AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.
Office of the Chairman / Chief Executive Officer
Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta
S.D.R. Diplomatic Passport No. 04362, 12535
4001 North 9 th Street, Suite No. 227
Arlington, Virginia, USA 22203-1954
Commonwealth of Virginia
______________________________ ___________________
White House INTEL Files Received and Acknowledged -
From: Nina Sidorova <>
Date: Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 2:49 AM
Subject Matter : Part III - Urgent Message to the Civilian Authorities! Extremely Important! Two Private Rothschild’s Corporations: United States of America, Inc and The Russian Federation! Arrest The Rothschilds’ terrorist actions in the USA and Russia the Federal Reserve System..
To: All Fellow Americans
With Love from Russia

Part III
To My Friends-- the Civilian Authorities of We THE People
of great SOVEREIGN NATION – The United States Of America Republic!
Dear Friends! Americans!
is a third part of my letter to you. I translated it to the best of my
ability and sent this letter to many of you in 2015.
Remember that now
Two Private Rothschild’s Corporations:
The Rothschild’s Private Corporation United States of America, Inc., which was registered at 10687 Gasking Way STE 101, Manassas, VA, 20109
The Rothschild’s Private Corporation--The Russian Federation, which was registered at the City of London in 1991 with a registration number D-U-N-S © Number 531 298 725
Try to force to force two Great Brother Nations– the Russians and Americans to fight with each other.
The main message is that
We Are Two Great Brother Nations. You should know that
Czar Alexander 2nd and President Abraham Lincoln in 19 century wanted
to create the Russian American Money Trust in order to defeat the
financial terrorists--the Rothschild’s, after which President Lincoln
and Russian Czar Alexander 2nd were assassinated.
Please read below.
Americans! Brothers and Sisters!
cannot write more detailed letter to you because I am under a wild
attack of the Satanic Rothschild’s Khazarian Mafia. They are torturing
me with microwave weapons during days and nights. I will send to you
later photos of their microwave devises and photos of their criminals
who are attacking me. They brought criminals-assassins to FOUR Mobil Homes around the place where I reside. They commit constant cyber-attacks and follow me even when I visit libraries or Starbucks.
Even I have very strong pain, I laugh!
This is my information:
You should know that Hillary Clinton CANNOT BE US President because according to the Government of re-established in 2010 Soviet Union, she is a citizen of the United Kingdom!
Hillary Clinton is a Citizen of the United Kingdom!
With my blessings to all of you,
Nina Sidorova
The Rothschilds have ordered to burn libraries in Moscow (UNION Library--Библиотека РАН) and New York (Brooklyn warehouse) in order to destroy the League of Nations’ and historical Federal Reserve’s documents and to order to assassinate Boris Nemtsov who have participated in Rothschild’s fraud…
The Rothschilds have ordered to burn libraries in Moscow (UNION Library--Библиотека РАН) and New York (Brooklyn warehouse) in order to destroy the League of Nations’ and historical Federal Reserve’s documents and to order to assassinate Boris Nemtsov who have participated in Rothschild’s fraud…
Russian Premier Alexei Kosygin - the son of Nicholas II, the Grand Duke Alexei Nikolaevich Romanov --a successor-heir of the Russian throne - Chairman of the Council of Ministers USSR and the Czar Nicholas 2's Family (see important historical photos below)
You can see attached the real grave of the Russian Czar, Nicolas 2 with an inscription, "The Wanderer-- elder Nicholas, died on December 28, 1958 at the age of 90 years.”
Honorable Generals and Admirals,
Dear Friends,
request you attention. I, Ms. Nina Sidorova, have contacted you more
than one month ago, informing that Russian Czar Alexander 2nd and
President Abraham Lincoln in 19 century wanted to create the Russian
American Money Trust in order to defeat the financial terrorists--the
Rothschilds, after which President Lincoln and Russian Czar Alexander
2nd were assassinated. Ms. Arlene Johnson from UK has published my letter and articles.
History: Russian-American Money Trust 5/02/06/
History: Russian-American Money Trust
Tsar Alexander II of Russia pledges support for the Union. From Russia with love!! r-alexander.html
I January 22, 2015
On January 22, 2015, a famous Russian newspaper “Аргументы Недели" has published an article of my friend, Mr. Sergey Gelenkov, a Historian of the Russian Czar Nicholas 2's Family. The article was about the Russian-American Money Trust that President Abraham Lincoln and Czar Alexander 2 wanted to create in order to defeat the financial terrorists--Rothschilds, about Russia's leading role in a creation of the League of Nations that later became UN and about the fact that 88.8% of the Federal Reserve money has belong to Russian Czar Nicholas 2 and Russia. In 1913, the Rothschilds had transferred Russian gold to the Federal Reserve, issuing to the Russian Czar family gold certificates and providing two examples of a signed agreement.
