information contained below is the legal documentation that THE U.S.
Brief Note Here. When these letters to the editors were first run, people
started reading the Anderson Independent Mail more and were telling others to
read this newspaper. When the newspaper no longer would run letters of a little
more length and far more substance than what they were able to say in
shorter allowed letters to the editor, then people began to ignore the
newspaper far more and read far less of it. When several letters of mine
appeared in this newspaper defending Christianity and defending what America
was legally founded upon, I one time estimated maybe up to 50 people who knew
me would see me on the street and or in church and congratulate me for
defending the values of Christianity and America in public. I had a large
retail store in Seneca, SC then and was widely known. I did not receive one bad
comment from anyone who read these letters I wrote and knew me.
A little side moral here. If newspapers would more seriously report the truth
instead of being basically propaganda rag sheets for the power elite, their
circulations would not be melting down and many newspapers going out of
business or else just on the internet now. The people like newspapers that tell
them the truth and face honestly the national issues of America. That builds up
their newspapers in circulation, not pulling the legs of the people so often in
censored news or else misrepresented news and printing up false propaganda
instead of the truth so often in their newspapers. I changed my regular name
into my pen name of Erasmus of America in the following. And abbreviated the
name of a well known atheist then who was quite vocal in this area to Mr. D as
he may have realized later on he was wrong in a number of his statements in the
newspapers and I give him the chance of a change of heart for our times.
BIBLE IS THE WORD OF GOD (excerpts from Letter to the Editor) - December 22,
Jesus Christ fulfilled 333 prophecies out of 333 prophecies in the Old
Testament according to a number of Bible scholars. According to the theory of
probability in mathematics, that means that Jesus Christ overcame mathematical
odds of 1 over 84 as a fraction with 97 zeroes then following that 84. That
means it required odds of infinity, in effect, for those prophesied 333
prophetic details given for the coming Messiah or Savior for all mankind in the
Old Testament of the Bible.
That is the mathematical signature of God certifying that Jesus Christ is the
authentic Son of God as prophesied about in Psalms 2 written by King David of
Israel. God fulfilled odds of infinity to certify that Jesus Christ is the one
and only true Savior for mankind as sent by God the Father.
...Using this Bible denounced as fiction by Mr. D, I followed the New Testament
instructions and deadly tumors on my wife dropped off her after the medical
field said she needed immediate surgery in order to save her life.
I knew the Bible was supernatural in contents and God rewarded my faith in the
Bible by an obvious MIRACLE OF GOD that shocked the medical field after telling
her she needed this immediate surgery in order to save her life.
...Since then, I have had Miracles of God with my wife and three times when I
was developing what were apparent cancer tumors on myself...
(A number of Christians indicated they loved this testimony on Miracles of God
in this article! Atheists and other elements hostile to Christianity lashed out
in wrath that I would dare publicize Miracles of God when they deny them!)
Erasmus of America
A CHRISTIAN NATION - April 7, 1997
In a letter printed March 21, Mr. D boldly proclaimed , "Our nation was
not founded on Jesus Christ."
He urged us to learn some American history. O.K., Mr. D, here's some American
In 1620, the Pilgrims leaving the Mayflower wrote of their purpose in
colonizing America: "Having undertaken, for ye glorie of God, and
advancement of ye Christian faith..."(The Mayflower Compact.).
In July, 1776, General George Washington addressed his troops, ordering them to
"...live, and act, as becomes a Christian soldier..." Our peace
treaty with Great Britain, ending the Revolutionary War, began, "In the
name of the m ost Holy and undivided Trinity."
While simultaneously serving as President and Wash., D.C. school board
chairman, Thomas Jefferson mandated the use of the Bible and the hymnal to
teach reading.
