Friday, November 18, 2016

Good Morning, America…. from Anna Von Reitz

Just as I wrote in my last article about President-Elect Trump in which I pointed out the need to adjust our thinking about the office of the President and learn to think of ourselves as consumers of government services buying them from a company headed by a CEO called “President of the United States”---- we need to start thinking of ourselves as inheritors of America and its traditions.
There is an understandable tendency to claw back to the roots of the Republic to try to find our way forward.  Necessary as it is to do all this historical research so that we have a clear view of the past as we move forward, it can get in our way if we focus too much on what happened then and not enough on what can and should happen now.
We have important, basic, guiding precepts:  self-governance, equality, private property rights, self-respect, brotherhood, duty to God and country, responsibility for ourselves and for the welfare of others, the supreme value and uniqueness of each living man and woman.
These are our inheritance, both from our Judeo-Christian history and from our Founding Fathers.
We are not taught to value our rights as possessions, but in Law and in fact, our rights are our most valuable and sacred possessions without which we can have and can aspire to no others.  This is why the Preamble to the Constitution comes first and foremost and is in fact the most valuable part of the contract established between the British King and his subjects and the American People.
The Preamble establishes our true National Trust.
Unlike other nations, our inheritance is embodied in immaterial things---- not in gold or in silver, but in freedoms and in rights guaranteed to each American.
When we step up and say, “No, I am not a citizen of any kind.”  ---- we are invoking those rights and prerogatives in no uncertain terms. When we do this, the guarantees of the Preamble and the Bill of Rights shine forth like the beacon in darkness that they are, and the British Usurpers who have acted in Breach of Our Trust must scramble like cockroaches from the light of day or be revealed to the entire world as cads and criminals.
They no longer have consent to treat us as subjects and chattel properties.
It is important to understand that the actual Constitution, which is called “The Constitution for the united States of America” does not give you anything.  You are not even a direct party to this international tri-lateral treaty agreement. 
Instead, you have to stand up for your own rights and give them to yourselves.  You have to do the work and accept the responsibility of self-governance---- but when you do, the actual Constitution prevents the rats and the riff-raff from interfering with your enjoyment of your property and other natural rights and prerogatives.
You political status--- either as a British Subject or as an American State National—is your own private business.  You have the absolute right to choose how you will live and how you will be treated. 
As a result of British efforts to avoid their obligations under contract and French efforts to excuse their interference in our affairs, our national identity has been attacked and undermined.  International commercial law and practices have been secretively used to deny and obfuscate the truth about us and all that is owed to us. 
By denying who and what we are, our debtors have attempted to avoid their debts. 
I suppose that when the European nations viewed the immensity of all that they owe us as a result of both the First and Second World Wars they could not face the obligation of repayment and could not imagine that we would simply forgive their debts----- and this is what has led their leaders to attempt to gainsay and avoid the truth and claim that there are no American State Nationals anymore.
They might as well try to spit in the wind, but you can’t blame them for trying.
As for us, we need to remember who and what we are and assert it.  We need to know that we are the living, breathing, present-day Inheritors of our unique and proud and successful tradition.  We need to embrace our lives as heirs.
Imagine that you have inherited a grand, but dilapidated estate---- huge tracts of land and a grand house that has been stuffed full of old junk and let go.  That’s where we are now.  There is a lot of clean up and clear out to do.  There is a lot of marshalling of men and equipment and a search for continuing vision ahead of us.
In this process we are not bound by the past, though we are informed and inspired by it.  Looking back over the last two hundred-plus years is necessary to gain an understanding of where we are and how we came to be here, but just like the Grand Estate, we are not limited by the past.  We are free to remodel. We can tear up and clear out and build new roads, new gardens, new houses---- we can update and bring America and the American Nation States forward into the present and make of it all what we will.
As Mr. Trump said during his campaign, we can make America great again. 

Armed with a clear understanding of who and what we are, of our resources and our capabilities, and of the proper relationship of our states with respect to the federated “states of states” and the federal government and the world as a whole, we are ready and enabled to move forward and do exactly that.  
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Famous Quote - Anna von Reitz

"In this process we are not bound by the past, though we are informed and inspired by it. Looking back over the last two hundred-plus years is necessary to gain an understanding of where we are and how we came to be here, but just like the Grand Estate, we are not limited by the past. We are free to remodel. We can tear up and clear out and build new roads, new gardens, new houses---- we can update and bring America and the American Nation States forward into the present and make of it all what we will."