Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Image result for treason images
If we don't get this out so the whole world can see it ....no one will....so lets make it happen!!

Dear All,  

Happy Voting to all Americans 
reading this, who plan to do so 

I'll let Sean from SGT Report do 
the talking.

I've said enough. In this 
polarized environment, it's 
impossible to express my opinion 
and my urgent concerns over 
what's unfolding in the US 
Presidential Election, without 
receiving a lot of hostile feedback. 
I'm not here to make people mad 
at me.

I do think everyone who's 
contacted me, whether in anger 
or in support does have the best 
interest of this country and the 
world at heart. We're all operating 
with different biases and different 
databases and we're doing the best 
that we can.

I really hope that this will be the 
last political video that I run for a 
long time.

I, for one am ready to move on. I 
look toward the beautiful and the 
interesting, to advanced technologies 
and to fun.
Video: (under 12 mins)

P.S. If you're concerned about vote tampering 
in your district, you may consider downloading the 
PollMole app onto your smartphone:

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