Congressional resolutions throughout most of our history have proclaimed that
our government is based on Biblical principles. Our founders even based our
judicial, legislative, and executive branches on Isaiah 33:22 (The Lord is
Judge, Lawgiver, and King).
recently as 1892, in the Trinity Decision, our Supreme Court declared,
"Our laws and institutions must necessarily be based upon and embody the
teachings of the Redeemer." It continued, "...our civilization and
our institutions are emphatically Christian."
Similar quotes could fill many pages in this newspaper.
Mr. D, again, told us our "founding fathers" embodied
"separation of church and state in the Constitution." I want him to
show your readers exactly where he found that "separation" clause.
It's not there. That "separation" wording came from an 1802 Thomas
Jefferson letter, out of context, and a 1947 court decision that today's court
admits was flawed.
A challenge to Mr. D's followers: Read for yourselves the abundant
"Christian nation" writings of our founders, then look for Mr. D's
"separation" clause in the Constitution. Proving him dead wrong on
both counts, ask yourself if he is a learned freethinker, worthy of your
attention, or just a bitter attention-seeking man who is willfully ignorant of
America's founding and our Constitution.
Larry Linsin
Otto, N.C.
Mr. D's seems to have made himself the authority on religion and the
U.S. Constitution and of course he's wrong as usual. His comment that the
First Amendment was written in an effort to build a "wall of separation
between church and state" is a fairy tale.
The phrase "wall of separation" was not coined by Thomas Jefferson;
rather it was a play on words used by him in addressing the Danbury Baptist
In 1802 there was a rumor that the federal government was about to sponsor
a national denomination of Christianity. That America at that time was not
only Christian but proud of it is amply documented in our history and needs no
elaboration here. However, to allow one denomination preference over
another was anathema.
Jefferson wrote the Danbury Baptist Association the following letter on Jan 1,
1802: "I contemplate with solemn reverence that act of the whole American
people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus
building a wall of separation between Church and State."
Since this phrase was not recorded in the discussions of the Constitutional
Convention nor in the records of the subsequent Congress that produced the
First Amendment and the Bill of Rights, why would Jefferson select this
particular phrase to reassure them?
Remember that Jefferson was addressing a group of Baptists of which he was not
a member. When a politician addresses a group of constituents, he always uses
words or phrases that they can relate to, donning the hard hat when talking to
construction workers, a cowboy hat when in Texas, and so on.
For the Danbury Baptists, it was the words of one of their most prominent
ministers, Roger Williams. Williams' words had been: "When they have
opened a gap in the hedge or wall of separation between the garden of the
church and the wilderness of the world, God hath ever broken down the wall
According to Williams, the "wall of separation" was to protect the
"garden of the church" from the "wilderness of the
world," not the other way around.
There is not now nor has there in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights an
understanding by the Founding Fathers to create an amoral nation devoid of God
at the center:
Those who use the inclusion of James Madison as the "architect of the
Constitution" leave out his philosophy on government, to wit: "We
have staked the whole future of American civilization not upon power of the
government, far from it. We have staked the future of all our
political institutions upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern
ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God."
By the way, in 1980 the court ruled it was unconstitutional for students to
even see the Ten Commandments on school property! The "chief
architect of the Constitution," James Madison states that the future of
our institutions is building on keeping the Ten Commandments and the court says
it is unconstitutional for students to even see them. Who do you think knows
more about the intent of the Constitution, James Madison or the current
Supreme Court?
(Inserted legal note by Erasmus of America. The Communist Party of America
invented the new Marxist legal version of American history that it was illegal
to allow prayer and the Bible in the public schools of America whereas the
Northwest Ordinance of 1789 was signed into law by President George Washington
and had been influenced into law by Thomas Jefferson. It said that no
territory could become a state of America which did not teach morality in its
public schools meaning prayer and the Bible were required in the schools or
else that territory could never become a State of the United States. See how
totally your American history has been censored from you because the Communists
secretly captured control of it and rewrote American history which even the
U.S. Supreme Court took at face value the Communist version of American law and
so issued a Communist decision that prayer and the Bible were illegal to be in
the public schools of America. Time for the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse its
Communist Party version of law as they ruled contrary to the legal intent
and wording of the First Amendment of the U.S. Bill of Rights concerning
freedom of religion in America. Once the Omni Law is passed, we will reverse
this Communist capture of the U.S. Supreme Court and have a correct ruling on
freedom of religion this time in America.
