Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sign the petition: Don't kill the Internet

On 5/17/14, Becky Bond, CREDO Action <> wrote:
>       President Obama: Don't kill the Internet.
>    The petition reads:
>    "President Obama: Tom Wheeler, the FCC Chair you appointed, has proposed
>    rules that would kill the free and open Internet. Don’t sit on the
>    sidelines and allow this to happen. You have promised to support Net
>    Neutrality, now it’s time for you to keep your word."
>    Automatically add your name:
>    [1]Sign the petition
>    Dear robert,
>                                                    [2]President Obama:
> Don't
>                                                    kill the Internet
> -- Click
>                                                    here to take Action
>    On Thursday, President Obama's Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
>    proposed adopting rules that will kill the Internet as we know it. On a
>    3-2 vote, Democrats on the FCC voted to advance a proposal to end Net
>    Neutrality.
>    Thanks to intense grassroots pressure, the FCC also suggested that the
>    public should be asked to weigh in on an alternative that CREDO and
>    Internet users have been advocating for -- to overturn Bush-era
>    deregulation and reclassify the Internet as a public utility.
>    The fate of the Internet at stake. We need President Obama to step
> in and
>    take action now to save equality on the Internet.
>    [3]Tell President Obama: Don't kill the Internet. Click here to
>    automatically sign the petition.
>    Here's what's happening: The president's newly appointed FCC Chair Tom
>    Wheeler has put the FCC on course to allow Internet service providers
>    (ISPs) to divide the Internet into fast lanes for wealthy
> corporations and
>    slow lanes for the rest of us. If successful, this would amount to
> nothing
>    less than the corporate takeover of the Internet and the death of Net
>    Neutrality.
>    But because of a massive public backlash against the proposed rules,
>    Chairman Wheeler was forced to keep the door open to the change we
> really
>    need -- undoing Bush-era deregulation and reclassifying the
> Internet as a
>    public utility, which is the only way to establish Net Neutrality
>    regulations with teeth.
>    As a candidate, President Obama promised to be a strong defender of Net
>    Neutrality. With President Obama's FCC Chair leading the charge to kill
>    the Internet, the president has a responsibility not to sit on the
>    sidelines and watch it happen.
>    [4]Tell President Obama: Don't kill the Internet. Click here to
>    automatically sign the petition.
>    In response to this vote, the White House issued a weak statement
>    distancing the president from the FCC’s decision-making and stating
>    that: “[The White House] will be watching closely as the process moves
>    forward in hopes that the final rule stays true to the spirit of net
>    neutrality.”
>    Sitting back and hoping everything turns out is not nearly good enough.
>    This is President Obama’s chairman and his FCC. When he campaigned for
>    the presidency he promised to protect a free and open Internet. And that
>    promise is now being undermined by an FCC Chair he appointed -- someone
>    who now seems more interested in doing the bidding of a few large
>    corporations than working in the public interest.
>    It's time for the president to come off the sidelines and stand up for
>    Internet users.
>    [5]Tell President Obama: Don't kill the Internet. Click here to
>    automatically sign the petition.
>    Net Neutrality is a principle that says that Internet users, not ISPs,
>    should be in control. It ensures that Internet service providers can't
>    speed up, slow down, or block web content based on its source,
> ownership,
>    or destination.
>    Net Neutrality is important because the Internet is an essential service
>    Americans rely on to conduct our most basic daily affairs, from applying
>    for a job to finding a home, to running a small business. And our
> right to
>    communicate freely and be heard lies at the heart of our ability to
>    participate equally in our democracy.
>    A string of federal court cases has made it abundantly clear that
> the FCC
>    has the power to enforce strong Net Neutrality rules, but only if
> the FCC
>    goes through the process of undoing a terrible Bush-era decision to
>    deregulate broadband instead of treating it like the vital public
> utility
>    it has become.
>    Re-regulating (in FCC jargon, “reclassifying”) broadband is the change
>    we really need and is the only way to establish Net Neutrality
> regulations
>    with teeth. But rather than take that clear (and clearly legal) path of
>    re-regulating broadband as a public utility, the FCC is proposing sham
>    rules championed by FCC Chair Wheeler that will allow Internet service
>    providers (ISPs) to divide the Internet into fast lanes for wealthy
>    corporations and slow lanes for the rest of us. This would amount to
>    nothing less than the corporate takeover of the Internet and the
> death of
>    Net Neutrality.
>    President Obama can't be a strong defender of Net Neutrality, as he
>    pledged to be, if he continues to sit on the sidelines. With this
>    anti-Internet proposal moving through the approval process at the FCC --
>    and the door open to the alternative path of reclassifying the
> Internet as
>    a public utility -- the time is now for the president to weigh in.
>    If he does get involved, he can stop the FCC's tremendously
> dangerous and
>    misguided plan. In short, a decision to sit out this fight is a decision
>    to kill the Internet.
>    [6]Tell President Obama: Don't kill the Internet. Click here to
>    automatically sign the petition.
>    It's obvious that the FCC is responding to the political influence
> wielded
>    by the giant telecom companies who hate Net Neutrality and have a
>    tremendous financial incentive to kill it.
>    President Obama's strong support for Net Neutrality would be an
> incredibly
>    effective counterweight to the small army of Big Telecom lobbyists
>    swarming the FCC and Congress. Internet users need the president to make
>    his position clear.
>    A strong stand by our president, along with the active participation of
>    the massive amounts of Americans who care about this issue and don’t
>    want to see the corporate takeover of the Internet is what is need
> to save
>    the Internet as we know it.
>    Tell President Obama: Don’t kill the Internet. Click the link below to
>    automatically sign the petition:
>    Becky Bond, Political Director
>    [8]CREDO Action from Working Assets
>    Automatically add your name:
>    [9]Sign the petition
>    [10]Learn more about this campaign
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>   11.
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>    [1]CREDO action
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Anonymous said...

I like the part that tells Obama, now is the time to keep your word. Need I say any more?

Anonymous said...

To actually believe that bozo would 'keep his promise' - is this woman totally delusional?? To actually believe that congress would respond on BEHALF of the people - is she or anyone else actually mentally deficient? E VERYTHING going on currently with the 'gov' MORE than adequately demonstrates that they are AGAINST THE PEOPLE. As Hillary stated: "America is losing the information war" (' ) THIS 'GOV' WANTS ALL MEANS OF COMMUNICATION AMONG THE PEOPLE TO BE REMOVED!!!!! The people should have come up with their OWN means of net access years ago - now they will have removed what is available now. The net access has possible the quick resolution in getting several issues successfully resolved. Without it, the people will be severely communication crippled.