Intel Guru Loechin ...as you all are aware of the rate is $3.44 in Iraq and what a party is going
on there right now. The lower denoms are out and being used as we speak. We are
waiting as the process is now OVER yes I did say OVER for one more thing. The
rate is going to raise to $3.87 in Iraq then the 800's are coming out and we go
to the Bank. We are expecting this to happen sometime tonight and I'm
excited. As soon as the 800's are released call the bank and
make your appointment ASAP. The
rates are now $38.67
and should stay right there for you to exchange.
Did I just hear someone shout !!!!!!!!!! Yep I did as you all are aware of the rate is $3.44 in Iraq and what a party is going on there right now. The lower denoms are out and being used as we speak. We are waiting as the process is now OVER yes I did say OVER for one more thing. The rate is going to raise to $3.87 in Iraq then the 800's are coming out and we go to the Bank. We are expecting this to happen sometime tonight and I'm excited. As soon as the 800's are released call the bank and make your appointment ASAP. The rates are now $38.67 and should stay right there for you to exchange.
As of this moment I have not signed an NDA but I will not be on any more open mic calls, nor will I be posting in any chat rooms. I have decided it's time to disappear or at least start the process. I had to take my Ministry Web site down due to some person in the Dinar world posting my site on their dinar site. I will however use loechin live to communicate with you until I sign my NDA. I will continue to do my own calls as well.
Keep the faith everyone and as soon as I get the numbers you will have them asap....
loechin live
Visit stage2omega at: http://www.stage2omega.com/? xg_source=msg_mes_network
Did I just hear someone shout !!!!!!!!!! Yep I did as you all are aware of the rate is $3.44 in Iraq and what a party is going on there right now. The lower denoms are out and being used as we speak. We are waiting as the process is now OVER yes I did say OVER for one more thing. The rate is going to raise to $3.87 in Iraq then the 800's are coming out and we go to the Bank. We are expecting this to happen sometime tonight and I'm excited. As soon as the 800's are released call the bank and make your appointment ASAP. The rates are now $38.67 and should stay right there for you to exchange.
As of this moment I have not signed an NDA but I will not be on any more open mic calls, nor will I be posting in any chat rooms. I have decided it's time to disappear or at least start the process. I had to take my Ministry Web site down due to some person in the Dinar world posting my site on their dinar site. I will however use loechin live to communicate with you until I sign my NDA. I will continue to do my own calls as well.
Keep the faith everyone and as soon as I get the numbers you will have them asap....
loechin live
Visit stage2omega at: http://www.stage2omega.com/?
Is it ny wonder that once the criminals, thugs and thieves of the UST get hold of the RV/CE PROCESS THEY MANIPULATE! STALL! DESTABILIZE and screw the hard work by Ms. Lagarde and others. The UST has a long history of criminally screwing anyone, any company, country, thing, any economy bank account or transaction.....because they can. No oversight at all, ever. No checks and balances and CL did not consider that? Time to ride Cowgirl on their asses at the UST - Lew the New Saddam, et.al., laughing at everyone like Stumpfy did. Keep laughing. Like now. The Iraqi people and THE WORLD AREBEING HELD HOSTAGE BY THESE TWITS FOR WHAT - their personal power and control? Shame on these people. Shame. This has gone beyond destabilizing and market manipulation. It is now obscene economic banksterism and curmudgeonous, psychopathic glee to cripple the world. Jealousy also comes to mind......NDA's caused by the insipid ineptitude of Lew, Maliki, O, et.al.. Who ever heard of having to agree to sign an NDA for exchanging currency........a first. Damage control.
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