Thursday, November 21, 2013

Dinar Douchebags - November Update

Monday, November 4, 2013

November Update

Another month comes and goes, and the dinar world is again listening to the proverbial chirping of crickets.  It appears that the post-Ramadan period produced nothing encouraging for the dinar hopeful, and yet the hopium is still being consumed in mass quantities.

In reviewing the events of October I really couldn't find much of interest to write about, except for a few things.  First, a certain guru pretty much outed himself in a conference call.  The other day on a whim I decided to listen to a call by a guy called Loechin who has been making the rounds recently. To my amazement he offered his true name and even gave out the URL of his website. His name is Charles Walters and he's an itinerant evangelist.

Charles "Loechin" Walters
559-726-1399 pin 616571# (7 minutes in)

He also mentioned the donate button on his website after talking about the orphanages he works with in places like Bolivia.

During this call he cited TonyTNT as somebody credible, told us that the current rate showing for the IQN (apparently we're not supposed to call it the IQD now) is $25.99 and the VND is around $2. He also insisted that he has negotiated the highest cash in rate with Wells Fargo over the past two years.

For the life of me I can't understand why an established minister of the gospel would jeopardize his credibility and ultimately his ministry on a scam like the revaluation of the Iraqi dinar. It's one thing to hope that the dinar will provide you with some substantial increase, but to say as he did July 17:

"It's been a very exciting day. At 2:15 this afternoon, the United Nations officially announced the revaluation of the Iraqi dinar. At this moment, we are simply awaiting a call to go to the bank. All has been done and all has been completed. From what we are hearing, we could be at the bank as early as tomorrow and as late as Monday." 

and this on October 3:

"WOW all the info coming in today has been amazing. Read Eagle1, Tony, and Bluwolf, and you will get most of the info. As of this very moment the rates are still in the $25 plus change, and I think we will see the VNN at $3 plus. Seems like the closer we get someone wants to push the date back well not this time. It can and I believe will go any moment. It's no longer going to be banks closed or open, Tues-Thur stuff. This is off the table now and we are waiting for any second." 

I have to admit I'm stumped. Does he really believe this? And if not, why say these things? I don't see any dinar dealer banners or VIP memberships on his sites. The only thing I can figure is he's fishing for donations, but I have to ask "is it really worth it?" When Iraq does eventually get around to redenominating he's going to have a lot to answer for. In that he's hardly alone, but unlike most gurus he has put his name out there and left his dangling backside completely exposed. When the faithful realize that the CBI's plan was always a lop and that there was never a chance of anybody getting rich from buying dinar they're going to be extremely wroth. For his sake I hope he's got a parsonage ready in Bolivia.

Next, many of you will recall a recent post I did about the rumour sites Dinar Recaps and Dinar Guru which feed content from other sites into their sites to draw hits and generate ad revenues.  Well it appears that Breitling took notice and started a similar site of his own less than a week after I posted that and is now encouraging his followers to check it out.  And so it goes .......

2013 Douchebag of the Year
TNT Tony
Third, for the past two years I have presented an award to the Dinar Douchebag of the year.  The first year Dan "Checkmate" Atkinson was the winner.  In 2012 the award was shared by James "Adam Montana" Wolf and Tony "Breitling" Elder.  Well this year wasn't even close so I'm going to award it 2 months early.  TNT Tony ran off and left the pack in his dust with nonsense about a $20+ rate, non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), the Global Currency Reset (GCR), early cash-ins, and Wells Fargo handling the currency exchange (CE) via a 1-800 number despite their insistence that they have no intention of handling the IQD.  All of this was in addition to his weekly intel from high up sources about today or tomorrow being the day for the RV.

Apparently Tony's douchebaggery was even too much for the 2011 winner Dan from PTR, because he cut Tony loose back in the summer.  Now Tony is free to fly solo and pursue the heights of absurdity with his thrice weekly RV updates.  Congrats to TNT for proving that all you need to get ahead in life is a little determination, hard work, creativity, and personality.  Unless of course you're a pathological liar and scammer. 

And finally, out of curiosity I decided to listen to a few broadcasts from this new audio guru who goes by the name Magellan.  If you've been thinking about checking this guy out .... don't bother.  It was pure torture.  First of all the intro to his Blogtalk show is over two minutes long, with a sickening epic film-score musical theme and a dramatic voiceover.  If you can make it through that without puking you then will hear him throw it into marketing gear.  During the shows he made a pitch for Dinar Inc., his iTunes broadcasts, his Facebook and his Twitter pages, and asked people to email him their prayer requests.  Now of course he could have just told people to call him with their prayer requests and he would pray for them, but if he did that he wouldn't get any email addresses to market himself with, now would he? 

The content of the broadcast was filled with the same old recycled pumper BS - the mythical Kuwaiti RV, Iraq can't be a great country with a suppressed currency, oil backs the dinar, Iraq will be the next Dubai, Bush and Cheney set the RV up, Obama is willing to meet with Maliki because he knows about the RV ..... blah blah blah ....  He also claimed that Iraq is constructing the world's tallest building in Basra, although I couldn't find anything more than a conceptual rendering of what would be the tallest building in Iraq.  Wikipedia has an article on tallest buildings and there's no mention of any building in Iraq.  This is actually quite typical of pumpers, making claims that can't be verified by any factual information.  But who cares about facts anyway?  After all, this is the dinar we're talking about.


