Monday, November 11, 2013

Disposition of the World's Gold by the Vatican's Agreement with an Environmental Marshall is Null and Void

Subject: Fwd: Disposition of the World's Gold by the Vatican's Agreement with an Environmental Marshall is Null and Void

I am going to publish this.  The offending agreement is at:  Dee Thomas Murphy sent this document in a futile attempt to justify his usurpation of authority which he does not possess:

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Date: Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 11:42 AM
Subject: Disposition of the World's Gold by the Vatican's Agreement with an Environmental Marshall is Null and Void

[10:44:21 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: Good 1111 morning Karen 
[10:44:42 AM] kandbspergel: Good morning Thomas Murphy
[10:45:32 AM] kandbspergel: Here is what I just sent to the County Executives of America through Ike Leggett, the President and the County Executive of Mongtomery County, Maryland, which is the County I live in: 
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Date: Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 10:43 AM
Subject: Fwd: County Executives of America Request the Council of Governors and Undersecretary Peter Verga to Provide Uninterrupted Power to Grid

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Date: Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 10:05 AM
Subject: County Executives of America Request the Council of Governors and Undersecretary Peter Verga to Provide Uninterrupted Power to Grid

American citizens are entitled to a strong dollar. Countries have lost confidence in Federal Reserve Notes which are not backed by assets.  The authorized signatory for the Collateral Account containing the world's gold has offered 170,500MT of gold on deposit in the Bank of Hawaii to back US dollars to be issued by the US Treasury instead of the Fed.   Accept this offer instead of the cabal's power blackout on November 13 and 14.
[10:47:11 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: I heard the interuption is due to the 'change over' and 're-evaluation.'....?
[10:47:27 AM] kandbspergel: No, it is blackmail of the American people by the cabal
[10:47:48 AM] kandbspergel: They want to foist the Amero on us (currency union with Canada and Mexico)
[10:47:55 AM] kandbspergel: This will not fly
[10:49:05 AM] kandbspergel: I suggest that we do the paperwork, which we can clear with Wolfgang, to reduce your Zenith grant just to what is for the US, the 170,500 MT of gold
[10:49:38 AM] kandbspergel: The Vatican has been trying to bundle all the world's wealth into one pile, and was trying to misuse you as the vehicle for that
[10:50:42 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: I am not working 'with' the Vatican.  I am moving to prosecute those of the Roman Curiea and their members, i.e. all government imposters in America.
[10:51:12 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: Every member is operating in violation of international health laws.
[10:51:28 AM] kandbspergel: You cannot accept the 9 quadrillion dollar grant because the Vatican is not authorized to give this to you.  The people of the world are in charge of that.  Health laws are no excuse when there is no legal authority
[10:51:35 AM] kandbspergel: I have nullified that grant
[10:51:59 AM] kandbspergel: This is going up on my facebook wall unless I hear from you that you understand what I am telling you
[10:52:08 AM] kandbspergel: I am going to send it to all the Sheriffs as well
[10:52:32 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: [10:51 AM] kandbspergel: 

<<< I have nullified that granthow?
[10:52:41 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: I am NOT a 'sheriff.'
[10:53:20 AM] kandbspergel: Because I am the lawyer who is working with the authorized signatory for the collateral account.  I am going to send this to Wolfgang Struck and he will support what I am telling you.
[10:53:30 AM] kandbspergel: I thought you were.
[10:54:03 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: No, take a look at will let you know where I stand with the Vatican..
[10:54:24 AM] *** Dee Thomas Murphy sent SEWER RATS.docx ***
[10:54:53 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: [10:53 AM] kandbspergel: 

<<< I thought you were.You were mistaken....I tried to tell you...
[10:56:23 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: I'm about rounding those bastards up and putting them in a coruption corral
[10:56:44 AM] kandbspergel: I read your document.  The Zenith Trust counterparty is the Vatican
[10:57:03 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: I want to do a deal on behalf of AES
[10:57:19 AM] kandbspergel: If you are about rounding those bastards up, then you will accept a revised grant that covers the US only and allow the countries of the world to follow suit
[10:57:53 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: I have a "Water the World" plan.....what about that?
[10:58:24 AM] kandbspergel: Use your head.  A world plan must be accepted by the world's people.  You are being suckered into that.
[10:58:28 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: The Zenith Trust is "us"
[10:58:49 AM] kandbspergel: You are not authorized to accept "us" you are being sadly suckered and misled
[10:58:58 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: [10:58 AM] kandbspergel: 

