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A Fifty Year Old Lie
Posted By: Liberty_Lady [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 16-Nov-2013 10:34:16
As I listened to the piece by Bob Schieffer this morning on CBS, I was stunned to hear the same lies told by the Warren Commission fifty years ago in the wake of the Kennedy assassination. And by someone who should know better.
I thought investigative journalism was all about thoroughly covering a story and getting to the truth. But he and his wife are putting the same spin on it. Of course Bob is a member of the Mainstream Media and they are both part of the Washington elite. We don't know what their personal beliefs might be and maybe they even believe the spin. I can't say.
What I do know is, one of Bob's statements is completely false. He said that the grassy knoll gunman as well as other conspiracy theories had pretty much been debunked. Really? Having lived through that time I beg to differ. Yes, the CIA's tried and true method of assassination was adopted for the kill. That had already been perfected in a South American kill. Whether or not the CIA had a hand in the Kennedy assassination I can't prove but the fact that Kennedy had just fired Allen Dulles as head of the CIA; that Kennedy was going to make some serious changes in that agency when he got back from Texas and that Kennedy and the CIA had been at loggerheads ever since the Bay of Pigs disastrous invasion all lend some credibility to those 'conspiracy theories.' There have been some serious works written on the subject as well, not the least is Jim Marrs book, "Crossfire".
From what I've read the CIA had already used the 'crazed loan gunman' to take out foreign leaders who weren't amiable to our bullying, subsequently killing the gunman so they couldn't refute the charges. Noam Chomsky has outed our government on other assassinations of foreign leaders. I find it strange that he doesn't think Kennedy's assassination was anything but Oswald.
However, I questioned the official story at the time because it didn't make sense. Anyone familiar with guns and the velocity of a rifle would wonder why bullets fired from behind threw Kennedy's head backwards and to the left. The 'magic bullet' theory was ludicrous. The pictures showed that Kennedy was first shot in the neck from behind, which threw him forward. But the shot that killed him had to come from the right and slightly forward because he fell backwards and to the left. The piece of brain or skull that Jackie climbed on the trunk to retrieve was behind him. This would have been impossible if the head shot had come from behind. Governor John Connelly was also hit. Yet the Warren Commission originally came up with a magic bullet that danced around like a Tesla invention. So, Oswald shot Kennedy from behind then somehow levitated himself to the grassy knoll for the kill shot? That makes about as much sense as the Warren Commission's final decision.
The other thing that was immediately suspicious to me was the killing of Oswald. That looked staged. I remember saying to my mother words to the effect that, Well, isn't THAT convenient? I guess we won't get to hear his story now of how he was a patsy." He knew he'd been set up. He called it right - a patsy.
But Bob Schieffer was right about one thing. He said the Kennedy assassination was the end of America's innocence. That's true. Never again would I automatically believe what my government told me or the spin the MSM put on it. And I always suspected that Johnson was in it up to his bushy eyebrows. If for nothing more than to divert any real investigation into the assassination.
That's why, in 2001, when I saw the towers fall, I said, "That looks like a controlled demolition." I had just see one earlier in Las Vegas. Why couldn't people see that story was phony too? And if that was a lie, how many other lies were told about it? Thankfully we do still have some real investigative journalists around. They haven't all been killed.
It's way past time for Americans to start thinking for themselves instead of allowing the government or members of the MSM to tell us what we should think. That has overtones of a socialist dictatorship all over it.
Please people, while there is still time, get a copy of the Constitution and read it. THIS is how we are supposed to live our lives and conduct business. IN FREEDOM! Unless we allow our collective apathy to blind us to the insidious takeover of our country by those who would enslave us for their own ends.
One source is called: "The United States Constitution and other American Documents", Fall River Press. I paid $6.98 for my copy. There are many other sources.
When the police started taking the film for evidence was it held for developing to see what was on it then later destroyed as they didn't see anything right away, or was it that they just turned their backs from the person they just got the film from and pulled it from it from the camera or container?
Maybe it was that they wouldn't even let the people wind the film the proper way to keep the film from being exposed to light the wrong way?
That is Criminal Misconduct!
Weeks later they could have thought of something that those pictures would be needed to verify, but the film was destroyed within minutes or hours!
Someone should start asking questions on this matter as some people are still alive!
Oh, THAT'S a surprise, ain't it just? What do you expect coming out of an old Talking, Empty-Headed WAR HORSE like Schieffer? Why do you think THEY have allowed him to remain a 'trusted and revered' commentator for so many years now? His longevity/redundance ain't because he's a MAVERICK, and it sure as hell ain't because he SPEAKS THE TRUTH TO POWER!
Consider this. Every major law enforcement and intelligence agency in America knows the truth about not only JFK's assasination but also 9/11. About Oklahoma City's bombing from the inside out, about the Boston Bombing, even as far back as the America pilots flying trainer planes with Japanese decals bombing Pearl Harbor and not the Japanese. Still, they've done nothing to the people who've done this. The evil has control not only of the media and publishing houses, but law enforcement above the Sheriff's; eith exception of the U.S. Federal Marshals. Evil has control of our banks and financial systems. Of all our government officals voted into office. We do not know a good one for sure. We hope some are good. God must take command of this if we have hope.
Kennedy was murdered because the world cabal and banksters could not control him otherwise.
Ask the U.S. Federal Marshals if they are a Registered Voter.
If they say Yes, then they are a Cabalist and HAVE NO Jurisdiction to make Arrests on any of THE UNITED STATES, INC. employees as they are one themselves!
You people have it all wrong. Kennedy was killed by a secret service agent in the car following Kennedy. The secret is over. The first bullet fired from the depository missed. The second one went through Kennedy's back, exiting his throat and then striking Connally. These were fired from the Italian weapon and the bullets were full metal jacket. The third shot was fired from an AR15 by a secret service agent using hollow point bullets which blew Kennedys skull apart because these bullets explode on impact.
Watch the youtube video of secret service stand down, one agent at the back of the car is told to stand down and he shrugs his shoulders twice.
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