  1. It seems like every few months a new clown emerges on the scene. As soon as followers grow weary and skeptical of the current crop of pumpers, they inject a new "expert" or "source" into their conference calls or onto the website to pump new life into the scam. That seems to be how most of these clowns got their start. Yet there are just as many clowns that we no longer hear from at all. I suspect they lost credibility with the followers and became bad for business. So they quietly stop posting or start a new life as a new "expert" on Iraq under a new screen name somewhere. I compared it to a trashy romance novel a few months back. I think that is still true. The names of the characters change but the plot and storyline remain the same. Loechin will eventually lose his flock of dinar followers and fade into the sunset. But, without a doubt, somebody else will emerge and take his place. It's a ridiculous cycle.
    1. Some of those who have gone away did so after Brad and Rudy were indicted. The reality of the situation finally dawned on them. I think this blog also scared a few off, which is fine by me. Dinar scammers now realize that pumping the dinar entails a certain amount of risk and inconvenience.
    2. It does make your blood boil that these clowns so shamelessly prey on christians in this scam. They probably figure they are predisposed to believe things they can't fully understand. If you think about it, the RV has a lot in common with christianity. There is the concept of a crucifixion (the value of the old dinar being "destroyed"), a savior (only certain people know about it and will benefit from it) and a resurrection (the value "instantly" being restored in the future). It probably appeals subconsciously to many christians for just that reason. Whatever the reason, it is dastardly to take financial advantage of people in such a manner.
  2. Thanks Sam.

    The funniest is the 3 dollar overnight RV of the Dong. LOL. I guess its plausible that the Dong M2 could be worth 3 thousand trillion USD overnight. Or 3 quadrillion USD. Yeah sure, why not? I mean the dinar is going to RV by 2,500,000% overnight based on Tony TNTs "intel". Its amazing to see the new economics at work. Thank goodness we have professionals like Tony, Frank, Adam, and Not-so-Breitling to help us understand the workings of the new made up economics that could never happen.
    1. Indeed Dinark. If you "believe" enough then it 'makes perfect sense' that Vietnam will have more money than 37x planet Earth's sized economies... ;-)

      The only question is where to spend it given that just 2.6% of Vietnam's "magic wealth RV" will buy every product & service produced every year in every country on on the planet combined...
  3. I think we can assume that Charles "Loechin" Walters either believes both in what he preaches and the RV nonsense, or neither. If he doesn’t really think the Dinar will RV (or already has I guess) then surely he must be planning on an unpleasant eternity for scamming people. I suppose he is not expecting that upon his arrival in the afterlife that god might ask “The Dinar RV? Really? What do you think I put that spongy thing in your skull for, a paperweight?”

    Once again we see that those who have fully integrated belief without external evidence (something essential to religious belief) into their thinking can, under the right circumstances, be lead to believe just about anything no matter how nonsensical. The failure to be able to discriminate, if not the tendency to actively do so, between that which is mysterious and that which is simply fabricated nonsense, is among the most dangerous aspects of humanity in my view.
  4. Big Care here:
    Initially, I thought ... okay... $1000 investment for what will probably gain in value someday (doubling would be nice)... then the more these idiot lack-of-actual-intel "gurus" claimed .... each one more spectacular than the week before...
    Well.... lets just say... I would be happy if my investment doubled. And I no longer even expect that!
    1. Pretty much everyone here has been in your shoes, we all got sucked in on the fantasy of hitting it big. But unless you managed to buy very early (like in 2004) you won't even break even at this point. Now dealers are selling IQD for about $1,000/million and buying it back for $840. Once an RD is official (maybe next year but maybe not) their customers will dry up and they will have to actually get the IQD they buy from customers back to Iraq (or Jordon or Kuwait or whereever they are getting it) and that means they will likely charge about that same margin the other way, so then they might only pay $640 since they will be selling it back to the bank for $860 or less. So with $1000 invested, in my view, your choices are lose $160 or so now, or $360 or so later. Its possible that once they RD you won't even be able to exchange it, but I think that is unlikely, though still possible.
    2. Thank you for the insightful response. That amount of money is not the end of the world. I can place the dinar next to a few penny-stock company's I have invested in.... and look at it occasionally to keep from making the mistake again. Lesson learned... this time.... I swear. lol
  5. My cousin convinced me to invest in the dinar and Dong 2 years ago. He has a very successful business and has done very well. Knowing that, I thought he knew something or had some inside info or the dinar. So I jumped in and got hook on reading Recaps daily. although I suspected that it might be a scam from day one,after hearing him say that it was going to happen any day now reading Recaps, I started to believe it and convinced others to invest also.

    After about a year I started to notice how obsessed I had become. My Business was beginning to suffer because I had convinced myself that I was going to rich soon and didn't need it to do good anyway. Thank the lord for my wife and Web Sites like this!! I was reeled back into reality.

    My cousin is a different story. He has invested well over 100k usd and we will never convinced him that this is a SCAM. He has drug many others in this scam. The same way he got me. He is not an internet guru, He is real life brainwashed guru who is in so deep that his ego wont let them believed the truth.

    I believe that there are thousands just like him including this (Loechin) guy. Sam thanks for putting your time is this!!


Anonymous said...

well done finally ! it's time to expose these lying dipshit con men for exactly what they are.

ntmag1 said...

This should have been posted forever ago! Now John will you keep posting there crap?

Anonymous said...

John, It's time to post the Nov 18, 2013, DinarDoucheBag update:


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The dinar nonsense is a scam. It's been done many times.

It's wise to stay from this garbage.

The currency markets are utterly corrupt beyond fixing. Naked shorts in paper gold even.


These currency scams are not what you think.