Think long and hard the next time you vote. John Jay, first chief justice of
the United States, declared: "Providence has given our people the choice
of their rulers, and it is the duty as well as the privilege and interest of
our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers."
Story (1779-1845) was appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court by James Madison
called "the Father of the U.S. Constitution." In 1844 he wrote
the unanimous opinion of the U.S. Supreme Court then in the case of Vital
v. Girard's Executors on the original meaning of the 1st Bill of Rights on
religon: "The real object of the First Amendment was not to countenance,
much less to advance Mohammedanism, or Judaism, or infidelity (atheism), by
prostrating Christianity, but to exclude all rivalry among Christian sects
(church denominations) and to prevent any national ecclesiastical patronage
(establishment of a denomination as the national church) of the national
In this same unanimous ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court, they explained that it
was lawful and expected under the First Bill of Rights on religion to
teach the Bible, both Old and especially the New Testament, in all the
schools of America covered by the U.S. Constitution as national law. And the
churches could teach far more privately, but the New Testament was expected
under the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights to be the sole
national standard to teach all the school children of America the basic
morality needed by all citizens of America. These U.S. Supreme Court Justices
were raised in the American Revolution and immediately afterwards and knew the
correct legal intent understood by the American people and states when they
ratified the U.S. Constitution and 10 U.S. Bill of Rights!
William Hubbs Rehnquist, now Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (at time
this report was written), stated in 1985 in Wallace v. Jayfree, while an
Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court: "It is impossible to build
sound constitutional doctrine upon a mistaken understanding of Constitutional
history...The establishment clause has been expressly freighted with Jefferson's
misleading metaphor for nearly forty years...
There is simply no historical foundation for the proposition that the framers
intended to build a wall of separation (between church and state)...The recent
court decisions are in no way based on either the language or the intent
of the framers."
Years ago, I, Erasmus of America, used to collect Communist publications of
America from roughly 1920 onwards. Also, I received very confidential Communist
publications from one of the top 12 Communist leaders of America who became a
Christian shortly before World War II. During the Depression, they set up a
plan of rewriting American history to change the meaning of the U.S.
Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights, and make their Marxist version become the
official version to be taught in colleges and law schools all over America.
They said that by capture of the American educational system from within, they
could then use force of law to brainwash American children into Marxist
teachings such as their new invented version of the American Revolution, why it
was fought, and what was the original intended meaning of the U.S. Constitution
and U.S. Bill of Rights. They were going to write Christianity out of giving
America the political and economic concepts which launched the American
Revolution and founded America as a nation. They would instead substitute their
invented historical lie of America being founded as a humanist, atheistic,
Marxist nation, and get this taught in all the school textbooks of America as
the approved new version of American history and throwing in the trashcan
what regular history books had taught such as the "Bulletproof George
Washington" protected by Divine protection, America founded as a Christian
nation and government, etc.
They wanted to give the national government Marxist centralist powers denied by
the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights chief of which was a progressive
federal income tax and a central banking system designed to economically
control the people so they worked to enrich the government instead of
themselves. Americans today give up to 50% of all their annual wages to direct
and indirect taxes. The vast bulk of the tax money is squandered. It is
just to keep excessive money out of the hands of the ordinary people of
America. By legal double-talk they would outlaw the Bible from the schools of
America, push evolution as an alleged scientific fact and not allow any
scientific fact and not allow any scientific evaluation or facts to be
presented in the schools which might tend to discredit it, and by this system
of takeover of the educational system of America, now brainwash the school
children of America that Marxism is Americanism and what the American
Revolution was fought to establish. The Ten Plans of the Communist Manifesto of
Karl Marx in 1848 is pretty much the key federal law of America today!
