Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Check out the new sticker on Trump's plane \;-)

Earlier today I issued a warning about Trump possibly getting drugged

It is definitely a threat that should be considered, he needs to watch out. HOWEVER,
He chose Steve Bannon from Brietbart for his white house advisor. That was a good choice. Now he needs to make Ron Paul his Secretary of State, which he has not picked yet. If he does that, there is not much that could go wrong. I was seriously miffed when he said the Obamas and Clintons were "good people". And that made me think he might have already been drugged. However, with his choice of white house advisor, he's not going to get kicked straight to the gutter even if things like that do go wrong.

Check out the new sticker on Trump's plane



The National Enquirer is far more credible than the New York times, SEE THIS:



Anonymous said...

What they'll try to do to Trump and his family is get them to meet with them underground and then drug and drone each one of them. That's when they drug them, then tie them down and let the vril go into their eye and take over their bodies. reference Donald Marshall/cloning centers

Anonymous said...

no old men for head chief.
he's going to appoint a pro like jim sinclair to be undersecretary of the treasury and deficits.

and he'll appoint a phil giraldi to be secretary of state.