TV tried its best to gloss over the fact that attendance was low, simply boasting “thousands of delegates” were on hand, and claiming it was a “rare treat” for supporters.

Reporters were apparently given direction to not take any pictures until the event started, but it was to no avail, as staffers had to close off a large portion of the room.

Hillary Clinton speaks in Kansas City 
Frank Morris, a national correspondent for KCUR, kept people in the loop by posting a photo to his Twitter timeline.

Workers cutting the room down by a third 
with lower than expected turnout for speech

Brian Abel of KSHB-TV in Kansas City showed organizers turning off lights to give the appearance of a smaller room.

“Less that 1,000 of the (more than) 5,000 setup,” Abel reported, noting it was only about a 20 percent turnout for Clinton.

 A lot more chairs than people for Clinton's speech 
at the National Baptist Convention in KC
Latest poll results from the Remington Research Group show that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has a substantial lead on Clinton in the state of Missouri.

Basing the numbers off a four-way race for president, Trump was ahead of Clinton, 46 percent to 37 percent.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hillary is not the only fraudster being snubbed and accused...
Obama-Hater Angelina Jolie Explodes, Utterly Humiliates Obama for the Whole World to See