I had informants inside the Communist Party of America. The most secret
apparatus of the Communists then was the 100 Columns of the Communist Party in
America. Columns means top American leaders who were dedicated Communists, but
would never admit it to the dumb, gullible public as they saw the American
people. Their main program was to create propaganda spins on key platforms of
Marxism for America and piecemeal pass federal law after federal law until
finally through legal double-talk they had turned the U.S. Constitution into a
Marxist police state for America. One time when the Communists wanted a key
industrial process of my father, they tried to win him over by telling him how
they had captured secret control of the main American educational system and
brainwashing the school children of America, they would have to end up winning
control of America in the end. This is why Khrushchev boasted to America that
one day our grandchildren would wake up one morning to find they were now
living in a Marxist America.
While domestically Ronald Reagan couldn't undo the "politically
correct" politics and education of America run by our "100
Columns" of America then, still, by skillful blockage of the drive of the
Soviet Union to develop a major oil pipeline to Europe to provide the finances
to keep the Soviet Union alive, President Reagan as he had planned, finally
caused the financial collapse of the Soviet Union and with it unhinged their
plans for world conquest. However, we still have left this "politically
correct" politics and education of America which was started by a
Communist intellectual driven out of Nazi Germany in the 1930's, came to
America and financed by some wealthy set up the "politically correct"
movement in America to make Americans only accept Communist positions as right
to govern America by or talk about. It sounds nicer to trick people with
"politically correct" than openly admit it is Marxist in concept and
principles which it basically is! So pass this publication around all over
America and stop being chicken liver psuedo-patriots and instead become real
Americans again standing for what America was founded upon! We were founded on
principles of law and education derived from the Bible! Once national
censorship is broken in America, this can easily be proven by mass quoting of
all the Founding Fathers of America and their first successors to national
power in America.
The newspapers of America have neither the journalistic integrity called
honesty, nor the moral guts to openly publish the above material I just showed
you. Enclosed is part of a Letter to the Editor I wrote to the Anderson
Independent-Mail on June 25, 1998. I never expected them to publish it nor
other main newspapers of America today. This was to show the American people a
deadly proof that our main newspapers in America are heavily censored in key
areas to try and control you, the American people, from knowing the real facts
that will enable you to think and act for yourselves in life instead of having
the news boys do all your approved thinking for you and control you!
Dear Editor:
"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." -
John 8:32.
Dr. Hulda Clark of Canada came to America and cured 100 out of 100 Americans of
Cancer. For this, Wash., D.C. told her to stop her curing of Cancer or she
would be sent to federal prison for years as a criminal. She went to Mexico and
then proceeded to cure 1,000 out of 1,000 Americans of their Cancer. The
newspapers of America would not publicize her because they they did not love
the truth nor cared whether countless millions of Americans would die of Cancer
because they were censoring the news of truth in order to protect the giant
profits of the drug industry and medical field which made far too much money
off of fighting Cancer to want to cure it...
From 1170 a.D. to 1270 A.D. medieval France went under a monetary system based
on the teachings of Jesus Christ not to hoard money, but spend and invest it
wisely. Their system was known by various names such as duceats, bracteates,
and Monetarum Renovatum which means in Latin money which renews itself. It
generated such rapid and skyrocketing prosperity across France, the people
stopped working long hours six days a week and went down to 6 hours a day 4
days a week as they also worshipped 52 Sundays a year and on top of that had
around an extra 100 religious holidays a year. They retired at the age of 45 to
55 and lived off of their investments in real estate and business. Local
historians wrote that a virtual golden age had arrived on earth where mankind
had solved virtually all his problems. The peasants were so prosperous that
with their spare money built around 580 giant Gothic cathedrals and
cathedral-grade churches in 100 years. They didn't need taxes, bank loans, etc.
to do it but out of the prosperity and spare money of the peasants as already
stated. They wanted to thank God for giving them this virtual golden age by
building all these magnificent churches to honor God with!
