Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Standing Rock… the #DAPL funding scheme (aka “octopus”, “squid with lots of tentacles”)

For those interested, here is a link to the original location of the jpeg... and here is the article where I found it.


Anonymous said...

Citibank has over 800 trillion invested in Mines across the basin.

Did you read that? Over 800 trillion...In mineral mines.
Across North Dakota..and South Dakota...
You couldn't make any of this up in the best sci-fi horror flick..

Unknown said...

All counterfeit money, backed by digits in a computer. Where is the gold? This is all part of the El-eats Agenda 21 the taking over of our Sovereignty. We need to pull our money out of these evil institutions. This is wjy they have mercenaries out at Standing Rock assaulting our beautiful Indigenous people. Where is our army? Why is this being allowed?