Сто лет назад российским и китайским капиталами создана ФРС США
II January 29, 2015
January 29, 2015, Mr. Sergey Ivanov, the Chief of Staff of the
Administration of President of Russia Vladimir Pitun, has raised this
issue at his meeting with the Governors of Russian Counties and with some of the Senators. Honorable Sirs and Dear Friends, now I have sincerely request your special attention. Please, review below what the financial terrorists, the Rothschilds and Vanguard Group bankers (many of whom are the owners of the Federal Reserve) have ordered and committed after that:
III January 30, 2015
On January 30, 2015, the massive fire in Russia’s leading academic library (РАН, UNION) have destroyed more than 14 million books, including rare ancient Slavic texts and U.N. and League of Nations documents. The fire started at 10 PM and fully extinguished at 11:24 p.m. on Saturday, January 31, 2015 according to the Emergencies Ministry. Please, watch videos of fire and read articles…
Fire at Library in Moscow on January 30, 2015 Destroys Millions of Volumes
Пожар в здании библиотеки РАН тушили в течение 24 часов v=HdTof8Hy-7I v=O4-qEaSa4JI v=FT4yPU3fYRQ v=4V3T_zfCLS0
ИНИОН: Своевременный пожар ?v=QS2GKSdQjTg
Millions of Rare Russian Books Are Burning s/2015/01/31/millions-of-rare- russian-books-are-burning/
Quartz reported that the library, founded in 1918, houses some 14 million books, including rare ancient Slavic texts and U.N. and League of Nations documents.
The Shadows of the Ashes -dokumentypodtverzhdayushhie-p rava-rossii-na-dolyu-v-frs-ssh a-takoj-mogla-byt-cel-podzhoga -biblioteki-inion-ran
Quartz reported that the library, founded in 1918, houses some 14 million books, including rare ancient Slavic texts and U.N. and League of Nations documents.
The Shadows of the Ashes
IV January 31, 2015
Saturday morning, January 30, 2015, a seven-alarm fire engulfed a
warehouse crammed with official documents near the waterfront in
Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York. The important historical documents about the League of Nations and Federal Reserve were burned… Watch videos below.Massive Warehouse Fire, New York - January 31, 2015
Fire Still Raging At Commercial Building In Williamsburg v=vRFiCUZlGic
Smoke Rises over New York City from Fire in Williamsburg 31 янв. 2015 г. v=uk03aHOycPk
Brooklyn Warehouse Turned into Ice Castle Overnight
V February 27, 2015
On 27 February 2015, at 23:31 local time, Boris Nemtsov,
the unpopular Jewish leader of opposition who had ties with Senator
John McCain and the bankers of the City of London was killed in central Moscow on Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge. An unknown assailant fired seven or eight shots.
Boris Nemtsov has been eliminated by the order of the Rothschilds
Boris Nemtsov knew that the Russian,
American and Japanese judicial examinations of the remains showed that
discovered remains did not belong to the Czar Nicholas 2nd’s family.
The commission that was set up to investigate and disposal the
discovered remains refused to sign a document, stating that the remains
do not belong to the Czar Nicholas 2nd’s family.
Boris Nemtsov
without a permission of the commission signed a document only himself,
which made it possible to commit fraud and to bury the remains that were
discovered as remains of the Czar Nicholas 2nd’s family and
to bring to the throne in Russia fake Queen Mary Hohenzollern to
deprive the people of Russia from 88.8% of the Russian stake in the
Federal Reserve and other assets.
Russians demanded a detailed investigation in the court of Nemtsov’s illegal actions and his possible ties with the Rothschilds and other foreign bankers, after which he was murdered.
Убийство Немцова. Версия убийства.
The Historian of the Russian Czar Nicolas 2's Family v=TGHmst-8thI&
Boris Nemtsov. The Version of his liquidation.
Eliminated as a participant and witness of fraud by "alleged burial of the royal family" and
bringing to the throne in Russia fake Queen Mary to deprive the people
of Russia from 88.8% stake in the Federal Reserve and other assets.