America attempted building one Gothic cathedral by the old
Gothic method of France and spent most of a century doing this. When
completing Washington National Cathedral in Wash., D.C. in the 'seventies
(thought a few touches took up to around 1990), they stated that America was
not rich enough as a nation to ever be able to build another large Gothic
cathedral or church in America ever again! America had modern industry and
couldn't build more of these showpiece Gothic churches. Medieval France had no
modern industry. However, they did have a very highpowered monetary system
created from a teaching of Jesus Christ in the New Testament and built 580
magnificient Gothic church structures in the same basic time as America built
one in and it didn't even financially strain the French people to do this!
The Bible money system was overthrown by anti-Christian gold lending interests who did not like the nobility and peasants (and businesses) being too prosperous to need to go into debt. And all this Christian and monetary history of medieval France is censored from our textbooks by powerful (banking) interests who do not want the people to know that Christianity has all the key economic answers to solve all of their economic problems in life.
...When America stops its war of stupidity trying to deny and outlaw God from our earth, then we can restore the monetary system of Jesus Christ used from 1170-1270 A.D., no national debt, virtually no federal taxes, wages probably three times higher, average work week maybe 24 hours weekly, end of crime as happened then, great married and family life, etc.!"
End of report "LETTERS TO THE EDITOR." When I lived near to Wash., D.C. many years ago, they wanted me silenced very badly on this economics from the Middle Ages, etc. They destroyed my private library which included many rare economic reports and documents including copies of the historical accounts of the Middle Ages on this Bible Money I reported on above. I had rare books, reports, documents given to me by some of the top economists in the world all destroyed! Also, lab reports and corporate documents on my father's Vatican endorsed industrial food process all destroyed! Since that time, I have considered Wash., D.C. to be nothing but a barbarian government pretending to be civilized in our modern world. They lost my goodwill then and never have won it back! I have no trust in the honesty, integrity, and even intelligence of Wash., D.C. and that is why I wrote up the OMNI Law to restore honesty, integrity, and sound intelligence to a government which today has become an insult to the Founding Fathers of America in 1776! I was over the years able to restore some of the rare economic publications I had from back then and also some business reports, etc. on my father's great Vatican endorsed industrial food process, but also many others records and documents are all lost forever including correspondence with the Vatican, top world food experts, etc. to my father.
Wash., D.C. is culturally a barbarian government today. I intend to restore it to be a civilized government in the world by passage of my proposed Omni Law on my national website. Under Obama who despises the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights, I think the main difference between Nazi Germany of before and Wash., D.C. today is location as both for their time have been committed to total tyranny under law once the people allow this to happen. I am no fan of Adolf Hitler, but I will give him credit for some brains in economics and war for a dictator which made him tough to defeat in warfare. As for Obama who wants to be dictator of America, he does not even remotely have the brains that Hitler did for a dictator. All he offers America if he wins to become dictator of America is disaster and ruin for America if he has his way in government and laws. He is the end of America as a nation if he is allowed to carry out his sick plans for America!
As the son of the woman once rated by I.Q. test to be the most brilliant child in American history up to then and went to a state university without prior formal education, she did not raise a dummy for a son! Like it or not, I have told you bluntly the truth how rotten Obama is for America as a national leader. Don't pass the Omni Law on my national website and I make no guarantees that America will survive as a nation. Obama was the dumbest move the American people ever made! He is preprogrammed pure disaster for America and in the White House for 5 years now, he still has not got the economy going anywhere but to ruin for America! And Obamacare is a beautiful plan for the potential collapse of the American economy as business people across America are wondering how they survive as businesses under the crazy ideas built into Obamacare.
