Monday, November 14, 2016

Valley Forge 2.0 - Help Needed

By Anna von Reitz
I need help.  We need help 
Today, my dear friend asked me how I was?  I replied that I felt like a Polish General.  (No insult to the Poles and their efforts against the Nazis and everyone else who has ever rolled across the Polish plains--- we can see who is still there and still standing in the end.)
It also occurred to me that this is how Washington felt at Valley Forge--- so much hanging in the balance and so much need and so much adversity.  Congress sat in Philadelphia and argued.  The farmers and the soldiers starved and bled.
We have come to the heart of the whole conundrum.  The reason why there is no peace treaty ending the Civil War.  The means used to steal and abuse your intellectual property---- and use that as a hook to steal and abuse your actual property as well.  We have faced the Enemy within and found that it is not the Russians or the Khazarian Jews or the African Americans rioting in the streets because they are unemployed and desperate--- no. 
Our real Enemy, besides Satan, is the same enemy it has always been---- the British Crown and the British Government, pretending to be our friends, while acting as thieves and murderers among us. 
These deceits and practices all have to end and we must all recognize that havoc caused by out of control British Subjects known as "United States Citizens" and "citizens of the United States" living here among us.
There are great needs to be addressed for the Living Law Firm--- work that is standing between all of us getting relief from these multiple oppressions of unlawful foreclosure, theft of children, involuntary servitude, enslavement, and unlawful conversion of assets, racketeering, extortion, and mis-administration of the federal government as it related to American State Nationals.
It is all part and parcel of one set of problems that we now have identified and which we are working on non-stop, but we are out of gas and ten miles from the nearest service station.
If you care about what so many have struggled and sacrificed for to bring forward to this moment in time, see us through.  Help.  Come forward and bridge the gap. 
Anna Maria Riezinger --  c/o Post Office Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652
Please--- think of what this work can mean to all Americans and what it will mean if we fail. 


Anonymous said...

The UNITED KINGDOM is a fraud just like the RUSSIAN FEDERATION.
The UNITED KINGDOM is indeed without question British crown. Another hint is seen in game of thrones. UNITED KINGDOM /= Britain, they are not the same thing and as Brits wake up to this fact it gets all the easier to dump these traitors for good!!

Anonymous said...

Anna is dead wrong. So wrong we should start to be more skeptical of her research.

The Rothschild's and the Jewish cabal that controls our currency are behind the NWO - not the British Monarchy or the Pope.

Anna needs to read Andrew Carrington Hitchcock's book, The Synagogue of Satin. Anna needs to look at the research of Deanna Spingola. Anna needs to look at the work of Eustace Mullins and read his piece called The Secret Holocaust.

Anna needs to look at who has bought our Congress and who controls our media. Anna needs to research AIPAC.

Anonymous said...

Actually Anna is dead-on accurate.
The British Crown financed the Rothscilds (that still survive, the few that there are) and all the elites as well as their World Super Powers.

You can look up World War II and Germany's enabling act if you don't believe this. Time to get re-educated rathrer than indoctrinated because the entire gov. is a sham.