On Tuesday November 8th Democrats and Never Trumper Voters Can Be Americans or Enablers of a Giant Organized Crime Family connected to ISIS Terrorists
2016-11-05 11:20:51-04
Posted in FeaturedGeneral
Posted by KD On Tuesday November 8th the choice is clear, America’s basic values of morality and the rule of law are at stake. If the country chooses Hillary Clinton as president then we as a country are evil and we condone and enable organized crime to a degree that makes Al Capone look like […]
Major Muslim Terrorists Give Out This Warning To Americans Who Are Voting In This Election: “We have come to slaughter you and smash your ballot boxes. May Allah make this year’s US presidential election a dreadful calamity like no other to have struck America throughout its pathetic history.”
2016-11-07 11:33:18-05
Posted in FeaturedGeneral
By Theodore Shoebat ISIS terrorists just released a manifesto in which they gave out this warning to Americans voting for this upcoming election: Accordingly, the muwahhidin should say to the modern mushrikin: O disbelievers, we do not worship “the people.” We worship only the Lord of all peoples. Indeed, we are disassociated from you and […]
Ten Points You Must Think About Before Voting Tomorrow In The Election
2016-11-07 17:47:04-05
The same would apply to the blood of female voters, as they are no longer mere wives serving Crusader husbands and raising cross-worshiping children,
The Muslims are very good at killing women, children, and old people all of which are unarmed and helpless against young armed cowards.
ISIS hate it when they have to fight the armed young women in Iraqi. They say you are easy to kill because cowards are easy to kill when in a real fight and your opponent is armed as you are.
You are what you are. You should be ashamed.
How is it that Muslims kill many times more innocents than they kill on the battle field?
Huma, an Islam activist with parents who are Islam radicals, had access to Hillary's computers, printing out pages regularly for Hillary, and had access to all contents of the computers, servers, cell phones, etc. Huma and her brother and other family members likely set up Huma to steal National Defense secrets, judging from released Huma letters to her brother. So if Islam or ISIS or any mid-eastern tribe are making threats, there easily could be foundation to it due to Hillary deliberate games-playing with Classified technologies. That is treasonous.
If wikileaks has been able to access Hillarys information, then easily all countries have also done so, even the terrorist groups and their sponsoring counties Hillary has taken massive (illegal) contributions from. See Alex Jones for on-going updates.
"These are people with a stone age religion and nukes." - Ramtha
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know this is NOY a good combination. But it is the USA and Israel that sold these terrorist groups arms, Bushs armies left supplies behind, and traitors Hillary and Obama recently dumped arms for their terrorist ISIS and Al-quaeda and US mercenaries there. The problem is in DC. It is DC who allow these Islam invasions, when the laws (from Roosevelts days and WWI)state that Islam is banned from the USA.
As Jesse Ventura said in recent interview: When Bushs armies went into these countries and killed their alleged 'dictators' (who in fact were the only way to govern these warring countries), and destabilized the countries - they also disbanded their armies. So these ex-army became mercenaries and terrortist. If they had had sense, they would have re-hired these armies, and their loyalties would be for the present governments, not against them. They would have had a pay check, be able to care for their families, and be relaively passive. But did the US WH do that? NO.
Also, as Ramtha said back in 1989, "Your government needs to be cleaned out." Hopefully that is what is now going on.
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