Thursday, November 10, 2016

Should Julian Assange be pardoned?

[Poll]  Should  Julian  Assange  be  pardoned?

Much of former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s undoing in the 2016 election can be attributed to the damning emails from Clinton campaign manager John Podesta released by anti-secrecy organization WikiLeaks.

Now, numerous supporters of Donald Trump are petitioning the new president-elect to pardon the organization’s controversial founder Julian Assange for his stunning contributions to journalism that led to Clinton’s demise.

Assange has avoided extradition to Sweden since 2012, where he is wanted on sexual assault allegations (most likely a fraudulent charge made up in the cabal attempt to get him released in to their custody. He currently has asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in London.

Trump supporters have gone as far as to set up a petition calling for the pardon because he “has shone a bright light on the corruption of those who presume to rule us.”

(Ed Snowden and Guccifer should also be pardoned. They have done our nation and the planet a huge favor by exposing the Clinton/Obama etal  graft from the hacked emails.)

We want to know what you think:  go to the following website to cast your vote .. 

Thank you for voting!

Results to Nov 10th approx 3:55 PM .........




Anonymous said...


Seeker said...

Trump will pardon Assange. Snowden, who I love, is another story which has to do with Dr Pieczenik & Roger Stone. It seems they are against him. My only guess is Wikileaks is merely a publisher, while Snowden stole the data. I think they are both heros and should definitely be pardoned.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Pardons for him, Snowden, Manning and all other whistleblowers still in exile or US prisons. However, until the Obamas, Clintons, Bushs, Soros, are put away or sent off-world, these patriots will need protection.
btw: this site got it right. Hillary copies only were printed, and some unavoidably released:

Anonymous said...

Dr Pieczenik and the rest of them are frauds for a fact.

Roger Stone, I don't know why he has a soap box.
At least Stone isn't leading people off a cliff.

This isn't over until the hand cuffs are snapped on and the armed guards are carting them off in steel.