Boris Nemtsov was eliminated not only for the purpose of organizing mass disorder and exert pressure on Russia, but also in connection with a number of publications in leading media about Russian supplies 88.8% stake in the US Federal Reserve scam on plans to transfer their avtivov through false queen Maria Romanova / Hohenzollern British and the lack of execution of the royal family of Nicholas 2.
Just because these previous publications, on January 29, 2015 the Chief of Staff of President of Russia, Mr. Sergei Ivanov have raised this issue at his meeting with the governors, and then next day on January 30, 2015 the INION Library in Moscow were burned, and next day, on January 31, 2015, the library in New York in the United States were burned, as well in order to erase the facts indicate Russia's leading role in the creation of the UN and financial participation in the capital of the US Federal Reserve .
Boris Nemtsov was eliminated not only for the purpose of organizing mass disorder and exert pressure on Russia, but also in connection with a number of publications in leading media about Russian supplies 88.8% stake in the US Federal Reserve scam on plans to transfer their avtivov through false queen Maria Romanova / Hohenzollern British and the lack of execution of the royal family of Nicholas 2.
Just because these previous publications, on January 29, 2015 the Chief of Staff of President of Russia, Mr. Sergei Ivanov have raised this issue at his meeting with the governors, and then next day on January 30, 2015 the INION Library in Moscow were burned, and next day, on January 31, 2015, the library in New York in the United States were burned, as well in order to erase the facts indicate Russia's leading role in the creation of the UN and financial participation in the capital of the US Federal Reserve . n471/386632 ews/2794-nikolay-ii-i-doch-obe rgruppenfyurera-ss-masha-gogen collern.html ews/2782-carskaya-semya-realna ya-zhizn-posle-mnimogo-rasstre la.html
below you can read my response to David Rothschild, a Financial
Terrorist and Thief, who is threatening the world with Russian
aggression and expansion.
My response for new Rothschild's warning: 015/03/05/lord-rothschild-warn s-investors-of-most-dangerous- geopolitical-situation-since- wwii/
Lord Rothschild Warns Investors of ‘Most Dangerous Geopolitical Situation Since WWII’
The Jerk, Thief, Murder, War Criminal and Financial Terrorist--Khazarian Evil Jew Jacob Rothschild,
This is not Russian aggression and expansion threatens the world.
Russians (Ukrainians, Russians and Belorussians) are on their own land, Great Russia, and they are smart and brave people who are defending themselves from you evil and your gang of financial and other terrorists. You evils—the Rothschilds and your Judo-Khazarian evil army decided to take Russian land from Russian people and to create your judo satanic new Khazaria--Second Israel. Would you like to see Jewish documents, supporting this statement? Your evil Khazarian Jewish forces and mercenaries are creating New Khazaria now by murdering and torturing innoce
You are the Rothschilds, the most dangerous world financial terrorists, would not imagine before that even regular Russian and Ukrainian civilians will kick you and your evil forces and drive you out from Russian Land. You have expected different results...
Your evil financial terrorists committed Holocaust of the American civilians in the USA, which was financed by you-- the Rothschilds... Your Israeli Mossado-terrorists and other Zionists had committed 9/11/2001 attack on the USA by using stolen from the USA mini nukes W-54.
The number of Americans-victims of the Israeli and Rothschild’s Holocaust of US Civilians who already were murdered and who are tortured now by DHS-Jewish Israeli Gestapo in the USA are more than 10, 475, 577 people according my investigation. The evil Rothschilds, Israeli criminals and bought by you the US Jewish and other traitors have murdered and are torturing now innocent American civilians in their own country. This is real Holocaust, but not fake Holocaust of Jews, the image of which you promote around the world.
You, an evil and financial terrorist, and your Rothschild’s financial terrorist gang are guilty in wild Holocaust of the Russians, Ukrainians and Belorussians (estimated by documents about 100 million of people) since 1917. This is your "Rothschild’s Thanks" to Russia and the USA for saving our world from fascism, and this is "the Jewish Thanks" for saving this thankless race from killings and total destruction of the race.
Russians and Americans now have a legal right to defend their nations and civilians from you and to chase you, bankers of your Rothschild’s financial terrorist gang and the Israeli Mossado-terrorists financed by you all over the world and to shoot you, terrorists, everywhere. I repeat: Shooting You and the members of your Rothschild’s terrorist gang everywhere in order to protect our nations and our civilians, including children, women and seniors!
Am I clear, the world most dangerous terrorist and gangster, David Rothschild?
Why do you, an evil and financial terrorist has attacked Russia, trying to start WWIII?