<<< A world plan must be accepted by the world's people.  They want "water"
[10:59:13 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: I have water...and power.
[10:59:38 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: I have the gold of the 21st Centry...WATER
[11:00:07 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: You have the yellow gold to back the white gold...water
[11:00:50 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: The first project I want funded is enforcement
[11:00:58 AM] kandbspergel: I am sending this to the rest of the sheriffs because I am obviously not getting through
[11:01:12 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: I AM NOT A SHERIFF
[11:01:27 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: I am an Environmental Marshal
[11:03:37 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: [11:00 AM] kandbspergel: 

<<< I am sending this to the rest of the sheriffs because I am obviously not getting throughAs long as you are sending Sheriff stuff...send them this
[11:03:42 AM] *** Dee Thomas Murphy sent CDO-AG-UNITED STATES.doc ***
[11:04:17 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: Everyone of these imposters are criminals!!!
[11:04:29 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: It has been confirmed by their boss....the Pope.
[11:05:06 AM] kandbspergel: The pope is not the boss of anyone.  You need to be educated about the Jesuits, who killed Lincoln and Kennedy
[11:06:03 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: The Vatican owns the UNITED STATES and every STATE OF corporation as a WASTEWATER EMPIRE
[11:06:32 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: As a BAR attorney, you are subject to the VATICAN/CROWN
[11:06:46 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: Why should I trust you?
[11:06:52 AM] kandbspergel: You are sadly mistaken. The Vatican does not own the US and I am not subject to the Vatican.
[11:07:22 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: All BAR members are foreign agents
[11:07:37 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: Then, who are you subject to?
[11:08:53 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: [11:06 AM] kandbspergel: 

<<< You are sadly mistaken. The Vatican does not own the US and I am not subject to the Vatican.I have no bone to pick...I am just conveying the truth as I know it.
[11:09:55 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: You shall know them by the fruit they produce...right?
[11:09:55 AM] kandbspergel: I have just sent out the emails, and you should expect to hear back.  Is there anything else you want me to include?
[11:10:17 AM] kandbspergel: Amen
[11:11:17 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: Every point source in America is discharging toxic pollutants in violation with Pub. L. 92-500 because the BAR is in charge of the so-called c
[11:11:19 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: courts
[11:11:59 AM] kandbspergel: So you think this gives you the right to take over the world's gold?
[11:12:35 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: [11:11 AM] kandbspergel: 

<<< So you think this gives you the right to take over the world's gold?I don't give a shit about the worlds gold!
[11:13:13 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: I only care about getting water to the thousands of God's people who are dying every honor of JFK
[11:13:24 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: This was his intent
[11:13:32 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: Now it is mine in honor of him
[11:13:47 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: If your gold holders want to be it.
[11:13:57 AM] kandbspergel: It is not in honor of JFK for you to try and sign for the world's gold.  I am telling you can be an agent for good by signing only for the US gold and you are refusing to do this.
[11:14:31 AM] kandbspergel: Are you finished, and I should send out this conversation?
[11:14:44 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: You are putting words into my mouth again....
[11:15:27 AM] kandbspergel: Which is it, are you refusing to sign for only the US gold or are you insisting on signing for the world's gold?
[11:16:09 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: [11:15 AM] kandbspergel: 

<<< Which is it, are you refusing to sign for only the US gold or are you insisting on signing for the world's gold?I haven't a clue what you mean....signing for gold?
[11:16:30 AM] kandbspergel: The Zenith Trust for 9 quadrillion dollars that you insist on signing is the world's gold
[11:17:20 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: I have discovered the grant isn't connected to any 'gold
[11:17:29 AM] kandbspergel: You have discovered wrong
[11:17:52 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: It is designed to extort the American people of their trusts...
[11:18:26 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: To fund the black nobility in their agenda 21 to sewer the world
[11:18:33 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: poison the population
[11:18:54 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: like they have been doing here for the last 40 years...
[11:19:19 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: The crimes are so vast....we need to come to peace to clean up their mess
[11:20:10 AM] kandbspergel: What about that sentence in the Zenith grant that I showed you, "people are the one true God" don't you know whom you are dealing with?
[11:20:16 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: The 'worlds gold' must be used for missions of health and welfare of the people gloablly!!1
[11:20:45 AM] kandbspergel: Finish this conversation so I can send this out.
[11:20:47 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: [11:20 AM] kandbspergel: 