By the way, got two phone calls from a friend of mine in Roanoke County, VA. One person close to him whose money is tight contacted the Obamacare insurance exchange website and found that he was going to have to pay insurance premiums beyond his ability to pay, so did not commit to any insurance plan and left the website. He shortly afterwards received an email from them that he would be fined $5,000 for not signing up and they would put a lien on his house or else have his driver's license cancelled in America if he did not have a house and pay the fine house or not. Also, if fine not paid, he understood that they might put him in federal prison. If he had a house, they would later confiscate it if he did not pay the $5,000 fine. And they would deduct payments for health insurance from his checking account without his permission. He told friends this is crazy and no one go to that website to try and sign up for health insurance through that insurance exchange website that is a scandal already as it barely operates at all.
What do you expect from a radically trained man in the White House and has little to no practical brains in the fields of life ordinary Americans deal with? He has a magic wand concept of law that does not match reality in America. He needs to be removed from the White House before he destroys America with wild schemes of his.
Pass this report around all across America. Ancient Rome was stuck with Nero who fiddled while Rome burned! We got stuck with Obama instead for our modern day Nero who doesn't know reality and is fiddling while trying to burn America down!
Our website is www.fastboomamericaneconomy.com Our email is fastboomamericaneconomy.com@gmail.com . For those wanting to send us payments instead of through our website, our mailing address is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what payment is for whether for a product helping to finance our Omni Law Drive or a loan payment for the Omni Law Loan Program on our website and designed to finance the passage of the Omni Law and then pay you back the original loan money supplied plus special bonuses making this far more profitable for you than stock offers and should work as the offers are sound. By the way, can't let the cat out of the bag yet. We hold some hidden aces now that should insure that we will be able to pass the Omni Law and fast once three conditions occur. One, with collapse of Obamacare, that plays into our hands. Two other conditions we cannot say yet! We expect to win! But like in fighting a war, you don't tell the other side how you expect to defeat them! We are within range of being able to pass the Omni Law maybe even quickly now. And since all phone calls and emails are listened to and watched by Obama in America in total violation of the U.S. Bill of Rights, we did not show our true hand over these means of communications. We expect to win! I learned in military schools how to win a war, not lose the war!
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the American patriot who realizes that Obama is forcing America to either return to its roots of 1776 or else America thinks Obama is worth destroying a nation for by following his radical and unsound ideas for America.)
The Bible money system was overthrown by anti-Christian gold lending interests who did not like the nobility and peasants (and businesses) being too prosperous to need to go into debt. And all this Christian and monetary history of medieval France is censored from our textbooks by powerful (banking) interests who do not want the people to know that Christianity has all the key economic answers to solve all of their economic problems in life.
...When America stops its war of stupidity trying to deny and outlaw God from our earth, then we can restore the monetary system of Jesus Christ used from 1170-1270 A.D., no national debt, virtually no federal taxes, wages probably three times higher, average work week maybe 24 hours weekly, end of crime as happened then, great married and family life, etc.!"
End of report "LETTERS TO THE EDITOR." When I lived near to Wash., D.C. many years ago, they wanted me silenced very badly on this economics from the Middle Ages, etc. They destroyed my private library which included many rare economic reports and documents including copies of the historical accounts of the Middle Ages on this Bible Money I reported on above. I had rare books, reports, documents given to me by some of the top economists in the world all destroyed! Also, lab reports and corporate documents on my father's Vatican endorsed industrial food process all destroyed! Since that time, I have considered Wash., D.C. to be nothing but a barbarian government pretending to be civilized in our modern world. They lost my goodwill then and never have won it back! I have no trust in the honesty, integrity, and even intelligence of Wash., D.C. and that is why I wrote up the OMNI Law to restore honesty, integrity, and sound intelligence to a government which today has become an insult to the Founding Fathers of America in 1776! I was over the years able to restore some of the rare economic publications I had from back then and also some business reports, etc. on my father's great Vatican endorsed industrial food process, but also many others records and documents are all lost forever including correspondence with the Vatican, top world food experts, etc. to my father.