I explain:
1) Because your Rothschild financial terrorist gang had stolen from Russia and Russian Czar Nicholas 2 Russian gold that Russian Czar gave to the League of Nations. Russia and Russian Czar Nicholas 2 had created the League of Nations and provided this gold. This is 88,8% of all of the Federal Reserve money, which the Rothschilds--financial terrorists had transferred to the Federal Reserve in 1913, promising to pay 4% dividends each year to Russia and by issuing the gold certificates to the Russian Czar Family.
In one year after that, the Rothschilds--the financial ter
2) However, the Smart and Extremely Brave Russians with help of Stalin circled you around the finger or, the Rothschilds, up! They did it in this extremely difficult for Russian people situation in 1918! Czar Nicholas 2 and his family were not murdered, but saved and moved to undisclosed for the Rothschilds’ criminals location, and Stalin created a scenario of the murdering the Russian Czar family for evils-the Rothschilds.
3) The Rothschilds were not being able to find the documents and certificates for Russian gold in the Federal Reserve. What did the Rothschilds--financial terrorists decided to do?
The financial terrorists- Rothschilds have found in France and England Jewish, Russian and German mixed relatives of the traitor, a brother of the Russian Czar Nicolas 2, fake Romanoffs --Лже- Романовы Мария и Гоша- Gogoncholern, and the Financial terrorists- Rothschilds have had an agreement with them.
The Rothschilds have brought these fake Romanoffs to Malta where in the presence of the leaders of other counties that originally have participated with Russia during a creation of the League of Nations, you decided to give these fake Romanoffs a right for ownership for the Russian capital of the Russian part (88.8%) of the Federal Reserve. You, the Rothschilds-parasites, had a plan to give to these fake Romanoffs-Masha and Gosha Gogencholler documents that allow them to have a right to obtain 88. 8% of the Federal Reserve capital, after which these ("happy and appreciative") mixed Jewish, Russian, Georgian and German fake Romanoff’s were supposed to give back the ownership of this capital to the Rothschilds--the most dangerous Financial terrorists in the world. Am I right?
4) However, the smart Russians came to Malta’s meeting, and they announced all of the details why fake Romanoffs-Masha and Gosha Gogencholler do not have any right to became a Czar family decedents.
This was not all, you, the Rothschilds-parasites were told by Russians that the Russian Czar and his family were not murdered but saved. Even Stalin put a son of Nicholas 2-- Alexei Nikolayevich Romanoff to guide Soviet Government for many, many years, gave him only new last name Kosygin--Alexei Nikolayevich Kosygin!
So, Real Romanoff, Alexei Nikolayevich became Alexei Nikolayevich Kosygin, but the parasites Rothschilds were searching outside of Russia, trying to find gold certificates and Romanoffs whom they can name decedents of the Russian Czar family! Isn't this funny?
All of the Russian Czar family was saved and survived, and many real decedents of Nicolas 2, many of his grandchildren from his four daughters and his son-- Alexei Nikolayevich Kosygin are alive and doing very well!
This is why you, Financial Terrorist Khazarian Evil Jews-- the Rothschilds have decided to start WWIII in order not to return to Russia and Russian people all of the stolen money, which would immediately make the Rothschilds-parasites broke completely and which would take from you all of what your Rothschild's gang has!
So, thieves -Financial Terrorists, Khazarian Evil Rothschilds! Return immediately all of the Russian money to Russia and stop, gangsters, torturing and murdering Russians, Americans and other people around the world!
I said: Stop Evils- the Rothschilds! I, a simple Russian-American woman, warn you, gangsters—the Rothschilds that the Russians and Americans have now a legal right to chase your Rothschilds' gang everywhere and to shoot you for what you have committed against Russia and the USA, including assassinations of President Abraham Lincoln and Russian Czar Alexander 2, who wanted in 19 century to create a Russian American Money Trust and to defeat you, evils!
Stop, monsters, otherwise we will shoot all of you for Holocaust against Russian and American civilians!
American and Russian Generals and Admirals, I sincerely appeal to you,
Please Take Down the Financial Terrorists, Khazarian Evils--the Rothschilds, arrest them, and if they run away, shoot them! Shoot them for their crimes and Holocaust of the Russian People and We The People of the USA! Shoot these parasites!
Take from the Khazarian Financial Terrorists, the Rothschilds, all of the money that they have stolen from Russia and the USA.Please Take Down the Financial Terrorists, Khazarian Evils--the Rothschilds, arrest them, and if they run away, shoot them! Shoot them for their crimes and Holocaust of the Russian People and We The People of the USA! Shoot these parasites!