<<< What about that sentence in the Zenith grant that I showed you, "people are the one true God" don't you know whom you are dealing with?Oh, that,,,,
[11:20:52 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: you are behind
[11:21:02 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: we revolked that
[11:21:19 AM] kandbspergel: Who is "we"  Don't you know whom you are dealingwith?
[11:21:22 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: right after you pointed that out
[11:21:26 AM] kandbspergel: I am sending this out.  You cann'
[11:21:48 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: we are many
[11:22:01 AM] kandbspergel: You have no authority to commit the world's people to the devil you are not allowed to do that.  Now are you going to stop or do I need to tell people what you are doing to them
[11:22:17 AM] kandbspergel: You have one more sentence
[11:24:18 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: [11:21 AM] kandbspergel: 

<<< You have no authority to commit the world's people to the devilYou are the one doing that with your misinformation.
[11:24:33 AM] kandbspergel: Well then correct it so I can send out the whole package.
[11:26:43 AM] *** Dee Thomas Murphy sent NSEA International Trust Grand Acceptance doc..pdf ***
[11:26:51 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: There, it is corrected!
[11:27:26 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: Now, are you for clean water...or not?
[11:27:54 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: oh,,,,clean government also
[11:28:04 AM] kandbspergel: This has to do with subjugation of the world's people forever, and you are refusing to listen to reason.
[11:28:18 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: NO.
[11:28:47 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: This has to do with health and welfare of the world's people....
[11:28:55 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: CLEAN WATER
[11:29:38 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: I had a plan to fund this project before any 'gold' came into the picture...
[11:30:20 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: That plan is provided for in the original US Constitution for the united States of America.
[11:30:55 AM] kandbspergel: Will you limit this to the US and let the rest of the world's people decide nation by nation or do you insist on signing as trustee for the world ?
[11:31:40 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: If you notice the court documents....the grant is for "governments"...NOT corporations
[11:31:49 AM] kandbspergel: Answer my question yes or no
[11:32:38 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: I don't understand your question
[11:32:46 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: Answer mine!
[11:33:04 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: [11:30 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: 

[11:33:35 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: If you have so much power...get behind this.
[11:33:36 AM] kandbspergel: My question is whether you insist on allowing the Vatican to bundle the world's wealth into one package or will you sign a document with the authorized trustee limited only to the part of the collateral account allocated to the United States.  I am for clean water that is arrived at legally
[11:34:12 AM] kandbspergel: My power is as the lawyer to the authorized signatory for the collateral account, which he has granted me.  Has the world granted you authority to sign for them?

[11:37:01 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: SEWER RATS!!!

