Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Putin reacts to Trump victory as he speaks at ceremony to welcome new am...

14:30 minute mark is where Putin starts talking about the elections and Trump.


Anonymous said...

The conflict between Russia and America was created by Obama and his puppet masters. As a matter of fact the conflict between all countries who used to like America was created by Obama, Hillary (heard she's dead/only evil body doubles represent her ghost) and their puppet masters. Now Russia can take their soldiers out of our country who came here to kill Americans because the Americans are keeping their country and it is not open for fema killing camps (enter underground through local WalMart stores) and takeover by Russia, UN, and Chinese. So all named in prior sentence, GET OUT!

Anonymous said...

Who knows what the Russian troops were really doing yet I have a feeling a lot of them came for the Federal Reserve's closure.....

You know the firework show