We The People of Russia and the USA want to create a Russian-American Money Trust that President Abraham Lincoln and Russian Czar Alexander 2 wanted to create in 19 century, after which the the Financial Terrorists---Rothschilds have assassinated them.
This is a right time to pay back to these financial terrorists- the Rothschilds!
Please, Honorable and Brave American and Russian Generals and Admirals, take the Rothschilds down!
Ms. Nina Sidorova
Russian Premier Alexei Kosygin--- the son of Nicholas II, the Grand Duke Alexei
Nikolaevich Romanov --a successor-heir of the Russian throne - Chairman of the Council of
Ministers USSR--The head of the government and Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR
Nikolaevich Romanov --a successor-heir of the Russian throne - Chairman of the Council of
Ministers USSR--The head of the government and Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR
Алексей Николаевич "Косыгин"--сын Николая II, Великий Князь Алексей Николаевич
Романов --наследник Российского Престола--Председатель Совмина СССР--
Руководитель Правительства Страны и Депутат Верховного Совета СССР

DiFilm - Lyndon Johnson meets with Alexei Kosygin 1967
Russian Premier Alexei Kosygin meets President of France, Charles De Gaulle. HD Stock Footage
Николай II Александрович Романов, Император Всероссийский, Царь Польский и Великий Князь Финляндский, Император Российс кой Империи родился 6 (19 по старому стилю) мая 1868 года, расстрелян в Екатеринбурге 17 июля 1918 года. НЕ БЫЛ РАССТРЕЛЯН!
You can see attached the real grave of the Russian Czar, Nicolas 2 with an inscription, "The Wanderer-- elder Nicholas, died on December 28, 1958 at the age of 90 years.”

Никто из членов Царской Семьи не был расстрелян (подробности ниже)

Иосиф Сталин и Великий Князь Алексей Николаевич Косыгин-Романов, Председатель Совета
Министров СССР

Великий Князь Алексей Николаевич Романов --наследник
Российского Престола
Сталин и Сын Николая II - Косыгин, председатель Совета министров СССР
Романов --наследник Российского Престола--Председатель Совмина СССР--
Руководитель Правительства Страны и Депутат Верховного Совета СССР

DiFilm - Lyndon Johnson meets with Alexei Kosygin 1967 v=naySMU86Xfs&index=3&list=PLU ygWAse_aGayUuQLc4AZt6ZkAxBWHA1 L
Russian Premier Alexei Kosygin meets President of France, Charles De Gaulle. HD Stock Footage v=jIHQukcC_HA&list=PLUygWAse_a GayUuQLc4AZt6ZkAxBWHA1L&index= 5 v=e0wZ2PMuh84&index=10&list=PL UygWAse_aGayUuQLc4AZt6ZkAxBWHA 1L
Николай II Александрович Романов, Император Всероссийский, Царь Польский и
своей смертью в Нижнем Новгороде в 1958 году. Император Николая II
был похоронен в Нижнем Новгороде на кладбище «Красная Этна», 26 декабря,
1958 годаYou can see attached the real grave of the Russian Czar, Nicolas 2 with an inscription, "The Wanderer-- elder Nicholas, died on December 28, 1958 at the age of 90 years.”
Никто из членов Царской Семьи не был расстрелян (подробности ниже)
Иосиф Сталин и Великий Князь Алексей Николаевич Косыгин-Романов, Председатель Совета
Министров СССР
Великий Князь Алексей Николаевич Романов --наследник
Российского Престола
Сталин и Сын Николая II - Косыгин, председатель Совета министров СССР v=lT-bwHm8wk4
Косыгин Алексей Николаевич---Романов Алексей Николаевич
Косыгин Алексей Николаевич (08(21)02 1904 — 18 12 1980)сын Николая II, наследник Российского Престола, умер 18 Декабря 1980 Года!
Алексей Николаевич Романов (1904—1918 НЕТ!!! Не был рсстрелян), Цесаревич и Великий Князь — сын Николая II, Наследник Российского Престола, умер 18 Декабря 1980 Года!
Великий Князь Романов (Косыгин) Алексей Николаевич Похоронен на Красной площади в Москве.

![Картинки по запросу Алексей Николаевич Косыгин-Романов]()
![Картинки по запросу Алексей Николаевич Романов]()

А. Косыгин на встрече с Президентом США Линдоном Джонсоном в 1967 г.

