Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Dems Kick Trump Poll Watchers Out – Ballots Switch to Hillary before Voter’s Eyes

As expected, Democrats are playing immorally in this election and so are those behind the electronic voting booths, and it's happening in battleground states where you would expect it.
Pittsburgh's local CBS affiliate reports:

Many areas are already seeing long lines with some officials saying they wouldn't be surprised if voter turnout topped 80 percent.

However, there have been some scattered issues where voters are encountering problems.

Election judges in Clinton Township, Butler County confirmed there were issues with two of their eight automated voting machines. Most of the issues came when people tried to vote straight party ticket.

However, others said they specifically wanted to vote for Republican Donald Trump only to see their vote switched before their eyes to Democrat Hillary Clinton.
"Every time push a candidate for the Republican Party, it would come up for the Democratic candidate," said voter David Drane.
"I went back, pressed Trump again. Three times I did this, so then I called one of the women that were working the polls over. And she said you must be doing it wrong. She did it three times and it defaulted to Hillary every time," Bobbie Lee Hawranko said.
Lebanon County also experienced issues where straight Republican were instantly turning into straight Democrat tickets.
Pennsylvania wasn't the only state seeing machine malfunctions. The Hill reported that Ohio, New York, Texas, North Carolina and other states were experiencing similar problems.
Philadelphia was also reporting the GOP poll watchers were not being allowed into poll sites and declaring that voter fraud was taking place.
Pennsylvania GOP chairman Joseph Defelice posted this video to Twitter.
Defelice told The Daily Caller, "They're just not letting them inside. They're either poll watchers or minority inspectors. Minority inspectors are court appointed whereas poll watchers are mandated through the city to be inside that polling place."
"They're saying, 'We don't want you here. We don't have Republicans in here. We're full already. I don't know what that piece of paper is.' This happened in 2012. We made a big issue out of this."
"It's my first time as a poll watcher but I happen to be one of those guys who reads the rules, so I know that I'm allowed to be here. It's kind of ridiculous for a poll watcher to go outside and poll watch. So, two of the gentlemen here told me I wasn't allowed to be inside the building," Joe Holahan,
a Philadelphia certified Republican poll watcher at a site on 17th Street and Spring Garden, told The Daily Caller.

"And then they called the security guard over and I showed the guy the rules on my phone and I said, 'Look, here's the rules,'" he added. "Then this guy over here, he supposedly called Sen. Fornasi who said, 'Oh yeah, no he can't be in that room. He has to be over here.' And I said you can't really poll watch from the hallway. So I don't know what happened, but I'm not the kind of person who will leave. And they threatened to call the cops on me. It was a little intimidating. It was four people threatening me."
"They're disenfranchising them. People are leaving and they're scared to come back and vote," Defelice said. "We've also heard multiple reports of people going into the booth with people multiple times without filling out assistance forms multiple times."
In my opinion, and in the opinion of an expert on voting booth software, we should eliminate the machines from our voting system. They are too prone to error and voter fraud. Don't believe me? Just watch eyewitness testimony to how easily these things can be manipulated and no one would even know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trump needs to fight for Every Single Vote in states like Michigan, Mississippi and North Carolina for certain. Those reported a whole lot of voting irregularities when voting straight ticket!

The good news is that although this type of voting fraud typically benefits the incumbent or Clinton, it's easy to bypass and ensure it works in your favor. Simply don't vote straight ticket, just cast a normal ballot and check the screen once more to confirm your selection. Then it always votes for the correct candidate. In fact in some of our cases, we took a screenshot of the cast ballot just to provide court evidence of who it voted for. People should do this regardless of what state they are in.

This way, the integrity of every vote will be upheld. As after all, every person deserves that guaranteed right to vote. Whether they be a criminal or upstanding servant.