Wash., D.C. is culturally a barbarian government today. I intend to restore it to be a civilized government in the world by passage of my proposed Omni Law on my national website. Under Obama who despises the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights, I think the main difference between Nazi Germany of before and Wash., D.C. today is location as both for their time have been committed to total tyranny under law once the people allow this to happen. I am no fan of Adolf Hitler, but I will give him credit for some brains in economics and war for a dictator which made him tough to defeat in warfare. As for Obama who wants to be dictator of America, he does not even remotely have the brains that Hitler did for a dictator. All he offers America if he wins to become dictator of America is disaster and ruin for America if he has his way in government and laws. He is the end of America as a nation if he is allowed to carry out his sick plans for America!
As the son of the woman once rated by I.Q. test to be the most brilliant child in American history up to then and went to a state university without prior formal education, she did not raise a dummy for a son! Like it or not, I have told you bluntly the truth how rotten Obama is for America as a national leader. Don't pass the Omni Law on my national website and I make no guarantees that America will survive as a nation. Obama was the dumbest move the American people ever made! He is preprogrammed pure disaster for America and in the White House for 5 years now, he still has not got the economy going anywhere but to ruin for America! And Obamacare is a beautiful plan for the potential collapse of the American economy as business people across America are wondering how they survive as businesses under the crazy ideas built into Obamacare.
By the way, got two phone calls from a friend of mine in Roanoke County, VA. One person close to him whose money is tight contacted the Obamacare insurance exchange website and found that he was going to have to pay insurance premiums beyond his ability to pay, so did not commit to any insurance plan and left the website. He shortly afterwards received an email from them that he would be fined $5,000 for not signing up and they would put a lien on his house or else have his driver's license cancelled in America if he did not have a house and pay the fine house or not. Also, if fine not paid, he understood that they might put him in federal prison. If he had a house, they would later confiscate it if he did not pay the $5,000 fine. And they would deduct payments for health insurance from his checking account without his permission. He told friends this is crazy and no one go to that website to try and sign up for health insurance through that insurance exchange website that is a scandal already as it barely operates at all.
What do you expect from a radically trained man in the White House and has little to no practical brains in the fields of life ordinary Americans deal with? He has a magic wand concept of law that does not match reality in America. He needs to be removed from the White House before he destroys America with wild schemes of his.
Pass this report around all across America. Ancient Rome was stuck with Nero who fiddled while Rome burned! We got stuck with Obama instead for our modern day Nero who doesn't know reality and is fiddling while trying to burn America down!
Our website is www.fastboomamericaneconomy.com Our email is fastboomamericaneconomy.com@gmail.com . For those wanting to send us payments instead of through our website, our mailing address is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what payment is for whether for a product helping to finance our Omni Law Drive or a loan payment for the Omni Law Loan Program on our website and designed to finance the passage of the Omni Law and then pay you back the original loan money supplied plus special bonuses making this far more profitable for you than stock offers and should work as the offers are sound. By the way, can't let the cat out of the bag yet. We hold some hidden aces now that should insure that we will be able to pass the Omni Law and fast once three conditions occur. One, with collapse of Obamacare, that plays into our hands. Two other conditions we cannot say yet! We expect to win! But like in fighting a war, you don't tell the other side how you expect to defeat them! We are within range of being able to pass the Omni Law maybe even quickly now. And since all phone calls and emails are listened to and watched by Obama in America in total violation of the U.S. Bill of Rights, we did not show our true hand over these means of communications. We expect to win! I learned in military schools how to win a war, not lose the war!
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the American patriot who realizes that Obama is forcing America to either return to its roots of 1776 or else America thinks Obama is worth destroying a nation for by following his radical and unsound ideas for America.)
1 comment:
Keep sending me those checks people. I need the money.
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