Леонид Ильич Брежнев и Алексей Николаевич "Косыгин"--сын Николая II, Великий
Князь Алексей Николаевич Романов
Наследник Российског
Kosygin Arrives (1967) v=T9_7ErNV--E&list=PLUygWAse_a GayUuQLc4AZt6ZkAxBWHA1L
Царская Семья: реальная жизнь после мнимого расстрела
Но сегодня ко многим архивам доступ открыт. Ключиком служит только совесть.
То, что по крупицам попадает к людям, не оставляет равнодушными тех,
кто живет в России. Тех, кто хочет гордиться своей страной и воспитывать
своих детей патриотами родной земли.
России историков – пруд пруди. Если бросить камень, то почти всегда
попадёшь в одного из них. Но вот прошло всего 14 лет, а настоящую
историю прошлого века уже никто установить не может.
подручные Миллера и Баера обкрадывают россиян по всем направлениям. То,
насмехаясь над русскими традициями, масленицу в феврале затеют, то под
нобелевку подведут откровенного преступника.
А потом мы удивляемся: почему это в стране с богатейшими ресурсами и культурным наследием, такой нищий народ?
Friday, October 21, 2016
To All Living and Breathing Men, Women and red blooded Americans
who live on the land in the 50 States aka America
I am writing to you, to let you know that We THE Peopleare in charge if you did not know this. It is time that We THE People who are the Civilian Authorities stand and be recognized as the true government of our great SOVEREIGN NATION that it truly is.
We stand for
· NO CABAL (Nazi – 4th Reich)
· NO Corporate Governments (USA INC, UNITED STATES, INC., US, all departments incorporated, etc.)
· NO more Admiralty Law within our borders as we occupy and hold claim to the land.
· NO more TAXES (Money received from tariffs can run the government and did for many years)
· NO IRS or ATF (both corporations, the IRS & ATF merged)
· NO
more WORD PLAY (adhesion contracts = one sided contracts which are
illegal & unlawful and is the bases of all CORPORATE contracts, US
vs. USA, Employee & Employer are IRS terms for taxation, National =
free man vs. Citizen = slave, Public Servant = lawful term, people are the government vs. Public Official = (i.e.) corporate term, people are the slave )
· NO more Uniform Commercial Codes (UCC1-xxx)
· NO more United States Codes (1- 50),
· NO
non-natural born American men or women working in public office (Both
parents have to be American’s who were/are naturally born in America)
· NO BAR attorneys, including "NO, I just quit the BAR" (a members club only) to hold public office (No one who has or had a title of nobility can hold any public office)
· NO WAR (losing our son’s and daughter’s in the pursuit of wealth for bankers and corrupt politicians)
· NO
more Racially slanted comments by Media of any fashion, including
'entertainment' or Politicians/Public Officials at any level.
· NO
more Racially slanted protest paid for by any person or group (George
Soro’s, Bill Gates, Clinton Foundation, etc.) or the like.
· NO
more Election fraud (Bush Jr & hanging chads, Obama with 115% -
125% of population voting including the dead, or same name in multiple
precincts, illegal aliens allowed to vote)
· NO more MEDIA opinions, getting back to reporting the news without slants and biases, just the provable facts.
· NO more Poverty to control people for their votes for a Politician's own purpose or personal gain.
· NO more pollution, total environmental respect with ethical controls put in place and enforced.
· NO more hoarding technology that can save our living and breathing men and women, our planet, plants, animals, water, fish, etc.
· NO more GMO poison into our food (Bayer buying Monsanto so they cannot be sued, WTF?)
· NO more control of our Country by the Vatican and minions with their Corporate Rules and Fraud Court Systems.
· NO
more President, Vice President, Chairman, Chief Executive’s, including
Operational Officers being allow to promote corruption in any form and evade responsibility (July 2013 Moto P?)
absolutely cannot continue as is, simply said, we have had enough of
the corporations, their lies, deceit and their unlawful control over
Forefathers gave us many forms of government such as Northwest
Ordinance, Articles of Confederation, Declaration of Independence, the
Constitution and Bill of Rights which represents the people, aka Republic form of government. Some hundreds of years later, THE People
were blindsided and fraud gently took advantage of us by special groups
who subtly stole our GOD given RIGHTS from us for their sole purpose of
controlling us as slaves for their own gains.
It is time we stand now,
We THE Peopleare calling you out to clean up our country, our government, our banking system, and our borders and stop this corruption now!
