Monday, November 18, 2013

Benjamin Fulford Blurb: Cabal is in 'Surrender' Negotiations..

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Benjamin Fulford Blurb: Cabal is in 'Surrender' Negotiations..
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 18-Nov-2013 11:58:30

..told to hand over $700 trillion or $10,000 for each human
Weekly geo-political news and analysis
Representatives of a committee of 15 individuals, who claim to be in charge of the system for creating and distributing US dollars and most other privately owned central bank currencies, are trying to arrange a peace agreement for the cabal. They agreed last week, in negotiations with a White Dragon Society representative, to initially make available $700 trillion, or $10,000 for each man, woman and child on the planet earth to be delivered in the form of goods and services. They also agreed to debt forgiveness for all nations including, they say, some debts that date back to the 1700’s. They also agreed to forgive most individual debts.
The committee claims to be headed by two Asian men, each over 90 years old, and representatives of five Asian families, seven European families and one Russian family.
There was also a meeting last week between representatives of Asian banking clans and the WDS. These clans claimed the rights to most of the world’s gold. They were also agreeable to the proposal to distribute $700 trillion to the people and nations of the world.
However, there are still some powerful factions still clinging to the Zionist nightmare of starting Armageddon, notably the Cohen crime family in New York and
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Anonymous said...

Ok... they forgive the us debt... but the ones who make out are the banks and fed reserve... once again. Do not trust this.

Anonymous said...

The debit IS that of the cabal - NOT the people of this nation or the world, as all debt was FRAUD, a total sham. They have all their stolen funds - MAKE THEM PAY OFF THEIR OWN DEBT - PERIOD. To agree to anything that continues to enslave the people is also a sham. PLEASE! Either do this the RIGHT way, or don't waste your time for it will only be the same ole same ole. NEVER TRUST A SNAKE - THEY ALWAYS BITE YOU IN THE ASS AS SOON AS YOU GET CONFIDENT ENOUGH TO TURN YOUR BACK ON THEM. They have proven time and time again they are NOT TO BE TRUSTED. DO TO THEM WHAT THEY HAVE PLANNED FOR US - CUT THEIR HEADS OFF.

Anonymous said...

I agree. It sounds like they are just buying time to figure out how they will regain control, again.

Anonymous said...

When it comes to getting your hands actually on the GOLD! (exclamtion marks added to your pleasure) to me it goes like this "useless eater" sits in his hovel, eating his last crumb, as he watches the last match burn out, and in the usual despair he goes to the mailbox to get the "bills" he knows are there , when to his utter surprise there is the golden ticket to "THE" party with his "name" on it!!! Who would send me a ticket to "THE" party? Doesn't matter I've got my party dress and boogie shoes it's off to "THE" party!!!!! Upon arrival you find that while yes you were invited to "THE" party you must use the side entrance, oh well you say why not at least I get in! Upon entering the side door you are met by 2 VERY LARGE individuals In full combat regalia with big smiles who are to "escort" you through the entrance "procedures", for "your safety",thus commences the retinal scan dna sample, tsa full body pat down, backscatter x-ray, and cavity search, after getting through that you are brought to a small room with a table in the center where you are told to bang your head violently against the spikey steel plate on said table 3 times, after that you will be led to the "waiting" area where you will be given 24-72hr notices every 24-72 hrs on when you can enter!!