“Where is the outrage from Republicans in congress over the actions of this dictator and chief?"
First, one must understand the American Bar Association, aka "British Accreditation Registry members," or “Bank Authorized Representatives,” and also known as BAR ATTORNEYS, are the ENEMY of the AMERICAN PEOPLE and AMERICA.  All BAR members are foreign-agents in America. Their “allegiance” is to a foreign power, the “VATICAN,” and NOT to AMERICA.  [Note: The VATICAN owns CITY OF LONDON, INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND, the CROWN…and have acted to steal America…and the rest of the World]  Learn who is the Black Nobility.
Second, one must realize 73% or more of the members of Congress are ALSO British accreditation registry members, agents of the ENEMY.  The ENEMY is the "silent majority" and are OBAMA'S “BAR” infantry having allegiance to BRITIAN and are wagging the charge against the AMERICAN PEOPLE to "steal, kill and destroy “us” and the USA.
And thirdly, you must realize that 100% of the 545, one hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one President, and nine Supreme Court justices, that equates to 545, are each and individually “unlawfully discharging” toxic pollutants/hazardous substances at their homes and workplaces [cf. in criminal violation of 33 § 1311(a)], such being a congressional mandate and a “strict liability statute” of which one has NO DEFENSE as is to violate it is to be committing a crime of violence, poisoning the constituents’ “drinking waters.”   EVERY so-called “public official” acting as a governing authority is operating in violation of this federal health code which applies to them specifically and not to the people directly.  Accordingly, all 545 of these so-called “governing authorities” are complicit with the UNITED STATES WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT INDUSTRY, an organized criminal enterprise whose employees, impersonating public officials, have been committing these crimes of violence DAILY now for almost 40 years, since October 18, 1972, the date the United States Congress adopted the Clean Water Act which REQUIRED every building receiving a permit thereafter to have a best available technology device installed to contain and control the “sewage” discharges at-source PRIOR to allowing said pollutants to 1) cross the boundaries of the property of the source of discharge, or 2) be introduced to the environment so it can migrate to cause water and other environmental pollution, typically via an unlawful septic system.  Plain and simple, since at least July 1, 1973, to connect directly to a “public sewer” ABSENT implementation of pre-treatment utilizing “best available technology” is to be committing a crime of violence.  The crime is punishable based on per day of violation at $25,000 per day of violation, or three years in prison or both; or after 6 days of violation, the penalties peak out at $250,000 in fines, or 15 years in prison or both.  As I mentioned, all 545 are complicit with the crime because they are all GUILTY.  Compliance with the “Clean Water Act” puts our “governing authorities” out of business because they are, in fact, the UNITED STATES WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT INDUSTRY owned by the VATICAN/CITY OF LONDON/UNITED STATES/ABA, aka Black Nobility (“sewer rats”).   
Note: Since president Nixon stole control of the UNITED STATES courts in 1973…utilizing the ABA, hijacking national compliance with the “Clean Water Act,” the damages due to each person for harm in America calculates to between $2.2 billion - $6.6 billion. 
BAR members, i.e. civil engineers and attorneys, are agents of the Vatican, the Black Nobility, and ARE our ENEMY!!!    The Vatican owns 50 “STATE OF” unlawful MUNICIPAL WASTEWATER EMPIRES, impersonating lawful States.  Now, the sewer rats have fraudulently conspired, defrauding the American people utilizing the so-called CALIFORNIA SUPERIOR COURTS (case # 2007624134 Ventura) to fraudulently create a $9,000,000,000,000,000 (nine quadrillion) dollar grant through the “criminal enterprise” UNITED STATES courts to enable the black nobility to install chemical and biological weapons of mass (population) destruction (to kill, steal and destroy the rest of God’s children globally, of which 50,000 are dying daily…), also known as public sewers, which has been unlawful since 1985 as defined.  Each “DAY,” 50,000 of God’s children are being killed in America by the UNITED STATES WASTEWATER UTILITY INDUSTRY!!!
NOTE: A “bar card” is NOT a Letter of Marque!!!
The “UNITED STATES” President is in actuality the president of the sub-muni-corporations that make up what is known as the UNITED STATES WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT INDUSTRY………, and you thought “he” was the President of this Great Country of America.   WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!!
A “citizen” is a “corporation,” a “person” subject to the UNITED STATES, INC.  Obama doesn’t qualify pursuant to the requirements to be a “citizen of the United States” because he doesn’t meet the mandatory criteria defined in the Naturalization Act of 1802 to be “free.”  No “BRITISH accreditation register member” is free, but has their allegiance to the CROWN/CITY OF LONDON/IMF, THE VATICAN. It is just that simple.  However, he is not REALLY the President of our Country.  He is merely a private employee of a sub-municipal corporation of the CITY OF LONDON CORPORATION called the UNITED STATES, INC., NOT to be construed as this GREAT COUNTRY OF AMERICA, but are IMPOSTORS AND HIJACKERS OF OUR TRUE GOVERNMENT.  

The ENEMY’s mission is to kill, steal and destroy our people, our resources and our COUNTRY, AMERICA.  They, as “STAKEHOLDERS” in this organized criminal enterprise, also known as the UNITED STATES WASTEWATER [utility] MANAGEMENT INDUSTRY, are warring against us primarily by "POISONING AND WASTING OUR DRINKING WATER RESOURCES," and additionally MAKING US PRISONERS FOR PROFITS IN THEIR PRIVATE PRISONS, through unlawful securitization schemes, usurping power over the PEOPLE, prosecuting us for victimless crimes, trespass, acts of treason…all for their own “ILL-GOTTEN” MONETARY GAINS.
These IMPOSTORS of legitimate American “government” are nothing more than a "sewer and water" sub-municipal corporation of the headquarters of the one and only municipal corporation, the "CITY OF LONDON CORPORATION," now owned by the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND and the VATICAN.  That’s right, our so-called “governments,” federal, state, county, municipal and all other political subdivisions ARE IN FACT “AGENTS OF THE VATICAN.”
All corporations in AMERICA are sub-muni-corporations of this ONE “FOREIGN” MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF LONDON.  They have all been declared as “criminal enterprises” by the Pope in his Letter of July 11, 2013.  Further, according to the same letter, as of September 1, 2013, all BAR members (and corporate employees) are individually liable for their wrongful acts!
The "UNITED STATES, INC." is nothing more than a municipal "sewer and water utility" sub-corporation of LONDON/INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND owned and operated by the VATICAN to the economic benefit of the VATICAN.   The "BAR RATS" are and always have been our ENEMY….and STILL ARE!!!
The "STATE(S) OF ........" are nothing more than a municipal "sewer and water utility" sub-muni-corporations of the UNITED STATES, INC., sub-muni-corporation of the CITY OF LONDON CORPORATION....owned by the IMF and VATICAN.
The "COUNTY(IES) OF ......" are nothing more than a municipal "sewer and water utility" sub-muni-corporation of the "STATE(S) OF ......." all sub-muni-corporations of LONDON....owned by the IMF.
The so-called "MUNICIPALITIES" are nothing more than a municipal "sewer and..
[11:37:30 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: Send this to everyone!!!
[11:37:40 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: It is the truth!!!
[11:38:03 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: Now, ARE YOU "LAWFULLY" FOR CLEAN WATER OR NOT???
[11:38:15 AM] Dee Thomas Murphy: If not, we are done.