We THE Peopledo
not recognize the word play or shadow chasing that exist currently on
the internet by disinformation and we do not recognize that a foreign
country can tell us whom will be President.
want the Global Currency Revaluation & Global Reset - Debt
Forgiveness to take place, then do it, quit talking about it. Meetings
are not just talking and do nothing other than talking – strategize –
execute which means action.
do you remember, General Order 100? Each corporate administration
keeps renewing this order every two years and with that you keep your
position as boss over the occupied country aka America with your
Government Services in place today aka Washington DC. It is time to end
this rain of terrorist actions upon the people of American. It is time
to stop this corruption in politics and all forms of government.
We have had enough of talk, it’s time for action to protect the good men and women in America. We THE People, have
been telling you we have had enough by all the groups that work on
restoring the original Constitution and Bill of Rights, you the MILITARY
needed to stand up and support the people. We have more soles working
on restoring the Constitution and Bill of Rights today than they did in
the Revolutionary War.
So, We THE People, whom are the Civilian Authoritiesdo hereby authorize the MILITARY
to remove all USA, INC – UNITED STATES, INC etc. corporate politicians
from Washington DC in all branches of Executive, Legislative and
Judicial which include all those actors or private contractors and shut
down these foreign corporations, pretending to be our government,
immediately !!!!
We THE People, whom are the Civilian Authoritiesdo
hereby authorize the release of Global Currency Revaluation &
Global Reset - Debt Forgiveness to take place right now as prescribed by
We THE People
Posted by Freewill at 5:00:00 PM
To All Living and Breathing Men, Women, Red Blooded American's
8:43:00 AM Cabal, Citizen Rights, GCR, New Republic, Open Letter, USA
Friday, October 21, 2016
To All Living and Breathing Men, Women and red blooded Americans who live on the land in the 50 States aka America
I am writing to you, to let you know that We THE People are in charge if you did not know this. It is time that We THE People who are the Civilian Authorities stand and be recognized as the true government of our great SOVEREIGN NATION that it truly is.
We stand for
Our Forefathers gave us many forms of government such as Northwest Ordinance, Articles of Confederation, Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and Bill of Rights which represents the people, aka Republic form of government. Some hundreds of years later, THE People were blindsided and fraud gently took advantage of us by special groups who subtly stole our GOD given RIGHTS from us for their sole purpose of controlling us as slaves for their own gains.
We THE People are calling you out to clean up our country, our government, our banking system, and our borders and stop this corruption now!
We THE People do not recognize the word play or shadow chasing that exist currently on the internet by disinformation and we do not recognize that a foreign country can tell us whom will be President.
You want the Global Currency Revaluation & Global Reset - Debt Forgiveness to take place, then do it, quit talking about it. Meetings are not just talking and do nothing other than talking – strategize – execute which means action.
Military, do you remember, General Order 100? Each corporate administration keeps renewing this order every two years and with that you keep your position as boss over the occupied country aka America with your Government Services in place today aka Washington DC. It is time to end this rain of terrorist actions upon the people of American. It is time to stop this corruption in politics and all forms of government.
We have had enough of talk, it’s time for action to protect the good men and women in America. We THE People, have been telling you we have had enough by all the groups that work on restoring the original Constitution and Bill of Rights, you the MILITARY needed to stand up and support the people. We have more soles working on restoring the Constitution and Bill of Rights today than they did in the Revolutionary War.
So, We THE People, whom are the Civilian Authorities do hereby authorize the MILITARY to remove all USA, INC – UNITED STATES, INC etc. corporate politicians from Washington DC in all branches of Executive, Legislative and Judicial which include all those actors or private contractors and shut down these foreign corporations, pretending to be our government, immediately !!!!
We THE People, whom are the Civilian Authorities do hereby authorize the release of Global Currency Revaluation & Global Reset - Debt Forgiveness to take place right now as prescribed by law.
We THE People
To All Living and Breathing Men, Women and red blooded Americans who live on the land in the 50 States aka America
I am writing to you, to let you know that We THE People are in charge if you did not know this. It is time that We THE People who are the Civilian Authorities stand and be recognized as the true government of our great SOVEREIGN NATION that it truly is.
We stand for
- NO CABAL (Nazi – 4th Reich)
- NO Corporate Governments (USA INC, UNITED STATES, INC., US, all departments incorporated, etc.)
- NO more Admiralty Law within our borders as we occupy and hold claim to the land.
