Monday, November 21, 2016

Unbelievable Billboard Near Dearborn, Michigan

Unbelievable Sign Near Dearborn, Michigan

There are at least 2 cities in the UNITED STATES that are dominated by this culture, and here's proof about Dearborn, Michigan

Have you heard about the election they just had there?
All the city councilmen are now Muslim.

It has begun. Muslims need no longer keep their intent a secret.
Their “Good Book” instructs them to either convert you or kill you. Can you defend yourself?


Are there "no-go" zones in the U.S.? Is this one of them?
Dearborn, Michigan is one of the first city to become almost completely Muslim.
Your’s may be next because they are here and more come every day.
Amazing that any city would allow something like this to be displayed!


And some people are concerned about displays of the Confederate Flag?



Anonymous said...

yeah, now ya know how the Native Americans feel. They are fighting for the right for water for us all. But there is more to this than you allow your heart and mind to feel or see. We are not afraid. They will bite off more than they can shew. I am tired of seeing terrorist threats being put out. There is a law against it.

Anonymous said...

Where is this in Dearborn and when was this pic taken? I was just there two days ago at a restaurant and had a great time with the people there. Just curious.

Anonymous said...

""""FAFE NEWS AGAIN"""""" Satan Disciples at Work - Just Like The FBI Story of He Killing His Wife & His self & Burning His House Down - Nesara Is Full of These Type Of Stories - No Different Than "CNN"

Freewill said...

That would probably be true if stories like this was being posted..

Freewill said...

Did you happen to notice the age of the cars and the motorhome in the pic? The quality of the pic? To me, it looks like this pic was taken in the early 1980's. Not 2 days ago.

Anonymous said...

We are everyone living in our own universe which the matrix is synchronizing so as to give the effect that we are all existing in a single universe. The more of us that work to bring about the best in their own universes the more en-joy-able (hyphens for accentuating the ideas in the word) life shall become for all of us. One can choose what one desires to entertain, fear or love or whatever vibration one is capable of at a particular instance. And the matrix will produce on cue; zillions of possibilities can per-mutate. We are co-creators and let us consider what we may be doing to others from within our own lives / universes. Love thy neighbor, do unto others we are all familiar with - this is how life is presently destined to work. For now we operate inside a matrix designed to bring us all together for a shared experience. Therefore you are your brother's (and sister's) keeper. Wisdom to all.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:28PM
Thanks for that.
If everyone could perceive their self as the owner of their own t.v. station, such that they create what is seen and what if their selves is shown to others, their t.v. shows do not have to be the same as the next channels' shows.

It is possible to have one t.v. set, and many t.v. channels.

What the viewer tunes into, is what the viewer becomes aware of.

Or the story/folklore/folktale of the man with two wolves inside him, and the one that survives is the one he feeds.

We are responsible for the content we allow into our loves.
We are responsible for the content we create for the world.

What are you creating in your universe and how is it affected the whole?

Remember we are in a time where artificial intelligence can write news articles, can speak to you in voice response menus when you dial a phone number, and can convey a bus route as the bus is moving down the street.

When you see postings, artificial intelligence can know what you are looking for, and create the content you want to see for your pleasure.

Look at what you do, and see how you contribute to what is shown to you.
You are powerful, and that power will never go away, it will be used by either you, or someone else who will guide you to use it for their purposes.

If you hate a religion because of a photoshopped - oh, did I say that - uhm, photo of a church display you saw on the internet; you used your power either for you or the one who manipulated you.

The manipulator does not believe you should have such power and that's why it's their goal to get you to use it for their purpose.

Notice I never said they obtained the power. They can't have it. They need you to give it to them.

Anonymous said...

If you look at it it's a fair argument to examine the true nature of what the NSA has done and the illegality of all their programs.

In fact, it goes back to the fundamentals of modern republics.
You have to be willing to acknowledge the differing views, and also able to say when you've taken enough rope to hang yourselves.

With Edward Snowden, it's fairly obvious he was always a neocon lite. I think more important here is he understood the nature of this level of illegal spying, goes way beyond Israel's security.

In fact, the nature of this level of spying has been exposed to be deadly to Israel's security and moreover..all nation's security interests. As when the rubber hits the road, the world need not forget that this spying leads to the United Nations.

So these spying programs are purely a "globalist" agenda and are not protecting anyone from ISIS. Do you see any of these things protecting people from ISIS, no way, they were likely enacted to provide cover for further terrorists to enter the USA.

To answer that question, it's now proven a fact that Mr. Snowden created the main prototype of the spy grid that they adopted and stole to further their agenda. So he was a key player, a top player.

Echelon and anything to do with the Echelon spy grid thirty years ago, was designed by people like him. But that's the type of area all must exmaine, because that is NOT in any nation's interest.

To protect against ISIS or any group, we need to remove the Patriot Act as it is and eliminate the entire NSA as it exists. And everyone from all walks, even neocon lites know that is true because there's too much data: as professors will admit, when everything is spied on-you can't find the true threats!!