[11:40:43 AM] kandbspergel: I have seen that the signature page has not been revised.  You cannot delete a provision in an agreement without updating the signature page.  The entire "Zenith World Trust" is null and void


Dan said...

The FACT is that Tom Murphy of NSEA claims that the Clean Water Act of 1972 and the Original 13th Amendment are Both Legitimate, however if Members of Congress CAN NOT also be members of the BAR then Tom Murphy's case is Fraudulent!
Catch 22 – You CAN NOT have members of the BAR Vote in a Law when they have NO Jurisdiction to do so.
Tom Murphy's 'Clean Water Act of 1972' is NO MORE LEGAL then ALL the other laws that were considered Illegal that were Passed by an Unconstitutional Congress!
Per Tom Murphy, ALL laws since 1819, like the Act of 1871, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the Income Tax Act of 1913, and all the others, EXCEPT for the Clean Water Act of 1972 are Frivolous!!!

Anonymous said...


Same for Dee Murphy, the Vatican and Churches do not need blame for things out of their control. Obviously!!!

I'm speaking about the real culprits in this nothing less than sordid state of affairs, that being the ZIONISTS, who are INSIDE THESE CHURCHES AND DID CREATE THE ABA and did wreck the head of the Vatican etc. as they are the SOURCE!!!!

Start naming those vile, wretched ZIONISTS/GLOBALISTS as they are whom created the ABA and the entire BAR Association!!! Look up your own laws, stop being children!

Do you think any "LAW" is really broken when there is no injured party? NO!!!!
Do you think most BAR attornies know about any of that? NO!!!
Those whom are licensed to the BAR are unknowingly committing crimes and offenses, the LAW is the law it is not a privilege - PERIOD!!!

Who do you think actually rules these laws, a usurper or yourself? The answer is yourself, so I say allow the grants to go be submit immediately provided it's not directly tied to Vatican churches or any church such as Lutherans. According to Marbury v. Madison, ANY SINGLE LAW THAT IS PASSED, WHICH IS NOT CONSTITUTIONAL OR PROPERLY DICTATED, is considered "void ab initio"!!! Law can never be twisted! This goes for ANY law!!!

Start wising up. You take this dictation into any court room, and you can only witness the criminals scramble to get out of dodge. They KNOW it is breaking the law when unconstitutional laws are enforced, they KNOW for a fact you are NOT your Capital Letters Name. They can still do whatever they wish, including instant PRISON, should you openly admit yourself into court as your capital letters name!!

Do you know that? ARE YOU AWARE OF THE LAW? REMEMBER, IT DOES NOT REQUIRE ANY JUDGE LICENSE OR BAR LICENSE OF ANY TYPE - EVER - TO PRACTICE LAW!!!!! IT REQUIRES KNOWING THE LAW!!!! Going in there and citing these Court Cases, along with the very code its based off of, is enough to HANG most court rooms within a few days.

This destroys their entire enterprise the second its employed. Do you even in effect know about the LAW stated in State V. Pender? THERE IS NO CRIME, IF THERE IS NO ONE HARMED BY SAID OFFENSE!!

This is calculated, cold hard law and should be deployed everywhere. Are you a mouse or are you a LION? NEVER accept a contract under color of law, or you deserve prison as your capital letter name says you do. KNOW the law, and you can prosecute them, throw them out of your lives for good and stay out of court. Go out and re-circulate the truth!!! As decreed.
This is no game, while most of the stories that come out are lies this one is based on fact. The fighters are who win, and this is the difference between your demise and freedom.

Anonymous said...

You forget the number one group that controls the world...the "Jesuits". That says it all!