- NO more TAXES (Money received from tariffs can run the government and did for many years)
- NO IRS or ATF (both corporations, the IRS & ATF merged)
- NO more WORD PLAY (adhesion contracts = one sided contracts which are illegal & unlawful and is the bases of all CORPORATE contracts, US vs. USA, Employee & Employer are IRS terms for taxation, National = free man vs. Citizen = slave, Public Servant = lawful term, people are the government vs. Public Official = (i.e.) corporate term, people are the slave )
- NO more Uniform Commercial Codes (UCC1-xxx)
- NO more United States Codes (1- 50),
- NO non-natural born American men or women working in public office (Both parents have to be American’s who were/are naturally born in America)
- NO BAR attorneys, including "NO, I just quit the BAR" (a members club only) to hold public office (No one who has or had a title of nobility can hold any public office)
- NO WAR (losing our son’s and daughter’s in the pursuit of wealth for bankers and corrupt politicians)
- NO more Racially slanted comments by Media of any fashion, including 'entertainment' or Politicians/Public Officials at any level.
- NO more Racially slanted protest paid for by any person or group (George Soro’s, Bill Gates, Clinton Foundation, etc.) or the like.
- NO more Election fraud (Bush Jr & hanging chads, Obama with 115% - 125% of population voting including the dead, or same name in multiple precincts, illegal aliens allowed to vote)
- NO more MEDIA opinions, getting back to reporting the news without slants and biases, just the provable facts.
- NO more Poverty to control people for their votes for a Politician's own purpose or personal gain.
- NO more pollution, total environmental respect with ethical controls put in place and enforced.
- NO more hoarding technology that can save our living and breathing men and women, our planet, plants, animals, water, fish, etc.
- NO more GMO poison into our food (Bayer buying Monsanto so they cannot be sued, WTF?)
- NO more control of our Country by the Vatican and minions with their Corporate Rules and Fraud Court Systems.
- NO more President, Vice President, Chairman, Chief Executive’s, including Operational Officers being allow to promote corruption in any form and evade responsibility (July 2013 Moto P?)
absolutely cannot continue as is, simply said, we have had enough of
the corporations, their lies, deceit and their unlawful control over
Our Forefathers gave us many forms of government such as Northwest Ordinance, Articles of Confederation, Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and Bill of Rights which represents the people, aka Republic form of government. Some hundreds of years later, THE People were blindsided and fraud gently took advantage of us by special groups who subtly stole our GOD given RIGHTS from us for their sole purpose of controlling us as slaves for their own gains.
We THE People are calling you out to clean up our country, our government, our banking system, and our borders and stop this corruption now!
We THE People do not recognize the word play or shadow chasing that exist currently on the internet by disinformation and we do not recognize that a foreign country can tell us whom will be President.
You want the Global Currency Revaluation & Global Reset - Debt Forgiveness to take place, then do it, quit talking about it. Meetings are not just talking and do nothing other than talking – strategize – execute which means action.
Military, do you remember, General Order 100? Each corporate administration keeps renewing this order every two years and with that you keep your position as boss over the occupied country aka America with your Government Services in place today aka Washington DC. It is time to end this rain of terrorist actions upon the people of American. It is time to stop this corruption in politics and all forms of government.
We have had enough of talk, it’s time for action to protect the good men and women in America. We THE People, have been telling you we have had enough by all the groups that work on restoring the original Constitution and Bill of Rights, you the MILITARY needed to stand up and support the people. We have more soles working on restoring the Constitution and Bill of Rights today than they did in the Revolutionary War.
So, We THE People, whom are the Civilian Authorities do hereby authorize the MILITARY to remove all USA, INC – UNITED STATES, INC etc. corporate politicians from Washington DC in all branches of Executive, Legislative and Judicial which include all those actors or private contractors and shut down these foreign corporations, pretending to be our government, immediately !!!!
We THE People, whom are the Civilian Authorities do hereby authorize the release of Global Currency Revaluation & Global Reset - Debt Forgiveness to take place right now as prescribed by law.
We THE People
1 comment:
Russian captions in the youtube videos can be translated into English. Simply press the gear button and exercise available options. A little bit of practice and patience required.
It's impossible to know that such deep dark pools of treason exist among cosmic creatures and moreover in our wonderful earthly abode.
To our Russian friends you are worthy of our respect. (You have suffered immensely under the yoke of Bolsheviks/Marxists/Mass-murderers seeded/ceded/seated from/at Oxford University, England & politicized media and other evil centers; the latter in support of NATO and now amassing at your borders; may Russia prevail) Time to call them to order or face justice. Salute!
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